Notice to Participants
1.All contestants must be present on time and follow the stuff arrangement.Absent or not arrive on time will be deemed as giving up the quality of contest.2.All the contestants shall use student ID, student card or ID card to check in.3.All the contestants shall wear formal dre and have a decent appearance.4.Judges shall hew to the principle of openne, fairne, impartiality, and fulfill relevant obligations.5.Please switch off your cell phone or turn it into silence mode when the contest is in progre.大赛须知
Notice to Participants
All contestants must be present on time, and follow the stuff arrangement.Absent or not arrive on time will be deemed as giving up the quality of contest.二.所有参赛选手参赛时须凭学生证、学生卡或身份证等有效证件签到。
All the contestants shall use student ID, student card or ID card to check in.三.参赛选手须着正装,仪容大方、整洁得体。
All the contestants shall wear formal dre and have a decent appearance.四.评委须严格遵守比赛宗旨“公平、公正、公开”,认真履行有关义务。
Judges shall hew to the principle of openne, fairne, impartiality, and fulfill relevant obligations.五.到场所有人员须将手机等通讯设备关闭或调为静音状态。
Please switch off your cell phone or turn it into silence mode when the contest is in progre.
参赛须知 :1、参赛时间:所有选手周六早6:00到学校北门集合出发。下午5:00后到校接孩子。(学生参赛结束时间不确定,也许会等到6点,家长可先电话问一下***)2、参赛准备:大一点......