外研版必修5 Module6 Animals in Danger Period 4: Speaking,Function,Grammer
山阳中学 刘昭
外研社新标准版必修5 Module 6 Animals in Danger 【指导思想】
1、坚持以学生为中心,以任务为主的教学原则。(learner-centered;task-based learning)
I.基本目标 A.知识目标:
reserve lay
wonder involve insect endanger struggle protection
wildlife make sure
be strict in/ with put down
be concerned about/of feed on stand for
C.德育目标: 学习“saving the antelope”课文,培养分析问题的能力和逻辑思维能力。
I. 教学重点
任务教学法(task-based language)情景教学法(situation approach)整体语言教学法(whole language teaching)交际法(communicative approach)【教 具】Muti-media facilities(使用多媒体图片,提供有趣,真实,易懂的素材。讲授定语从句用法。方便使用,提高学习效率。)【教学过程】
Step1 Warming up(1)Listening and sing the song together.(2)Greeting each other.The student on duty and free talk.(通过欢快而美妙的歌曲,亲切的问候,流畅的交流可以快速稳定学生情绪,给他们创设学习英语的氛围。)
Step2 Revision To check the homework.Discuion: What should we do to protect the antelopes? Get students to act as the officer of our government who make a speech to appeal people to protect the animals.(英语课堂教学活动形式本就应该灵活多样,教师课堂用语就应该贴近学生日常生活的同时,也要让学生能将英语当母语一样表达。这个教学环节让学生把自己想象为一位名人时很容易产生成熟感,从而促进自己的英语学习。)
Step3 Leading in Say: Just now, we have listened a wonderful speech about protecting animals.As we all know, there are many animals in danger at present.We all are very worried about their lives.So how to expre our concern in English.Step4 Learn part 1: Function 1.Watch the screen and underline the expreions of concern in the dialogue.2.师生共同探讨。
Explain some language points.(有疑问向老师或同学提出,由老师或同学给予回答,然后老师提出问题由学生回答。)
3.Then let students read and act out the dialogue.(朗读表演)4.Make new dialogues using the words in the box.I’m concerned about…..I’m very worried about…..We really should do more for…..It’s really upsetting…..(让学生朗读,表演,编造对话,给学生一定的自主空间,发挥学生的主体性。采用灵活多样的教学手段和教学方法,创设丰富多彩的教学情境,这有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,从而调动全体学生学习英语积极性,同时也培养和强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习的能力。)
Step5 Learn part2:Grammar Learn the attributive clause.Give the students more examples: Tom
careful 用以上词汇来描述Tom,形成以下句子: The boy who is tall is tom.The boy who is clever is tom.The boy who is careful is tom.接着老师就本班的学生进行举例,如:
Sun Li is lovely.The girl who is lovely is Sun Li.Huang Yong is tall.The boy who is tall is Huang Yong.然后说一个类似的句子叫学生猜。
The boy who has curly hair, who is he? 学生自主学习,合作探究。得出以下结论:
在符合句子中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,引导定语从句的关系代词有that, which, who。当关系代词在定语从句中用作宾语时,关系代词常常省略。(在屏幕上出现,由学生分组探讨和研究。)
Step 6 Consolidation and practice.1.Fill in the blanks with that/which/who.(a)Do you know the man ______ came to see Xiao Yang this morning?(b)The people _______ you were talking to were Australians.(c)There’re many plays ________ I would like to see.(d)The train ________ has just left is for Xi’an.2.Make sentences with attributive clause.(想象思维训练)e.g.Teacher is the person who helps you grow up.Motherfather is the person who___________.3.Play gueing games.(猜谜游戏)(1)班级分为男女两个组,让各小组学生先各自介绍自己的相貌特征和兴趣,爱好。例如:
A: I have big eyes and a small mouth.I like playing the piano.B: I have short hair.I like playing football.C:(2)每组选一位学生来描述本小组某一位同学特征和喜好。让其他小组的学生猜猜看,看他到底描写的是谁。
A: student x is one who has big eyes and a small mouth.And she also likes playing the piano.Who is she? B: student x is one who has short hair and likes playing football.Who is he? Step7:Learn Part 3 1.Watching the screen.2.Practice.(pictures on the screen)Complete the paage in Activity5.(本练习为了培养和强化学生的语言实践能力和自主学习能力。)3.延伸话题,展开想象。
Make new dialogues and describe animals who were in danger.Think of ways to help the animals.(设计了创新思维能力的练习,采用不同的方法,鼓励学生主动参与,展示了个人的才能。培养学生思考问题,表达观点的能了,引导学生运用所学的语言和知识进行交际,体现了语言为生活服务的主旨,让学生进行一些即兴的,自由的交流活动,练习由浅入深,层层深入。)Step8 Guiding Homework 1.Oral work: make dialogues to show your concern about endangered animals and how to save animals.2.Written work: describe your friends/clamates……with attributive clause.(作业设计体现口语训练和应用,巩固所学重点和语言知识点的联系,书面表达提高了学生综合运用所学语言自由表达思想的能力。
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