Develop Green Economy, Promote Sustained Growth
Speech by H.E.Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
At the Fifth China-EU Busine Summit
Nanjing, 30 November 2009
发展绿色经济促进持续增长 ——在第五届中欧工商峰会上的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2009年11月30日,南京)
Your Excellency Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Your Excellency President José Manuel Barroso, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,It gives me great pleasure to attend the Fifth China-EU Busine Summit.I wish to take this opportunity to expre deep respect and heartfelt thanks to people from all sectors who have over the years made significant contribution to the growth of China-EU economic and trade relations and friendship between the people of China and Europe.At this crucial moment in tackling the international financial crisis, it is important to further enhance economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe.This will contribute not only to the growth of our own economies but also to the steady recovery and enduring prosperity of the world economy.I sincerely wish this Busine Summit a complete succe.尊敬的赖因费尔特首相,尊敬的巴罗佐主席,女士们、先生们、朋友们:
The theme of the Summit, “The Green Agenda: Sustaining Growth Beyond the Recovery”, addrees an important area where we can enhance China-EU cooperation.A review of world industrialization over the last 200 years or more shows that the modernization of developed countries, with a population of no more than one billion, was achieved at a great cost to the resources and ecology of the whole world.A famous line from the World Conservation Strategy reads, “We have not inherited the earth from our parents;we have borrowed it from our children.” To leave to future generations a planet where they can survive and thrive, we need to put in place a circular and sustainable system of national economy that generates high output with low input, low consumption and low emiions.We need to transform the existing patterns of development and consumption and move the world to a development path characterized by high productivity, prosperous lives and sound ecology.“绿色经济、持续增长”是本届峰会的主题,也是加强中欧合作的重要课题。回顾世界200多年的工业化历程,只有不到10亿人口的发达国家实现了现代化,但全球资源和生态却付出了沉重代价。《世界自然资源保护大纲》中有一句名言:“地球不是我们从父辈那里继承来的,而是我们从自己的后代那儿借来的”。我们要为子孙后代留下一个赖以生存和发展的地球家园,必须建设低投入、高产出,低消耗、少排放,能循环、可持续的国民经济体系,转变现有发展模式和消费模式,推动人类社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的发展道路。In an effort to create a better home for the human race, the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development adopted two guiding documents, the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21, as well as a statement of principles on forests.It also opened for signature the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity.Since then, the concept of a “green culture” has drawn
intense attention from countries around the world, and sustainable development has become a consensus of the international community.The Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997 and the Bali Road Map established in 2007 defined the responsibilities of countries at different stages of development in addreing climate change, giving rise to a global “green wave” emphasizing harmony between economic development and the environment.The upcoming Copenhagen Conference represents another important moment in international action on climate change.The willingne and commitments expreed by countries at Copenhagen will promote a historic shift towards green economy and sustainable development.The Chinese government will take an active and constructive part in the Conference and looks forward to a positive outcome at Copenhagen.为了让人类的家园更美好,1992年联合国环境与发展大会通过了《里约宣言》和《21世纪议程》这两个纲领性文件以及关于森林问题的原则声明,签署了《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《生物多样性公约》。从此,绿色文明引起世界各国的高度关注,可持续发展成为国际社会的广泛共识。1997年通过的《京都议定书》和2007年确定的“巴厘路线图”,明确了不同发展阶段国家应对气候变化的责任,全球逐步兴起环境与经济协调发展的绿色浪潮。即将召开的哥本哈根会议,将是国际社会合作应对气候变化的又一个重要时刻。世界各国在此表达的意愿和作出的承诺,必将推动绿色经济和可持续发展的历史进程。中国政府将以积极的建设性态度参加会议,衷心期待会议取得积极成果。
This year is the most challenging one for China’s economic and social development since the start of the new century.We have worked hard to come through this difficult period and meet various challenges with calm and composure.The international financial crisis has caused a sharp drop in our external demand and exacerbated the problem of overcapacity.As a result, more businees experienced difficulties, more jobs were lost and the economy slowed down appreciably.In response to this, the Chinese government promptly adopted ten measures to boost domestic demand and promote steady and fairly fast economic growth.We resolutely implemented a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, adopted a comprehensive stimulus package to counter the impact of the international financial crisis and improved it in the course of implementation.Thanks to these efforts, we succeeded in reversing the economic slowdown in a short period of time.In the first ten months of this year, the total retail sales increased by 15.3% year on year and urban fixed aet investment was up 33.1%.China’s GDP grew by 7.7% in the first three quarters.While putting our own house in order, we have reached out to the world and actively pursued international economic cooperation and exchanges.We have increased import, outbound investment and foreign aistance, stepped up coordination
on macroeconomic polices with other countries, and advanced reform of the international trade and financial systems.These are the active efforts on our part to promote world economic recovery.今年是中国进入新世纪以来经济社会发展最为困难的一年,也是我们在逆境中从容应对、攻坚克难、经受考验的一年。由于国际金融危机的严重冲击,我国外部需求大幅萎缩,产能过剩矛盾突出,企业生产经营困难,失业人员增多,经济增速明显下滑。中国政府迅速出台扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快发展的十项措施,果断实行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,全面实施并不断丰富完善应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划,在较短的时间内扭转了经济下滑趋势。今年前10个月,社会消费品零售总额同比增长15.3%,城镇固定资产投资增长33.1%,前三季度国内生产总值增长7.7%。我们在努力办好自己事情的同时,还积极发展与世界各国的经贸合作与交流,扩大商品进口、对外投资和对外援助,加强同有关国家宏观经济政策协调,推动国际经贸和金融体系改革,为世界经济复苏作出了积极努力。
In the face of the severe and complex economic environment at home and abroad, the Chinese government has remained committed to the basic state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection.We have made all-round progre in implementing the National Climate Change Program.Some 14.6% of this year’s additional investment has gone to economic restructuring, scientific and technological innovation, energy conservation, environmental protection and ecological enhancement, contributing to green, circular and sustained development.Notable progre has been made in energy conservation and pollution reduction.Energy consumption per unit of GDP is expected to drop considerably compared with last year, and sulfur dioxide emiions and chemical oxygen demand are expected to decline by 2.1% and 2.7% respectively.Positive results have been achieved in shutting down backward production capacities.Over 21 gigawatts of small coal-fired power generating capacity and more than 1,000 small coal mines will have been closed by the end of the year.Forest carbon sink has increased.Forest coverage in China rose to 20.36% in 2008, meeting the target we had announced to the world two years ahead of schedule.Construction of environmental facilities has been accelerated.Daily urban sewage treatment capacity has increased by 11.25 million cubic meters in 2009, and exhaust gas desulfurization facilities have been installed in coal-fired power plants with a capacity of 70 gigawatts.Green industries are mushrooming.In 2008, the share of renewable and clean energy in primary energy consumption grew to 9%.China ranked number one in the world in terms of installed hydro power capacity, nuclear power capacity under construction, the coverage of solar panel of water heater and cumulative installed photovoltaic power capacity, and fourth in the world for installed wind
power capacity.These are major achievements in China’s efforts to adjust economic structure and transform development pattern.They also contributed positively to the global endeavor to develop green economy and tackle climate change.面对极其严峻复杂的国内外经济环境,中国政府坚持资源节约和环境保护的基本国策,全面落实《中国应对气候变化国家方案》,今年新增投资的14.6%用于结构调整、科技创新、节能环保和生态建设,推进了绿色发展、循环发展和持续发展。节能减排成效显著,预计全年单位国内生产总值能耗比上年有较大幅度下降,二氧化硫排放总量和化学需氧量分别下降2.1%和2.7%;淘汰落后产能取得积极成效,全年关停小火电机组超过2100万千瓦,关闭各类小煤矿1000多处;森林碳汇能力增强,2008年中国森林覆盖率已提高到20.36%,提前两年实现了向世界承诺的目标;环保设施建设加快,全年新增城市污水日处理能力1125万立方米、燃煤电厂烟气脱硫装置7000万千瓦;绿色经济产业快速发展,2008年可再生能源和清洁能源占一次能源消费总量的比重达到9%,水电装机容量、核电在建规模、太阳能热水器集热面积和太阳能光伏发电累计容量均居世界第一位,风电装机跃居世界第四位。这些既是中国调整经济结构、转变发展方式的重大成果,也是对全球发展绿色经济、应对气候变化的积极贡献。
A couple of days ago, the Chinese government announced that by 2020, China’s carbon dioxide emiions per unit of GDP will be reduced by 40-45% from the 2005 level, the share of non-foil fuels in primary energy consumption will be increased to around 15%, forest coverage will be raised by 40 million hectares, and forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters.These are voluntary actions China will take in light of its national conditions.They represent China’s great contribution to a strong global response to the climate challenge and fully demonstrate China’s sense of responsibility to the Chinese nation and the entire human race.Extraordinary efforts will be required to meet these targets, and we are determined to adopt even stronger actions and more effective policies to fulfill this commitment.前几天,中国政府刚刚宣布,到2020年我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40~45%,非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重达到15%左右,森林面积、森林蓄积量分别比2005年增加4000万公顷和13亿立方米。这是我国根据国情采取的自主行动,也是为应对全球气候变化作出的巨大努力,充分体现了中国对中华民族和全人类高度负责的精神。实现这些目标,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力,我们要下更大的决心,采取更有力的行动,实施更有效的政策来履行我们的承诺。
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,The Chinese government sees great value in its relations with the European Union and regards the EU as one of its important strategic partners.In the past 34 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, economic ties and trade between China and the EU have, thanks to the strong commitment and strenuous efforts of both sides, grown and matured steadily.They have become an important part of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.The EU is currently China’s largest trading partner, export market and technology supplier as well as the fourth largest source of foreign capital.China is the EU’s second largest trading partner and largest source of imports, and has recently become the EU’s third largest export market.Since the beginning of this year, despite the serious impact of the international financial crisis, economic cooperation and trade between us have enjoyed steady growth.Trade in the first ten months stood at US$292.4 billion, taking up 16.7% of China’s total foreign trade.The EU’s accumulated paid-in FDI in China involved 31,000 projects and reached US$66.5 billion by the end of last September.China has introduced 31,600 technologies from the EU with a total contract value of over US$125 billion.What has happened proves that our busine ties serve as an important engine driving the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership and they help promote balanced and orderly development of the world economy.女士们、先生们、朋友们:
This morning, I met with Prime Minister Reinfeldt, President Barroso and other EU leaders and we discued the future of China-EU relationship.We agreed that if the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership is to move forward, it should be anchored on a foundation of economic cooperation, be hi-tech driven, and take the green economy as a priority.Our two sides need to work to enhance mutual trust, take a long-term perspective and promote mutual benefit.To this end, I wish to make the following suggestions.今天上午,我与赖因费尔特首相和巴罗佐主席等领导人举行了会晤,共同商讨中欧关系的未来发展。我们一致认为,发展中欧全面战略伙伴关系,要以经贸合作为基础,以高新科技为引领,以绿色经济为重点,加强互信,着眼长远,互利共赢。为此,我提出以下建议: First, we should deepen cooperation in energy conservation and environmental protection to addre climate change.Since 2005 when we forged a partnership on climate change, we have conducted seven productive consultations and carried out a number of cooperation projects on energy and environmental protection.We should continue our consultations on institutional guarantee, funding arrangement, technological cooperation and other iues and put in place a mechanism whereby the government gives guidance and enterprises participate and play by market rules.This is what we have to do in order to comprehensively strengthen our capacity to tackle climate change.The EU is at the cutting edge of energy-efficient and environment-friendly technologies and managerial expertise.It has rolled out effective policies to ensure energy efficiency and environmental protection in industry, transport, construction and other areas.We are ready to learn from you.I hope that businees from both sides will explore and make full use of the trade and investment opportunities that come along in the course of tackling climate change and conduct technological cooperation and exchanges in a wide range of areas.第一,深化节能环保合作,共同应对气候变化。中欧自2005年建立气候变化伙伴关系以来举行的7次双边磋商很有成效,开展了一系列能源和环保合作项目,双方应就制度保障、资金安排、技术合作等问题进一步磋商,建立政府引导、企业参与、市场运作的运行机制,全面提高应对气候变化能力。欧盟拥有先进的节能环保技术和丰富的管理经验,在工业、交通、建筑等领域制定了行之有效的节能环保政策,中方愿意学习和借鉴。希望双方企业充分发掘和利用应对气候变化带来的贸易和投资机会,广泛开展技术合作与交流。
Second, we should open markets further and oppose all forms of protectionism.The size of our trade in goods cannot reflect the depth and scope of our economic ties.We should look at our current trade and its prospects from a strategic and overall
perspective.We should make the most of our complementarity, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and commit ourselves to not taking new protectionist measures against each other.We should increase coordination and consultation in the WTO Doha Round negotiations, and pre for a comprehensive and balanced outcome at an early date.China strictly abides by its commitments upon WTO acceion.It has taken active steps to open its market and adopted foreign trade and financial policies consistent with WTO rules.China does not seek a trade surplus that is beyond a reasonable level.To addre our trade imbalance, China has sent several miions to European countries to promote trade and investment and will continue to take active measures to increase imports from Europe.第二,进一步开放市场,反对各种形式的保护主义。中欧经贸合作的深度和广度,已不单单是货物贸易数据所能反映的。双方应站在战略和全局的高度看待中欧贸易的现状和前景。应充分利用双方经济的互补性,推动贸易投资自由化便利化,承诺互不采取保护主义措施。加强世贸组织多哈回合谈判中的协调和沟通,推动谈判早日达成全面、均衡的成果。中国严格履行加入世贸组织承诺,积极开放市场,采取的外贸、金融等政策均符合世贸组织规则。中国不追求过大的贸易顺差。为了缓解双边贸易不平衡的矛盾,已经派出多批贸易投资促进团赴欧开展经贸活动,今后中方还将继续采取措施积极扩大自欧进口。
Third, we should promote trade in services and high-tech products.As China accelerates its economic restructuring, high-tech and tertiary industries are strategic priorities.The EU has a great advantage in trade in services and leads the world in many high-tech fields.There are broad prospects for closer China-EU trade cooperation in services and high-tech products.We have already set up a high-tech trade working group.We want to see it up and running at an early date so that we can draw up principles and find ways for developing and promoting bilateral services and high-tech trade, identify priority areas, and bring about substantive progre in our cooperation.I hope that the EU will relax its export control over high-tech products to China, let enterprises on both sides do busine in an unfettered way, and fully unleash the industrial advantage of the EU.China is ready to expand IPR cooperation with the EU and will step up IPR protection and law enforcement to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of foreign businees, EU companies included.第三,促进服务贸易和高技术产品贸易。中国正在加快经济结构调整,高新技术产业和第三产业发展是战略重点。欧盟在服务贸易领域具有较强的优势,在许多高科技领域处于世界领先地位。中欧加强服务贸易和高技术产品贸易合作的前景十分广阔。目前,双方已成立高技术贸易工作组,希望尽快启动相关工作,制定发展和促进双边服务贸易和高技术贸易的原则和方法,确定优先领域,推动合作取得实质性进展。希望欧方放宽对华高技术产品出口管制,为双方企业松绑,充分释放欧盟的产业优势。中方愿意扩大中欧知识产权合作,进一步加大知识产权保护和执法力度,维护包括欧盟企业在内的各国企业的合法权益。
Fourth, we should further expand SME cooperation.SMEs are the backbone of the Chinese economy and the European economy and a major growth area for future China-EU economic and trade cooperation.SMEs from the EU are well-funded.They have diverse sources of financing and engage in a wide array of businees.They have a competitive edge in capital and technology-intensive industries as well as the services sector.The bulk of Chinese SMEs are labor-intensive manufacturers and proceers.They lack technical support for R&D, cultural creativity, industrial design and brand creation.There is great scope for cooperation between Chinese and EU SMEs.We should increase SME policy dialogue and provide SMEs with greater support in terms of financing, acce to trade fairs and exhibitions, and investment and trade facilitation.The Chinese government will provide neceary facilities to promote cooperation between Chinese and EU SMEs.第四,进一步拓展中小企业的合作。中小企业是中欧经济的主体,也是未来中欧经贸合作的主要增长点。欧盟中小企业资金实力强、融资渠道多、经营领域广,在资金技术密集型产业和服务业领域具有竞争力。中国中小企业目前仍以劳动密集型的生产加工企业为主,在科技研发、文化创意、工业设计与品牌创立等方面缺少技术支持。双方中小企业有着广阔的合作前景。双方应加强中小企业政策对话,加大融资、参展、投资和贸易便利化等方面的支持力度,中国政府愿意为双方中小企业合作铺路搭桥。
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,The EU is the world’s largest economy while China is the world’s largest developing country.Closer China-EU cooperation serves the fundamental interests of both sides.All of you present today are champions of our busine communities.It is for you to tap the huge potential of China-EU busine cooperation.I am fully convinced that as long as we seize the opportunities with an open mind and look to the future in a cooperative spirit, we will make steady and further progre in our busine cooperation.Thank you.女士们、先生们、朋友们:
新华网布鲁塞尔10月6日电 中国国务院总理温家宝6日在布鲁塞尔出席第六届中欧工商峰会并发表演讲。演讲全文如下:温家宝总理在第六届中欧工商峰会上的演讲(2010年10月6日,布鲁塞尔)两年前,金......
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