材料学院 殷实鉴
1.So it's kind of part of the phenomenon I called spontaneous self-organization, right, where, like in ant colonies, where little decisions made by on the micro-level actually have a big impact on the macro-level.这就有点像我所说的自发组织现象。就像在蚂蚁群中,在微观层面上做的小小决定会在宏观层面上产生巨大的影响。
2.It's as if there's a committee meeting going on in your head as you are trying to decide what to do.你的大脑就像在开代表大会似的,你在思考下一步要做什么。
3.We have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didn't, all the fences I wanted to mend, all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did.我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所有那些我想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经历却没有经历的事。
4.I have to, sort of find some way to have a safe distance you know between me, as I am writing, and my very natural anxiety about what the reaction to that writing is going to be, from now on.我必需要找到一些保持安全距离的方式,就在写作的我与很自然产生焦虑的我之间,即对写作呈现方式不确性的反应我必须要有所动作。
5.Aren't you afraid that you're going to work your whole life at this craft and nothing's ever going to come of it and you're going to die on a scrap heap of broken dreams with your mouth filled with bitter ash of failure? 不怕一辈子都得爬格子,到头来却一事无成?不怕人生被埋葬在破碎的梦想中,最后剩下的只有你嘴中充满失败的痛苦灰烬?
6.But we don't even blink when we hear somebody say this because we've heard that kind of stuff for so long and somehow we've completely internalized and accepted collectively this notion that creativity and suffering are somehow inherently linked and that artistry, in the end, will always ultimately lead to anguish.但是,当听到有人这么说时,我们却连眼睛都不会眨一下,因为我们长久以来一直听到这类的言词,所以好像已经完全内化并接受了创意与磨难天生是不可分的这个论调,对于艺术而言,这终究会演变成令人苦不堪言。
7.It seems to me that our discuion reflects the opposite, that a better way to mutual respect is to engage directly with the moral convictions citizens bring to public life, rather than to require that people leave their deepest moral convictions outside politics before they enter.我觉得我们的讨论证明事实恰恰相反,一个更好的互相尊重的方式是直面日常生活中所涉及的伦理道德问题,而不是要求人们在讨论政治问题时回避他们最深层的道德信仰。
8.But since it is the very nature of a game to have no object except amusement, that is, what distinguishes games from productive activity, it is quite impoible to say that any of a game's arbitrary rules is eential.但是,文娱运动的本质就是漫无目的地取乐,这是文娱活动区别于生产劳动的重要本质,所以,没有哪条体育运动规则可以称得上具有本质意义。
9.But if we as educators leave behind this simple role as dieminators of content and embrace a new paradigm as cultivators of curiosity and inquiry, we just might bring a little bit more meaning to their school day, and spark their imagination.但如果身为教育者的我们,跳脱知识传播者的单一角色,采取崭新的教学方式,担任好奇心与探索能力的培育者,或许能为他们的学校生活带来更多意义,激发他们的想象力。
10.And Justice Stevens, writing for the majority, said he had read all about the history of golf, and the eential point of the game is to get a very small ball from one place into a hole in as few strokes as poible, and that walking was not eential, but incidental.大法官史蒂文斯,站在大多数人一边,他号称他读了所有关于高尔夫运动的历史文献,得出的结论是:这项运动本质是把一个很小的球从某处打入洞中,击打杆数越少越好,场上的走动并非本质,而是附带事件。
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