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水荒 water scarcity [ 2010-03-24 10:15 ] 3月22日是第18个世界水日。从这一天开始为期一周的时间,将是第23届“中国水周”。人类目前能够利用的淡水资源只占全球水资源总量的0.26%,其中70%以上被冻结在南极和北极的冰盖中,加上难以利用的高山冰川和永冻积雪,有87%的淡水资源难以被人类利用。联合国称,到2025年,30%的国家将面临“水荒”。


The General Aembly designated the first World Water Day in 1993, and on March 22 every year since, the focus has been on a different aspect of freshwater sustainability, including sanitation and water scarcity.联合国大会在1993年确定了首个世界水日,自此之后,每年3月22日被定为世界水日。世界水日的主题集中在淡水资源可持续利用的不同方面,包括水资源清洁状况以及水荒。

文中的water scarcity就是指“水荒”,也称为water shortage(水资源缺乏)。地球上的水资源主要分为freshwater(淡水)和salt water(咸水)两大类。其中,无法直接食用的salt water占绝大多数。我们平时所喝的则是经过处理的safe drinking water(安全饮用水)。为了节约用水,很多农田还使用了drip irrigation(滴灌技术)。

平时口渴了,人们喜欢喝mineral water(矿泉水),soda water(汽水),或者iced water(冰水)。身体不舒服的时候可以灌个hot-water bottle(热水袋)。到了雨季,如果海河达到了high-water mark(高水位线),就要注意防洪了。

水利工程 water conservancy project [ 2010-04-01 16:09 ] 我国西南部省区发生严重干旱后,有传言称这是由水库建设导致的。水利部副部长刘宁近日表示,不能说水利工程挟持水资源,导致干旱,“而是确实还有不足,还需要加大这方面的建设力度,来确保人饮和粮食生产的安全。”

请看新华社的报道: “Without the reservoirs and other water conservancy projects in southwest China, the drought would have happened earlier and resulted in more lo,” Liu said at a pre conference.(水利部副部长)刘宁在记者招待会上说:“如果我国西南部没有修建水库和其它水利工程,那么干旱发生的时间会更早,损失也将更大。”

文中的water conservancy project就是指“水利工程”,也就是我们平时说的“水利设施”,例如最常见的water reservoir(水库)。修建的用于农田灌溉工程;防洪、防潮、排涝工程;人蓄饮水工程;水电工程;水利综合经营和水资源保护设施等都属于这一类。

Water conservancy在这里的意思就是“水利”,conservancy通常有两层意思,一是对自然环境的)保护,另外还可以指(港口、河流、地区等的)管理机构。

此次西南干旱,造成当地出现water scarcity(水荒),当地也缺乏充足的water storage facilities(贮水设备)。目前,贵州的water reservoirs中有近七成的water line(水位线)降至死水位(亦称设计低水位、垫底水位)。


[ 2008-09-24 10:10 ] 中国南水北调官方网站公布,南水北调北京段应急调水已开始,第一批河北水源正在奔向北京,预计9月下旬正式到京。目前,北京已做好迎接南水北调京石段应急水源准备,并将出台河北应急来水的水量配置计划,主要保证城市生活用水。


According to the South-to-North water diversion office, when part of the project is completed in 2010, about 1 billion cubic meters of water will be diverted to Beijing annually.据南水北调办公室称,到2010年该工程部分项目完工时,每年将会有大约十亿立方米的水源输往北京。

上述报道中,South-to-North water diversion就是“南水北调”的英文表达,South-to-North Water Diversion Project是“南水北调工程”,The South-to-North Water Diversion Project, consisting of eastern, middle and western routes, is designed to divert water from the water-rich south of the country, mainly the Yangtze River, the country's longest, to the dry north.(南水北调工程包括东线、中线、西线三条调水线路,主要从水资源丰富的长江流域往干旱的北方地区输送水源)。

China launches national Water Week campaign By LIANG CHAO(chinadaily.com.cn)Updated: 2011-03-22 20:40

China launches its national water week campaign for 2011 on Tuesday in Beijing with the theme of carrying out strict water conservation measures to fight water shortages to mark the year’s World Water Day.Along with the campaign, water authorities also initiate water laws and regulations popularization to fully raise people’s awarene of the critical situation facing the country today and intensify its efforts to manage water resources by law, a leading water official said.Addreing the opening ceremony of the national water day, Chen Lei, minister of water resources, said that, through the campaign, he hopes people from all walks of life can well understand China’s worsening water situation, show great concerns about the development of water conservancy and pre ahead legalization of water management.According to Chen, based on China’s Water Law, the country has succeeded in forming a system of laws, which covers four laws about water, 17 related administrative regulations, 54 department rules plus some 800 local regulations put into effect by authorities acro the country.The laws and rules have helped enhance the decision-making capacity of authorities in various levels, intensify their law enforcement, solve or mediate growing water disputes triggered by ever-increasing water supply demand throughout the country.With the help of China’s 6th national law popularization slated to be launched in the next five years beginning from this year, water law education and publicity are expected to be carried down to the graroots with people in institutes, villages, neighborhoods, schools and enterprises being aware of laws and regulations governing water management and iues.The World Water Day 2011 falls into Tuesday and observed worldwide.The theme Day, the 19th of its kind, for this year is “Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge”.China marked the day by choosing the theme of “putting the strictest management measures of water resources into practice for making a strides in developing water conservancy”.The measures will focus on three “red lines” or security lines--water overexploitation, water usage efficiency and pollution control--Chen said.China will intensify efforts to accelerate the development of the nation’s water conservancy and promote the sustainable use of water resources, he said by quoting the central government’s No 1 document, which was iued early this year and usually reflects government priorities each year.The No 1 document sets targets to improve China's relatively backward water conservancy situation over the next five to 10 years with 4 trillion yuan($608 billion, pls check it)being invested into projects during the next decade to improve water conservation.China suffers a 40-billion-cubic-meter water shortage annually, with two thirds of over 600 cities having trouble acceing water.Water safety problems have been tackled for 210 million rural residents and existing rural water problems will be solved by 2013, with new problems being tackled by the end of the 12th five-year plan period(2011-2015), Chen said.China´s efforts to protect and save water resources(Chinadaily.com.cn)Updated: 2009-03-23 15:25

March 22, 2009 marked the 17th World Water Day, and China's 22nd Water Campaign Week, with the theme of protecting and saving water resources.China has to feed 21 percent of the world's population with 6 percent of the globe's total freshwater resources.In addition, the country has an uneven water distribution, with more water in the south and le in the north.And global climate change and economic development also bring new challenges.But China will continue its efforts in infrastructure and water-related systems in order to achieve sustainable development.


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