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温家宝在第三节届中日韩工商峰会午餐会上的讲话 尊敬的菅直人首相,尊敬的李明博总统,女士们,先生们:

Prime Minister Naoto Kan, President Lee Myung-bak, Ladies and Gentlemen,我一直期待在东京与大家见面。首先,我要再次代表中国人民,向遭受特大地震海啸灾害的日本人民表示诚挚慰问,向长期以来为促进三国经贸关系发展、增进三国人民友谊做出积极贡献的工商界朋友们表示崇高敬意!

I have been looking forward to meeting you here in Tokyo.First of all, I wish to once again expre, on behalf of the Chinese people, sincere sympathies to the Japanese people who suffered the devastating earthquake and tsunami.I also wish to pay high tribute to friends from the busine sectors who have long contributed to the growth of our busine ties and deeper friendship between the people of China, Japan and the ROK.本世纪第一个十年,是世界政治经济格局大调整、大变革的十年,也是中日韩三国合作日益加深的十年。十年来,我们牢牢抓住经济全球化和区域经济一体化的重大发展机遇,以经贸合作为先导,逐步建立起面向未来和全方位合作的伙伴关系。我们携手应对国际金融危机和重大自然灾害的严峻挑战,共同推动解决地区热点问题,全面加强在20国集团、亚太经合组织等多边机制中的合作,展现了共克时艰、勇担责任的坚强决心。今天,东亚是全球最具活力和发展潜力的地区之一,引领亚洲经济强劲增长,成为促进世界经济复苏的重要引擎;中国成为日韩第一大贸易伙伴,2010年中日贸易额接近3000亿美元,中韩贸易额超过2000亿美元,均创历史新高;日本和韩国都是中国外资的主要来源地,在中国设立企业的总数接近10万家,累计投资金额超过1200亿美元。

The first decade of the 21st century was a decade of major adjustments and changes in the international political and economic landscape.It was also a decade of deepening trilateral cooperation between our countries.Over the past ten years, we seized the major development opportunities offered by economic globalization and regional economic integration, and gradually established a future-oriented comprehensive cooperative partnership led by economic cooperation and trade.Together, we responded to the severe challenges of the international financial crisis and major natural disasters, jointly worked for the resolution of regional hotspot iues, stepped up all-round cooperation in the G20, APEC and other multilateral mechanisms, and demonstrated a strong resolve of acting together to meet challenges and shouldering responsibilities.Today's East Asia is one of the most dynamic and promising regions in the world.It leads the robust economic growth in Asia and serves as an important engine for world economic recovery.China has become the biggest trading partner of Japan and the ROK.Last year, our trade with Japan and the ROK both reached a record high, totaling about US$300 billion and over US$200 billion respectively.Japan and the ROK are main sources of foreign investment in China.They have set up about 100,000 enterprises in China with a total investment of more than US$120 billion.中日韩经济合作不断向前发展,符合三国人民的根本利益,有利于亚洲乃至世界的繁荣和稳定。

Growing economic cooperation between the three countries serves the fundamental interests of our people and contributes to the prosperity and stability of Asia and beyond.上午,我和菅直人首相、李明博总统就扩大三国务实合作深入交换了意见,达成重要共识。这里,我愿谈几点具体意见。

This morning, I had in-depth exchange of views with Prime Minister Kan and President Lee on expanding trilateral practical cooperation, and we reached important consensus.Here, I wish to make the following points.第一,进一步扩大三国间贸易规模。中日韩都是世界前十位贸易大国,但三国间贸易额仅占三国对外贸易总额的11%左右,还有较大的提升空间。近年来,三国贸易结构正在发生新的变化,产业内贸易快速发展,中间产品贸易所占比重大幅提升,这是三国经济联系加深和产业分工细化的反映。我们要因势利导,进一步开放市场,降低关税和非关税壁垒,全面拓展海关、质检、运输、人员出入境等领域的合作,为区域内贸易发展营造良好环境。建设中日韩自贸区是三国产业界的共同愿望,官产学联合研究取得积极进展,有望年内提前完成,明年启动正式谈判。中国愿以最大的诚意推动这项工作不断取得进展。在同日、韩贸易中,中方存在较大逆差,但我们以积极的姿态对待这一问题,不搞贸易保护主义,希望在发展中逐步实现贸易平衡。

First, we should further expand trade among the three countries.China, Japan and the ROK are among the world's top ten trading nations.However, trade among us only accounts for about 11 % of our total external trade.There is great room for it to grow.Recent years have seen changes in our trade mix as intra-industry trade expands rapidly and trade in intermediate goods takes up a much larger proportion in total trade.This reflects the deepening economic links and division of labor among the three countries.We should seize this trend, further open up our markets, lower tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and expand cooperation in customs, quality inspection, transportation and personnel entry and exit to create a sound environment for intra-regional trade.To establish a China-Japan-ROK free trade area is the common wish of the busine communities of our three countries.The Joint Study on the FTA, conducted by representatives from the government, busine and academia of the three countries, has made good headway.It may be concluded within this year ahead of the original schedule and formal negotiations may be launched next year.China stands ready to work with utmost sincerity to advance this proce.In our trade with Japan and the ROK, China runs a fairly large deficit.Yet we have always viewed the iue with a positive attitude.We do not practise trade protectionism and hope that we can gradually achieve trade balance in the course of development.第二,进一步深化三方投资合作。日本和韩国是世界重要对外投资国,中国企业对外投资也已起步,但目前三国相互投资占三国对外投资总额的比重不足10%,合作潜力巨大。进一步完善三方投资合作机制,努力消除影响企业投资的各种障碍,是一项重要而紧迫的任务。从2005年起三国政府为商谈三方投资协定付出了艰苦努力,迄今已举行了12轮谈判,在绝大多数问题上达成了一致。中方愿尽最大努力,与日、韩合作,争取在今年年内完成谈判。我重申,中国政府欢迎包括日韩在内的各国企业到中国投资兴业,所有在中国依法设立的外资企业都享受国民待遇,各类企业的知识产权和合法权益都将得到有效保护。我们也希望日韩两国政府为中国企业投资提供便利。

Second, we should further deepen trilateral investment cooperation.Japan and the ROK are major global investors.Chinese enterprises have also begun to invest abroad.Yet mutual investment among the three countries is le than 10% of our total overseas investment.This means our cooperation in this field holds great potential.An important and preing task now is to improve the trilateral investment cooperation mechanism and remove the obstacles hindering corporate investment.Since 2005, the three governments have worked hard on a trilateral investment agreement.So far, 12 rounds of negotiations have been held, and agreement on the majority of iues has been reached.China is ready to do its best and work with Japan and the ROK for concluding the negotiations before the end of the year.Let me reiterate that the Chinese government welcomes foreign companies, including those from Japan and the ROK, to invest and do busine in China.All foreign-invested enterprises established in China according to law enjoy national treatment and enterprises of all types will receive effective protection of their intellectual properties and other lawful rights and interests.We hope that the governments of Japan and the ROK will also provide convenience for Chinese companies to invest in their respective countries.第三,进一步发展绿色经济和循环经济。中日韩三国人均资源占有水平较低,大力发展绿色经济、循环经济,实现可持续发展,是我们的共同目标。中方愿意与日韩加强在风能、太阳能等可再生能源领域的合作。中方倡议成立三国“可再生能源产学研创新联盟”,使三国在技术、生产和市场等方面的优势实现互补。今年中方将以新能源合作为主题举办国际论坛和展会,邀请三国政府、企业、大学和科研机构代表共商合作事宜。建立中日韩循环经济示范基地是三国领导人两年前达成的共识,中国政府愿意采取有效措施,争取年内在中国启动循环经济示范基地建设,我们也支持在日韩建立示范基地。

Third, we should further develop green economy and circular economy.In view of the low per capita share of resources in our countries, to develop green economy and circular economy and achieve sustainable development is our common goal.China wants to enhance cooperation with Japan and the ROK on renewable energies such as wind and solar power.China proposes that the three countries establish a trilateral innovation alliance on renewable energy between the industry, academia and research institutions to better integrate our comparative strengths in technology, production and market.This year, China will host an international forum and exhibition on new energy cooperation, and will invite representatives from the government, busine community, universities and research institutions of the three countries to discu such cooperation.Leaders of the three countries agreed two years ago to establish the China-Japan-ROK Circular Economy Model Base.The Chinese government is willing to take effective steps in an effort to launch the construction of such a model base in China within this year, and we support similar bases to be established in Japan and the ROK.第四,进一步加强防灾减灾和灾后重建合作。自然灾害多发,是中日韩共同面临的重大挑战。三国政府一致同意进一步加强灾害管理合作,探讨建立信息通报、应急救援合作机制。中方建议三国开展东北亚地震、海啸和火山联合研究,愿提供项目启动资金。中方将根据日方需要,继续对救灾给予帮助。中方将派遣贸易投资促进代表团访问日本,同日方就灾后重建合作进行商谈。

Fourth, we should further strengthen cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation, and post-disaster reconstruction.Frequent natural disasters pose a daunting challenge to us all.The three governments have agreed to strengthen cooperation on disaster management and explore the poibility of establishing cooperation mechanisms on information sharing and emergency relief.China suggests that the three countries conduct a joint study on earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes in Northeast Asia and is willing to provide start-up fund for the project.China will continue to aist Japan in its disaster relief efforts in the light of Japan's needs, and will send a trade and investment promotion delegation to Japan to discu post-disaster reconstruction cooperation.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,中日韩合作正站在新的历史起点上,希望三国工商界朋友们抓住机遇,乘势而上,积极参与三国经贸合作,为促进三国关系全面发展和增进人民福祉做出更大的贡献!

Our cooperation now stands at a new starting point.I hope friends from the busine sectors will seize the opportunity and momentum, actively participate in trilateral economic and trade cooperation, and make greater contribution to the all-round development of the trilateral relations and better lives of our people.谢谢大家!Thank you.


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