
教案模板 时间:2020-02-27 14:44:58 收藏本文下载本文
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一、Teaching Aims 教学目的:

掌握生词,熟练用This is /He’s/She’s/It’s „„来介绍某人 对各国版图有大概印象,熟记各国首都及名车

二、Teaching Method 教学方式:PPP 歌曲A Beautiful Morning及供学生填词的练习卷 音频 小丸子图片 玩具娃娃

三、Grammar/ Key sentences/ structure 语法/重点&难点句型: “This is……”

“Nice to meet you.”

He’s/She’s/It’s+国籍.What make is it?

It’s + 品牌名.Is it a French car?

Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.选择疑问句Is it a French car or an American car?

四、Teaching Progre 教学过程(教学例子): 第一节 Step 1 :Review & Lead-in 引入(10mins)

1.Review the words and key sentences of L3-4.Recite P9together.2.Dictation & check the answers.3.Introduce“小丸子” to the student。

“Good evening, cla.Let me introduce a pretty girl to you.OK, now look at this picture.This is Xiao Wan zi.She is Japanese.”当大家初次和小丸子见面时,应该怎么说呢?“Nice to meet you.Right, so today we’ll learn leon5 Nice to meet you.”

Step 2 : Presentation 1.New words and expreions learning.(P10)(10mins)

由于Mr.Mi good morning new student nice too meet too 都比较常见,所以简单教授,并且采取卡片反应法训练,如迅速展示单词卡片,让学生快速说出中文,看到中文就快速说出英文,分组加分。重点操练国籍单词French German Japanese Korean Chinese Swedish English American Italian(滚雪球,听节奏读单词)补充首都名 Paris Berlin Tokyo Seoul Beijing Stockholm London New York Rome

2.Key sentences.(15mins)(1)大家思考下我刚才介绍小丸子时,用了哪两个句型。对了,是“This is +人名、称呼”这是某某人和“She’s +国籍adj” 她是„„,如果是男的,我们就用“He’s +国籍”好,现在大家用这两个句型来介绍自己周围的同学。


采用学生竞猜的方式,选择一个玩具娃娃,说“This is „„.He is from **(某个首都名),要求学生快速反应,说出He is **(对应国籍形容词)”)如“This is Xiao Qiang.He is from Paris.”学生必须快速说“He’s French.”看哪位同学说得又快又准。

(2)当我们在非正式场合初次见到同学或新朋友时,可以用“Nice to meet you.”,同时我们也可以用“Glad to meet you.”或者“Pleased to meet you.”,如果是正式场面,则用“How do you do?”

游戏“听音猜人”训练“Nice to meet you.”猜的同学面对黑板,让班里一位同学站起来说“Nice to meet you.”,猜的人要根据说话人的声音判断是谁,然后提问“Is he/she ***”全班用英语回答,规定提问的问题不超三次,猜到了则奖分。

(3)Close the book and listen to the audio, then answer the question “Is Chang-woo Chinese?” “No, he doesn’t.”(2mins)

(4)Open the book and follow to the audio and practice every sentence one by one.(5mins)

复习常用语Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Good night.He is= He’s

She is= She’s


单词 general总体的 manager经理 head头 Imp./Exp.Department进出口部主任 market市场 director指挥 RD Department Manager研发部经理


(6)Recite without the pictures.(8mins)

第二节 Step 3 :

1.Lead-in 五一大家有没有去广场看车展呢?It is said that there are many cars in the car show.Can you name the cars in English? First , let’s learn some new words : make Volvo Peugeot Mercedes Toyota Daewoo Mini Ford Fiat 拓展:奥迪Audi 雷克萨斯Lexus 悍马Hummer 大众Volkswagen别克Buick 保时捷Porsche 法拉利Ferrari 现代Hyundai 日产Nian 起亚Kia 雪铁龙Citroen 本田Honda 兰博基尼Lamborghini 马自达Mazda(10mins)2.Make dialogues in P11.(可结合P12最后的练习)(准备5mins, 展示10mins)

Eg: 8.Is it a French car? No, it isn’t.Is it a Swedish car? Yes, it is.What make is it? It’s a Volvo.10.Is it Japanese or German? It isn’t Japanese.It is German.3.Listen to the song “A Beautiful Morning”, then fill in the blanks.(15mins)


五、Aignment 作业

1.new words 中1英2(包括补充的单词)抄写并完成P12 B部分的偶数题



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