Book Four
Unit 2
Plant a plant!Leon 10:Make Your Garden Grow!
一. 教材分析
二. 教学目标
consider, test, dry, purpose, rich enough, stay healthy 3.教学重点,难点:
To make the soil rich enough, you can put compost in your garden.Plants need water to grow strong and stay healthy.4.情感态度:
⑴ 激发学生发展不同的爱好。⑵ 激发学生学习英语的兴趣。三.教学准备:
多媒体、听力音频、彩纸 四.教学步骤: Step I Lead in Teacher: Hello, boys and girls!How are you today? Students: We’re fine.Teacher: Good!Do you like a house with a garden? Students: Yes, of course!
Teacher: What plants do you want to grow in the garden? Students: Apple trees, roses, gra …(学生说出自己不同的想法。)Teacher: What is fun about growing a garden? Students: I have fun looking at the flowers in the garden./ I have fun playing on the gra in the garden./ I have fun eating the fruit I grow in the garden.…(学生说出自己不同的想法。)Teacher: OK, Let’s see how to grow a garden!Step II New concepts 1.教师提问:What must you do when you decide to begin gardening? 帮助学生回答:We must consider many things.(学习并掌握生词consider)
教师提问:How can you know your garden has good soil? 帮助学生回答:We can test it to make sure.(学习并掌握test)教师提问:If there is not enough rain, what happens sometimes? 帮助学生回答:The garden gets dry.(学习并掌握dry)教师提问:What is the whole purpose of growing a garden? 帮助学生回答:To have fun.2.教师展示图片,学习其他单词:sunlight, compost, nearby, squirrel, fence(设计思路:通过图片以轻松愉快的方式进入英语学习,吸引学生对本课的主题内容产生浓厚的兴趣。)III.Cla Activities 1.默读全文,完成Let’s do it.①②
(设计思路:默读课文并根据问题在课文中找答案,捕捉信息,目 的是提升学生的阅读理解能力,对课文加深了解)
(设计思路:纠正学生的发音,锻炼学生朗读的能力,对课文再次 熟悉。)
4.小组活动:What things must you consider when you decide to begin gardening? 帮助学生按照课文步骤进行复述: 1)The garden needs enough _____ to grow well.2)You need to ______ the soil to make sure it is good enough.To make the soil _______ enough, you can put _______ in your garden.It is the ______ food for plants.3)Plants need water to grow ______ and stay ________.Sometimes there is not enough rain, and the garden gets ______.You need to _______ water nearby.4)You need to make a ______ to keep small animals _______ from your garden.5)Finally, don’t forget to _______ ______.That is the whole ______ of growing a garden!5.小组活动:完成Let’s Do It!Project 学生通过讨论,在彩纸上画出植物,写一篇小短文进行描述,并 在全班展示。
(设计思路:通过小组展示,调动学生的积极性。可以帮助学生巩 固本节课所学短语、句型,完成输入到输出的目的。)
Step IV.Homework 1.Finish Let Do It③
2.Draw and write about your favourite plant!五.板书设计:
Leon 10:Make Your Garden Grow!consider test dry purpose grow strong and stay healthy
“从前线回来的人„„无不为之感动”是侧面介绍。侧面介绍是为了补充正面介绍的不足,通过别人的眼光来写,增强 了事实的可信度,增强了文章的表达效果。 7.提问:本文的语言有什么......
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