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{第0页PPT(也就是封面} Market Efficiency and Government Intervention 自由市场主义和政府干预保护主义


Starting with example

{第一页PPT}  美国自2002年开始对中国礼品盒征收5%反倾销税, United States imposed 5% Anti-dumping dutyon gift boxes from China in 2002. 美国2011年10月15日对中国光伏产业征收250%的反倾销税  United States imposed 250% Anti-dumping duty on China PV industry on October 15,2011. 美国2009年10月24日对中国油井管征收10%~15%的反补贴税  United States imposed 10%~15% Anti-subsidy duty on Chinese oil well pipes on October 24,2009. 美国2009年11月7日对中国紧固零件征收2%的反补贴税  United States imposed2% levy anti-subsidyduty on China's fastener on November 7, 2009。

{第二页PPT} 二:自由市场主义和贸易保护主义

free markets and trade protectionism  【一】自由市场主义学派the free market school

{第三页PPT}  一:理论论证Theory of argumentation ① 经济全球化有效地利用世界各地的资源,使得整体国际贸易达到平衡点。为各国提供了更多的发展机会Economic globalization let us effective useresources around the world, it makes the wholeinternational trade equilibrium achieved.Provide more development opportunities for States

{第四页PPT} ② 极大地丰富和方便了人们的日常生活。Greatly enriched and facilitated people's everyday lives.③ 经济全球化使一些国家变得更具有竞争力、创造力和创新精神,从而使国家能富裕起来Economic globalization, some countries become more competitive and creative , so as to enable the country to get rich

{第五页PPT}  二:案例佐证case support 

 《美国第201号钢铁案》United States No.201 Steel Raw 2002年3月,美国以欧盟、日本等8国出口的钢铁产品损害了美国钢铁业为由,动用“201条款”,宣布对多种钢材加征为期3年的进口税,税率总水平达30%。为报复美国提高进口钢材关税,6月,欧盟对美国部分商品征收100%的关税,墨西哥、日本、韩国等也纷纷提高关税或采取紧急保障措施。、据估计,欧盟2002年就损失高达2.4亿美元。而美国在承受近数亿元损失的同时,更导致了7.4万个钢铁消费者失业,事实证明,贸易保护主义弊大于利。United States’s “ No.201 steel raw ” announced on a variety of steel products which imposed for a period of 3 Year import tax at 30% rates to the European Union, Japan and other 8 kinds of steel products。In retaliation for United States raise steel imports tariffs, in July, European impose Union United States goods fortariff at 100% rate, Mexico, and Japan, and Korea have also increased tariffs or take emergency safeguard measures., And it is estimated that the Europeans economieslose of 2.4 billion dollarsjust in 2002.United States also lose of hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time, more led to a 7.4 million unemployment.{第六页ppt} 【二】贸易保护主义(政府干预)trade protectionism

(Governmentintervention) 一:理论论证:Theory of argumentation: ①保护本国民族产业,保护国家安全,增加国民收益to protect their national industries, protecting national security, and increased national income ②政府干预可以防止强者更强弱者更弱,不发达国家有权利行使自己的国家主权Government intervention can prevent the strong one become stronger and the weak onebecome weaker, developed countries have the right to exercise their national sovereignty。

④ 调整国际收支、纠正贸易逆差Adjustment of the balance of import and export, to correct trade deficit ⑤ 绿色堡垒可以保护本国生态环境Green fortre will protect its ecological environment

{第七页ppt}  二:案例佐证case support 中国现阶段的基本国情是,人口多,底子薄,生产力水平低,经济发展存在着地区和产业方面的不平衡。改革开放三十多年来经济快速发展,但科技水平和科技转换能力与发达国家相比差距还很大,在这种情况下,如果实行自由贸易政策,无条件地全面地开放市场,让发达国家的商品占领我国市场,对消费者来说暂时可以得“物美价廉”的商品,但从长远看必然会冲击中国的民族工业。,面对激烈的市场竞争,各国包括发达国家在内都在一定时期和一定范围内采取程度不同的贸易保护,中国作为发展中国家更有充分理由实行适度的保护贸易政策。China's basic national conditions at this stage is, huge population, a weak, low levels of productivity.For more than 30 years of economic reform make a rapid development, but technology and the transformation of science and technology capacity gap is still very large in comparison with the developed countries, in this case, if the free trade policy, unconditionally and comprehensively open market, commodity occupation of our markets in the developed world, consumers can temporarily “inexpensive” commodity, but in long term will impact China's national industry.In the face of fierce market competition, States, including developed country in a certain period and within the different levels of trade protection, China as a developing country, a more moderate trade protection policies on sufficient grounds.{第八页ppt}  三:联系实际:贸易保护的当代发展Nowadays: development of trade protection 新贸易保护主义最近20年才兴起的,以绿色壁垒、技术壁垒、反倾销和知识产权保护等非关税壁垒措施为主要表现形式。目的是想规避多边贸易制度的约束,通过贸易保护,达到保护本国就业,维持在国际分工和国际交换中的支配地位。它们在维护民族利益,保护资源与环境的旗帜下,行保护之目的,具有名义上的合理性,形式上的隐蔽性。一个重要的例子是最近的欧债危机,欧洲能否抛开国家利益团结在一起是度过危机的关键。(这个用中文介绍)

{第九页ppt} 三:经济界的争论 the argument in economic field 贸易保护主义从出现起就一直被人谴责,自由市场贸易一直在经济学界占主流,但是事实是受到现实政治因素的影响,贸易保护主义一直无法彻底根绝,特别是在战争时期和经济困难时期,政府受到压力被迫实行贸易保护主义保护本国经济。尤其是最近2008年的经济危机,导致沉寂了30年的贸易保护主义重新抬头,而自由主义和保护主义的争论持续了几百年。Trade protectionism always been condemned in history, free trade is the economics mainstream, but it is under the influence of political factors, trade protectionism has been unable to completely eradicate, especially in times of war and times of economic difficulty, under preure of the Government was forced to implement trade protectionism to protect their economies.


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