人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 Section B Reading 2a2e教学设计_八年级人教版英语下册

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人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 Section B Reading 2a2e教学设计由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“八年级人教版英语下册”。

人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 Section B Reading 2a--2e教学设计 1教学目标


1)能掌握以下单词:bamboo, adult, keeper, illne, excitement, awake, endangered, protect, wild, government, walk into, fall over, Chengdu Research Base 2)能够掌握阅读技巧:skimming and scanning 2.情感态度价值观目标:

培养学生具有热爱大自然,保护环境,保护动物的意识 2学情分析



1)掌握本课时中出现的生词:bamboo, adult, keeper, illne, excitement, awake, endangered, protect, wild, government, walk into, fall over, Chengdu Research Base 2)能够掌握阅读技巧:skimming and scanning 2.教学难点:




Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Lead in 播放有关大熊猫的视频,导入本课话题。Watch a video and think:

do you know about pandas? S1: Pandas are cute.S2: Pandas are lovely.S3: Pandas are white and black.S4:...Step 3 Presentation 通过回顾视频截图来引导学生们学习本课时的部分新单词,通过短文填空加深印象。bamboo forests, adult, keepers, walk into, fall over.Try to remember the new words.Use these words to complete the sentences.The panda _______ take good care of ______ pandas and _______ pandas.The pandas like eating ________.They like playing with friends and sometimes ________ their friends and ________.3 学习名词后缀构词法

由keeper的构词法引申开去,帮助学生理解掌握另外两个新单词illne 和excitement keeper=keep+er,illne=ill+ne, excitement=excite+ment 4.introduce the hometown of pandas T: Pandas are so popular that they are now a symbol of China.Do you know where the hometown of the pandas is? S: Sichuan T: Yes.Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province in Southwest China.It's the hometown of the pandas in China.And Many tourists go to the Chengdu Research Base to see pandas every year.Introduce Chengdu Research Base.Step 4 Reading

Skim the paage and match the paage with the main idea 2.The meaning of skimming and how to skim a paage 通过前面两步,目的为了让学生了解skim 的技巧,并在实际操练中逐步掌握。3.Divide the paage into three parts.引导学生分层分段,进而更好地为阅读理解服务。4.Read first part carefully then answer five questions.1)What is Lin Wei’s job?

2)What does Lin Wei do every day? 3)At 9:00, what do most of the baby pandas do ? 4)What do the baby pandas have for breakfast? 5)What do the baby pandas do when they see the keepers? 这5个问题是针对第二部分内容的细节展开的,5个问题的设置目的在于引导学生对细节的关注。

5.Scan the second part and find out what these numbers mean: 2,000 300 12 10 6.The meaning of scanning and how to scan a paage 通过前面两步,目的为了让学生了解scan的技巧,并在实际操练中逐步掌握;同时训练学生对文本中的数字的敏感性。

7.Read the second part carefully and find out the three reasons: Why are pandas endangered?


8.Read the third part and find out what are the three organizations doing to protect the pandas.An education 1 ____________________________________________ program in Chengdu 2_____________________________________________ 2.The Chinese government ____________________________________________ 3.Scientists __________________________________________________________ 目的也是理清学生的思路。Step 5 Listen and complete 2d 1.The panda ________ at the Chengdu Research Base are awake very early in the morning to _________ breakfast for the baby pandas.2.In _______, pandas have become so _______ that they are now a symbol of China.Adult pandas do not have babies very ________, and some of the babies only live for a short time because of _________.4.A special program in Chengdu teaches _____about why pandas are _______.5.The Chinese_____________ is also helping to_____ the pandas.Scientists also want to better____________ the habits of pandas.通过文本填空的方式,学生对文本内容进一步熟悉,有利于学生对文本的复述。Step 6 Discu: What should we do to protect endangered animals Step 7 Enjoy a poem : Let us be animals’ friends Step 8 Conclusion T: Animals are our friends, please love animals, love the environment, and love the world.通过全班小组讨论,教育学生应该保护动物,最后全班在小诗朗诵的过程中将这一情怀推向高潮。

Step 9 Homework Read the paage again and try to retell it.Finish 2c and 3a in the book.课后作业是课堂的延伸,通过阅读促进说和写,让学生在实际的练习中体验阅读带给他们的进步。板书设计:

Unit7 What’s the highest mountains in the world? bamboo walk into adult fall over keeper Chengdu Research Base illne,excitement awake endangered protect wild government


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