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校本课程教案 故事阅读:Arthur's Bad news Day About the Book(故事简介)

Text Type: Fiction/Realistic Page Count: 16 Word Count: 586 About the Leon Targeted Reading Strategy •

Make, revise, and confirm predictions


Use the reading strategy of making, revising, and confirming predictions •

Identify cause and effect

Read and identify open /y/ vowel words

Understand the use of and identify exclamatory sentences •

Recognize and use question words


Green text indicates resources available on the website •

Book—Arthur’s Bad-News Day(copy for each student)•

Chalkboard or dry erase board •


Prediction, cause and effect, question words worksheets •

Discuion cards


Content words: awful, bundle, diapers, embrace, focus, gigantic, incredible, nearly, ruin, syrup,tickling, ugh, usually, wriggles, yuck

Before Reading(读前)

Build Background Preview the Book

Introduce the Book Introduce the Reading Strategy: Make, revise, and confirm predictions Introduce the Comprehension Skill: Identify cause and effect During Reading(阅读中)

Student Reading

Have students underline the words or phrases in the book that tell what the bad news is.If they finish before everyone else, have them go back and reread.• When they have finished reading, ask students to tell what the bad news is and to explain why • Model making, revising, and confirming predictions.• Direct students to page 9 in the book.• Check for understanding: Have students share some of the predictions they made early on in the Story.• Ask students to find cause-and-effect relationships in the story After Reading(读后)Ask students what words, if any, they marked in their book.Use this opportunity to model how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Aement(评价)

Monitor students to determine if they can:

consistently make, revise, and confirm predictions to comprehend the text during

discuion and on a worksheet

identify cause-and-effect relationships during discuion and on a worksheet

read and identify open /y/ vowel words during discuion

understand the use of and identify exclamatory sentences during discuion

recognize and use question words during discuion and on a worksheet

Comprehension Checks(检测理解)

Book Quiz

Retelling Rubric


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