1.Good afternoon, dear teachers.(亲爱的老师们,下午好。)
Welcome to the finals of the third National Teaching Skills Contest.(欢迎来到第三届全国教师技能比赛)I’m Jasmine,from XXprimary school.As you can see, my school is beautiful, I’m happy to study here, But today, I feel more happy to welcome all of you to our school, I wish you are happy, too.(我叫XX,小学。正如你们看见的一样,我的学校很美,我很高兴能够在这里学习。不过今天我更加高兴的是欢迎你们来到我们的学校,我希望你们也同样高兴。)
Now, all the contestants have finished their claes.Let’s have a short break and wait for the final results.For this period, I’d love to introduce my friends to you.They are from grade 2.Not only to say hello, they also bring you performance.Let’s start with a song “do re mi”.(现在所有的选手都已经上完了课。让我们短暂的休息来等待最终的比赛结果。在这段时间里,我想为你们介绍我的朋友们,他们来自2年级。他们来到这里不仅仅是为了和你们打招呼哦,他们还带来了节目。让我们从歌曲“do re mi”开始吧!)
2.Thanks for their paionate performance!
Where there is music, there is joy;where there is music, there’s hope.Now let’s welcome the kids from grade 3 to perform “hocky pocky”.(谢谢他们充满激情的表演。
哪里有音乐,哪里就有欢乐。哪里有音乐,哪里就有希望。现在让我们欢迎来自三年级的孩子为我们表演“hocky pocky”。)
3.Englishsongs are popular in our school and in our life.We have reading time everyday to learn English songs, my favorite song is “you’re my sunshine”, nowI have chance to listen it again, let’s listen it together.(英语歌在我们学校很流行,也融入了我们的生活。我们每天都有“reading time”可以学习英语歌曲。我最喜欢的歌曲是“you’re my sunshine”,现在我有机会再听一次,让我们一起聆听吧)
4.English is Jinsha’s another brand name, since every student here can speak English, much or little.Here come the students from grade 5 and grade 6, Let’s welcome them and cheer them on!
5.Is ita pleasantsong?I think it is.OK,The final program is the chorus “when Christmas comes to town.” If you know that, please sing it with us.(这是一首很美的歌吧?我想是的。好,最后一个节目是小合唱“when Christmas comes to town”,如果你们知道这首歌,请和我们一起唱出来吧)
6.Our performance has come to an end.Thank you for being such good audience.I think all of you deserve a big round of applause,(鼓掌)see you.(鞠躬)
【导语】刀豆文库的会员“fei108”为你整理了“小主持人自我介绍稿”范文,希望对你的学习、工作有参考借鉴作用。主持人大赛自我介绍 推荐度......
小主持人参赛稿(周一晚)刘安琪自我介绍:(唱歌)碎花裙配可爱短褂,齐刘海和粉色发卡,甜甜酒窝微笑像花,镜子前公主现身啦! 大家好!我是百变小公主刘安琪,今年5岁了。我爱说爱笑,喜欢看画报......