Host: Hi, I'm Anjali Rao, at the Hongkong cultural centre.嗨,我是安姿丽 劳位于香港文化中心。My guest today is taking to the stage to conduct the Philharmonic Orchestra,我今天的来宾将站上台指挥管弦乐团,but he’s better known as a pop superstar with millions of adoring fans right acro Asia.但他更为人知的是他流行乐超级巨星的身分,全亚洲有千百万爱慕的歌迷。
He’s Wang Leehom and this is TalkAsia.他是王力宏,欢迎收看《亚洲名人聊天室》。
Claically trained and maulti-talented, Wang Leehom is one of the Asia's leading songwriters.正规培训的多才多艺的王力宏是亚洲顶尖作曲者之一。
Credited with revolutionizing Chinese language music.他以华语音乐上的革新成绩著称。But he's more widely recognized like this.但他更广为人知的还是象这样的表演。
At the age of 32, US born singer, one of the few artists with real Pan-Asian appeal on the ten years of the top,32岁美国出生的歌手,他跻身于少数几名风靡亚洲10年的顶级艺人之一。he sold some 15 million albums.他的唱片达到1500万的销量,Blending R&B with claical,soft chirm, tribal influence, he comes with music “chinked out” and continually evolved his styles.混合蓝调音乐与古典音乐,以及部落音乐的影响,他创造出自己独特的音乐“chinked out“发展自己的风格。
His latest album feels move toward rock guitar music.他的最新专辑感觉向摇滚吉他音乐靠拢。
He also recently started Ang Lee's erotic thriller ”Lust caution“.最近他还开始在李安导演的情色惊险电影”色戒“中出演角色。
Later in the show,we chat his progre debut on the new project---conducting a Philharmonic Orchestra,在节目最后部分我们聊到了他最新事业的进程——交响乐团指挥 and following of footstep of Leonard Bernstein, a key influence.他沿袭了莱昂纳多 伯恩斯坦的足迹,并受到他风格的关键性的影响。We first meet on the sidelines of a rehearsal.我们首先在彩排的舞台旁见面。
Now, you are a fabulously wealthy and much-loved star here in Asia.Do you ever have those days where you go, how did I get here?
你现在在亚洲是个收入可观又备受喜爱的明星。你是否曾经想过:我是怎么走到这一步的? Wang Leehom :I gue I ask myself, how do I...what do I do next.I gue...我想我会自问,我怎么…我接下来要做什么。我想…
I don’t spend that much time dwelling on, you know, the past, but I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to do next.我不会把那么多时间用在沉缅过去,而是花很多时间思考接下来要做什么。
Like here we are in the cultural centre in Hongkong, go to Hongkong Philharmonic Orchestra, 譬如说现在,我们在香港文化中心,跟香港交响乐团一起。
This is predict that I always wanted to do, but definitely not in a typical agenda for a pop singer singing career gate.这是一个我一直都很想做的企划,但是(这种企划)不会出现在一个流行歌手的事业生涯。I like to do things a little differently, I like to kind of break them all, then keep challenging myself.我喜欢用不同的方法做事,不断地挑战自己。
Host: You were telling us when we off camera that you finished your latest album last night.刚刚录影前你有告诉我你昨天晚完成了你最新的专集。Wang Leehom :Off camera? that was nice.录影前?我以为那个不会.Host:(laugh), finishing last night.哈哈哈,昨晚完成的?
Wang Leehom :Yeah, I finished the album last night, so I have so much coffee in me right now.是的,我昨天晚上完成了。我现在身里有很多咖啡。
Host:How can it take you such a long time to do? 为什么用了这么长时间在这张专辑上面呢? Wang Leehom :I think this album is quite personal, a lot of the inspiration for compositions comes from my own life, experiences.and very close to home.我想,因为这张专集比较私人。很多的创作灵感来自我的生活经验,很接近内心。So I wanna make it just right.所以我想把它做好。
and it has spending like, almost a year and half, just, you know, rearranging, remaking...它花了我将近一年半,不断重新安排,制作。I was never done.我总是完成不了
Host:You sold, what 15 million records or somrthing like that now.你卖了大约15,000,000张专辑。
Wang Leehom :Oh, there're lot of Chinese people.哦,中国人口很多。
Host:Exactly, you know the countle, millions of people in mainland China, you know, just adore your work.是的,中国内地无数的人喜爱你的作品。What it's like to have...那是一种什么感觉......Wang Leehom :Thank you!Mostly my pirated.谢谢,大部分卖的都是盗版的。
Host:Yes,(laugh), you never see the spoils of your labor.是啊,哈哈,你永远看不到你应得的劳动成果。
Um, what it's like have that much influence over that many people, coz of course you got all your endorsements as well.嗯,对于对这么多人有影响力,你有什么感觉。当然你同时受到了很多支持。
Wang Leehom :Um, I think that, to be use in a positive way, like my last album”change me“ actually try to connect with the Chinese youth about living or responsibly, 我想,积极的利用这种影响力,譬如我上一张专集《改变自己》,鼓励华人青少年增强对环境的责任感。
as far as the environment is concerned, I think that's big iue in China.只要环境被关心,我想在中国(环境问题)这是一个很大的问题。
I think that's not taught enough to the kids, and they'll really quick to pick it up.我觉得小朋友没有被很好的教育关于环保问题。小孩子很快就能接受这样一个主题。
I think that the kids has er...they readily picking up garbage everywhere like cleaning up squares,there local cities at fan clubs get together and do this kind of activities on their own.我觉得孩子们嗯,他们很乐意拾起干净的广场上或者他们居住的城市的垃圾,歌迷会组织垃圾清理活动。
and then post picturesof what they did on website, it feels great.并且把他们做了什么的照片发表在网站上,我觉得这样真的很棒。
Host:How can we decide to take on, you know, heavy weighty iue like that, Won't that just be easy to do a fluffy pop?
你为什么要呈现这麽严肃的一个议题呢?做一张没有意义的流行音乐专集不会更容易吗? Wang Leehom :Um, not for me, I think that's the hardest thing for me to commit myself do this fluffy pop.嗯,对我来说不会。我想最难说服我做的事情就是做一张没有意义的流行音乐。Like if next day wake up, just sick, look myself in the mirrior, um, don't feel so good.转天醒来,看看镜子里的我,嗯,会觉得很不舒服。
Host:You've been very much in the public eye here in Asia since you were twenties, how has fame changed you as a person?
从你20几岁开始,你就一直活在公众的视线里。名誉怎样改变了你的为人呢? Wang Leehom :I think fame and living in the public eye meaning a lot of private, 我想名誉让我变得更重视隐私。
and I'm sure that's because I ,kind of, try to pry the balance to let balance out, you know, 我想这是因为我想要有一个平衡。
or, it because I feel kind of frightened a lot of times, you know, by the media or by people who kind of have preconceived notions about mirrior, who might want something from me,或者是因为,我常常有被威胁的感觉,被媒体,被那些从没接触过我就对我有偏见的,那些我不认识又想从我身上得到利益的人。
you know, I don't know, it's a kind of defense mechanism I gue.我想这是我的一种自我保护吧。
Host:You mentioned that the media and the TV...你刚才说到媒体还有电视......Wang Leehom :I didn't mean any...我没有特指哪家媒体......Host:I know, I don't take personally at all, 我知道,我根本没有具体到哪一家。
but you know something that, there are plenty of celebrities feel exactly the same way about that.但是你知道,很多名人有跟你完全一样感受。They do seem to focus a lot on your relationships.他们的确非常关注你们的交往圈。Wang Leehom :Oh, yeah.噢,是的。
Host:But obviously that the public demand for it, you know, there always ask questions about sexuality, what do you think about that?
但显然是公众的需求造成的,总有关于性取向的问题,你是怎么想的? It's not exactly genteel.这不是个很高层次的问题。
Wang Leehom :Um,yeah, Thank you for mention it.I think it's just nosine in general… 嗯,是的,谢谢你提起这事。我觉得这就是个一般的好打听事。But I don't think that's true.and I think it's a real irresponsible mentality.但是我不认为这是真的,我认为这是种很不负责的态度。So it's very irresponsble stance to take.所以那只是个不负责任姿态。
Host:You came from a family of doctors in the United States.Yeah.你来自美国一个医生的家庭,是的。Thinks a picture of your childhood.形容一下你的童年。
Wang Leehom :Um, it's all academic and...um, 呃,我想(我的童年)是很学术的。
I kind of broke them all and I don't think it's very easy either, take a lot of time convincing my parents that I wasn't going to be a doctor.我觉得(完成这些事情)并不容易。我花了很多时间去说服我的父母我不会成为一个医生。Growing up in United States, I think a lot of preure in school, 在美国长大,我觉得在学校里有很大的压力。
and parents are always giving their kids preure that to get into grades, to perform well in SATs, to get in nice school, and to become a succeful , maybe doctor.父母总是会给小孩很多压力,一定要拿好成绩。拿好的sat成绩,去一间好大学,成为一个成功的。。譬如说,医生。
I mean I didn't like the typical style too much.我不很喜欢传统的方式。
Host:But it sounds like you well prety much, you like, you know, the practical sum you got 1600 on your SAT, it's something freakish amazing like that.但据说你非常棒的,你的SAT成绩总分1600分,那是非常惊人的好成绩。Wang Leehom :No no, 不是的,不是的。Host:so that's a rumor? 那是谣传了?
Wang Leehom :That's a rumor.There are a lot of rumors.The gay rumor is gay rumors.This rumor is one as well.那是谣传,同性恋的谣传是谣传这个也是谣传。
I mean I almost feel disappointed, I just kind of one be lazy to clean up these rumors, 我是说,我几乎失望了,我都懒的去澄清谣言了。
because there are so many of that, and, it's a lot of informations on the web about me, and a lot of different celebrities there.因为谣言太多了,网络上有很多关于我的不实信息,也有很多其他名人的。
and I go through and say”No, I don't have six toes on my left foot“ something like that, every time something strenge,it seems so ridiculous.每次奇怪的谣言出现,去做“我左脚没有6个脚趾”这样的澄清,我觉得是很荒谬的。Host:What happen when people me up? 人们是怎样起哄的?
Wang Leehom :In the pop world, when people me up just like ” Yeah!" 在流行世界里人们起哄时就像“Yeah!” When in claical world me up just like...在古典音乐世界就像......
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I never thought I would be addreing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes, but I......