Hello, cla of 2015.I am so honored to be here today.Dean Khurana, faculty, parents and most especially graduating students.2015届毕业生你们好。今天我很荣幸地站在这里。迪恩库拉纳,教职员工,家长们,尤其是你们毕业生们。
Thank you so much for inviting me, the senior cla committee.It's genuinely one of the most exciting thing I've ever been asked to do.非常感谢你们邀请我。感谢大四学生会。这真是我被邀请过的最令人兴奋的一件事。
I am here to tell you today Harvard is giving you all diplomas tomorrow.You are here for a reason.今天我在这里告诉你,哈佛明天会给你们所有人发文凭。你们在这里是有原因的。
Sometimes your insecurities and you're an experienced may lead you to embrace other people's expectations, standards or values.有时你的不自信和缺乏经验会使你接受别人的期望,标准或价值观。
But you can harne that inexperience to carve out here path one that is free the burden of knowing how things are supposed to be, a path that is defined by its own particular set of reasons.但你们要知道,无经验可以造就你自己的路,一条没有“事情应该怎么做的负担”的路,一条由自己的理由来定义的路。
Prizes serve as false idols everywhere, prestige, wealth, fame, power.You will be exposed to many of these, if not all.奖品作为虚假偶像无处不在,声誉,财富,名声,力量。你将会接触到很多,至少也会碰到几个。
Of course part of why I was invited to come to speak today beyond my being a proud alumna is that I've recruited some very coveted toys in my life, including a not so plastic, not so crappy one, an Oscar.当然今天我被邀请来演讲的部分原因除了我是一个骄傲的女校友外,是因为我在人生中收集了一些非常令人垂涎的玩具,不像塑料那么廉价,也不那么蹩脚,一座奥斯卡小金人。
So we bump up against the common troll I think of the commencement addre people who have achieved a lot telling you that the fruits of the achievement are not are not always to be trusted.我们通常在毕业典礼演讲上碰到的烦心事那就是取得了许多成功的人告诉你成功的果实并不总是值得信任。
But I think that contradiction can be reconciled and in fact instructed.Achievement is wonderful when you know why you're doing it.And when you don't know, it can be a terrible trap.但是我认为矛盾实际上是可以协调的,并且具有教导意义。成就是美好的,当你知道你为什么这么做的时候。如果你不知道,它就可能变成可怕的陷阱。
At the age of 18, I'd already been acting for seven years, and aumed that find a more serious and profound path in college.在我18岁时,已经演了7年的戏,认为自己该在大学找到一条更严肃深刻的道路。
I realized seriousne for seriousne sake was its own kind of trophy, and a dubious one, a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was.我发现为了严肃而严肃,这本身就是一种虚荣,而且是很模棱两可的,是为了反抗我想象出的自我而采取的一种姿态。
There was a reason I was an actor, I love what I do.I have found or perhaps reclaimed my reason.我当演员是有原因的,我爱我的职业。我找到了,或者说重拾了我的理由。
You have a prize now or at least you will tomorrow.The prize is a Harvard degree in your hand, but what is your reason behind it? 你们现在拿到了奖品,或者说明天。奖品就是你们手中的哈佛毕业证,但这背后当的理由是什么?
My Harvard degree represents for me to curiosity and invention that were encouraged here, the friendship that i sustained, the way profeor Graham told me not to describe the way like hit a flower, but rather the shadow that the flower cast, the way profeor Scarry talked about theater is a transformative religious force, how profeor Coslin showed how much our visual cortex is activated just by imaging.哈佛学位对我来说是我在这里被激发的好奇心和创造力,是我维系的友谊,是格莱安姆教授告诉我的不要去描述光线是怎噩梦照射花朵的,而要描述花朵投下的影子,是斯卡里教授谈到戏剧是一种变革性的宗教力量,是卡瑟琳教授向我们展示皮质只靠想象就可以激活。
Now granted these things don't necearily help me answer the most common question I'm asked, What designers are you wearing? What's your fitne regime? Any makeup tips? 虽然这些知识并不能帮助我回答最常见的问题,你穿的是哪位设计师的作品?你的健身方法是什么?有啥化妆技巧么?
But I have never since been embarraed to myself as what I might previously have thought was a stupid question.但从那之后我再没有因此前我可能会觉得愚蠢的问题而为自己感到羞愧。
My Harvard degree and other awards are emblems of the experiences which led me to them, the wood-paneled lecture halls, the colorful fall leaves, the hot vanilla toscanini, reading great novels and overstuffed library chairs running through dining hall screaming ooh!ah!city steps!city steps!city steps!我的哈佛学位以及其他奖项都是我的经历的象征,木质地板的讲堂,五彩的秋叶,热香草托斯卡尼尼,在图书馆软椅上阅读精彩小说,在食堂里边跑边喊:“哇哦,城市的步伐!城市的步伐!城市的步伐!”
It's easy now to romanticize my time here.如今浪漫地回想求学时光是很容易的。A couple years ago I went to Tokyo with my husband and I ate at the most remarkable sushi restaurant.Even with just vegetables, this sushi was the stuff you dreamed about.几年前,我跟丈夫去东京玩,我在最美味的寿司店里吃饭。即便只是蔬菜而已,那寿司都是梦寐以求的美味。
The restaurant had six seats, my husband and I marveled at how anyone can make rice so superior to all other rice.We wondered why they didn't make a bigger restaurant and be the most popular place in town.餐厅有6个座位,我丈夫和我惊讶于怎么可以把米饭做的如此无以伦比。我们想知道为什么他们不开个更大的餐厅,成为镇上最受欢迎的地方。
Our local friends explain to us that all the best restaurants in Tokyo are that small.And do only one type of dish: sushi or tempura or teriyaki.当地的朋友向我们解释说在东京所有最好的餐馆都很小。只做一种类型的料理:寿司、天妇罗或照烧。
Because they want to do that thing well and beautifully, and it's not about quantity, it's about taking pleasure in the perfection and beauty of the particular.因为他们想把一件事干好,干漂亮。这跟数量无关,它关乎在追求完美中享受愉悦。
I'm still learning now that it's about good and maybe never done, that the joy and work ethic and virtuosity we bring to the particular can impart a singular type enjoyment to those we give to you, and of course to ourselves.我现在仍在学习,关键在于做好,而不是做完,做某事时的快乐,敬业和炉火纯青可以给我们服务的对象带来一种特定的享受,当然也让我们自己得到享受。
And my profeional life it also took me time to find my own reasons for doing my work.在我的职业生涯中,我花费了不少时间来找寻我做这份工作的原因。
The first film I was in came out in 1994.And I can still quote what the New York Times said about me verbatim.我参演的第一部电影在1994年上映。至今我仍能一字不差的复述纽约时报对我的评价。
Mi Portman poses better than she acts.The film had a universally tepid critic response and went on to bomb commercially.That film is called The Profeional, or Leon in Europe.波特曼小姐摆造型的功力比演戏要强得多。这部电影在全球的反响都是不愠不火,而商业方面则是惨败。这部电影叫做《这个杀手不太冷》,在欧洲叫《杀手莱昂》。
And today, twenty years and 35 films later, it is still the film people approach me about the most to tell me how much they loved it.直至今天,在20内拍了35部电影之后,它仍然是人们见到我时最常提到的片子,他们告诉我有多爱这部电影。
I feel lucky that my first experience releasing a film was initially such a disaster by all standards and measures.我感到很幸运,我首次参演的电影起初在所有的标准看来都是一场灾难。
I learned early that my meaning had to be from the experience of making the film and the poibility of connecting with individuals rather than the foremost trophies in my industry: financial and critical succe.And also these initial reactions could be false predictors of your work's ultimate legacy.我很早就学到,我的价值应该来自于电影拍摄过程的体验,来自触碰人心的可能,而不是我们行业最首要的荣誉:商业和影评方面的成功。而且,最初的反响可能会错误预测了你的作品的最终价值。
I started choosing only job that I'm paionate about and from which I knew I could bring meaningful experiences.于是我开始只挑那些我热爱的事情来做,直选那些我知道能汲取到有意义经验的工作。
I made Cotaya's Ghost, a foreign independent film and studied history, visiting the Prada every day for four months as I read about goya and the Spanish Inquisition.我拍了外国独立电影《戈雅之灵》,为此我学习历史,连续4个月我每天研读戈雅和西班牙裁判所。
I made V for Vendetta, studio action movie for which I learned everything I could about freedom fighters whom otherwise maybe call terrorists.我拍了动作片《V字仇杀队》,为此学习了所有自由战士相关的东西,他们也被称为恐怖分子。
I made Your Highne a pothead comedy with Danny McBride and laughed for three months straight.我拍了《王子殿下》,Danny McBride导演的大麻喜剧,这让我足足笑了三个月。
I was able to own my meaning and not have it be determined by box office receipts or prestige.我可以决定自己的价值,而不是让票房或名声来决定。
By the time I got making BlackSwan, the experience was entirely my own.当我拍《黑天鹅》时,整个经历都是属于我自己的。
I felt immune to the worst things anyone could say or write about me, and to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not.我感觉自己已经刀枪不入,不管别人怎么说我,也不在意观众是否会看我的电影。
It was instructive for me to see for ballet dancers, once your technique gets to a certain level, the only thing that separates you from others is your quirks or even flaws.对我很有启示的是,对芭蕾舞者而言,当你的技巧达到一定高度后,唯一能让你与他人不同的就是你的怪癖甚至瑕疵。You can never be the best technically, someone will always have a higher jump or a more beautiful line.The only thing you can be the best at is developing your own self.从技术上来说,你永远做不到最好,总会有人比你跳得更高,或者有更美的姿态。你唯一能做到最好的就是发展你的自我。
Authoring your own experience was very much what Black Swan itself was about.为你自己的体验做主就是《黑天鹅》中讲述的事情。
I was so oblivious to my own limit that I did things I was woefully unprepared to do.而是我对自身局限的毫无所知,我对所做之事压根没有准备。
When Darren asked me if I could do ballet, I told him that I was basically a ballerina, which by the way I wholeheartedly believed.When it quickly became clear that preparing for the film that I was 15 years away from being a ballerina.It made me work a million times harder and of course the magic of cinema and body doubles helped the final effect.当Darren问我是否能跳芭蕾时,我跟他说我基本就是个芭蕾舞者,当时我真心是这样认为的。很快,在准备拍摄时我才明白,我距芭蕾舞者还有15年的功夫。这逼着我多付出了数百万倍的努力,当然,特效和替身也帮忙造出了最终效果。
But the point is, if I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk.And the risk led to one of my greatest artistic personal experiences.但关键是,如果我知道自己的局限,我绝不会去冒这个险。而风险为我带来了最棒的艺术体验。
Now clearly I'm not urging you to go and perform heart surgery without the knowledge to do so.当然我不是怂恿大家在一无所知的情况下就去做心脏手术。
Making movies admittedly had le drastic consequences in the most profeions, and allows for a lot of effects that make up for mistakes.诚然,跟其它职业相比,拍电影不会带来太严重的后果。而且可以用特效来弥补错误。
The thing I'm saying is, make use of the fact that you don't doubt yourself too much right now.我要说的是要好好利用你如今不是那么怀疑自己这件事。
As we get older, we get more realistic.And that includes about our own abilities or lack thereof.And that realism does us no favors.随着年龄增长,我们变得更加现实。这包括对我们自己能力和缺陷的认识。而这种现实对我们没有好处。
Your inexperience is an aet and will allow you to think in original and unconventional ways.你的无经验是种财富,能让你有原创和跳出常规的电子。
I know a famous violinist who told me that he can't compose.Because he knows too many pieces, so when he starts thinking of the note, an existing peace immediately comes to mind.我认识一位小提琴家,他告诉我他无法作曲。因为他懂得太多曲目,所以当他想到音符的时候,现有的曲目会立刻出现在他脑海里。
Just starting out one of your biggest strengths is not knowing how things are supposed to be.You can compose freely because your mind isn't cluttered with too many pieces.刚开始时,你最大的长处之一就是不知道事情该是怎么做的。你的头脑中没有塞满曲目,所以可以自由地创作。
The only way you know how to do things is your own way.You here will all go on to achieve great things.你所知道的唯一做事方式就是你自己的方式。你们大家都会成就伟大事业。
Each time you set out to do something new, your inexperience can either lead you down a path where you will conform to someone else's values, or you can forge on path even if you don't realize that's what you're doing.If your reasons are your own, your path, even if it's a strange and clumsy path, will be wholly yours.每次你动手做新事时,你的无经验要么引领你走上一条遵循他人价值的路,要么会让你创造属于自己的路,即便在你不知道的情况下。如果你的理由是属于你自己的。你的路,即使是奇怪而坎坷的路,也将会完全属于你自己。
And of course first and foremost, the center of my world is the love I share with my family and friends.I wish for you that your friends will be with you through it all.当然,在我的世界里,最重要的是我跟家人以及朋友间的爱。我希望你们的朋友都能不离不弃。
At my friends from Harvard have been together since we graduated, we have nursed each other through heartaches and danced at each other's weddings.We've held each other funerals and rocked each other's new babies.就像我在哈佛的朋友们一样,毕业后照常往来。我们彼此关爱,熬过伤痛,我们在彼此的婚礼上跳舞。我们在葬礼上彼此扶持,我们抱着彼此的宝宝轻摇。
And now our children are creating a second-generation of friendship.As we look at them toddling together, haggard and disheveled working parents that we are.Grab the good people around you, don't let them go.而如今我们的孩子在创造第二代的友谊。看着他们一起蹒跚学步的是我们这些疲惫而凌乱的上班族家长。抓紧你身边的好人别让他们走掉。
The biggest aet that school offers you is a group peers that will be both your family and your school for life.这所学校能给你们最大的财富就是一群将来会成为你一辈子的家人,也是良师益友的同学。
Thank you.I can't wait to see how you do all the beautiful things you will do.谢谢。我迫不及待的期待看到大家将创造的美好事物。
Hello, cla of 2015.I am so honored to be here today.Dean Khurana, faculty, parents and most especially graduating students.2015届毕业生你们好。今天我很荣幸地站......
Hello, cla of 2015.I am so honest to be here today.Dean Khurana,faculty,parents,and most especially graduating students.Thank you so much for inviting me.The Se......
娜塔莉波特曼哈佛毕业演讲稿Hello,class of 20xx. I am so honored to be here today. Dean Khurana, faculty, parents, and most especially graduating students. Thank......