
演讲稿 时间:2020-02-26 08:36:09 收藏本文下载本文
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There are times when i feel really quite ashamed to be a European 有时候我真为自己是个欧洲人而感到羞愧

In the last year,more than a million people arrived in Europe in need of our help 去年,一百多万的人来到欧洲寻求帮助

And our response,frankly,has been pathetic,There are just so many contradictions 而我们的反应,说实话,很让人觉得悲哀, 那么多自相矛盾的地方

We mourn the tragic death of two-year-old Alan Kurdi and yet,sincethen,more than 200 children have subsequently drowned in the Mediterranean.一方面我们为一个两岁的小男孩Alan Kurdi的悲惨离世感到悲痛,另一方面,那以后超过两百名儿童落入地中海中丧命

We have international treaties that recognize that refugees are a shared responsibility and yet we accept that tiny Lebanon host more Syrians than the whole of Europe combined 一方面,我们国际协议中明文规定国际社会对难民负有共同的责任另一方面,我们理所当然的接受在黎巴嫩,这片狭小的土地上收容比整个欧洲都要多的叙利亚难民的事实

We lament the existence of human smugglers,and yet we make that only viable route to seek asylum in Europe.我们一方面对人口走私深恶痛绝,另一方面却堵死其他路,使得难民只能通过偷渡的方式来欧洲寻求庇护

We have labor shortages,and yet we exclude people who fit our economic and demographic needs from coming to Europe.一方面我们用工短缺,另一方面我们竭力排挤这些满足我们经济人口发展需要的人群来到欧洲。

We proclaim our liberal values in opposition to fundamentalist islam,and yet-not based on the old logics of humanitarian aistance,not based on the logics of charity,but building on the opportunities offered by globalization,markets and mobility。人们还会四处游走,依然会有无家可归的人,我们需要找到一个合情合理的方式来处理,而不应该基于过去的人道主义救援逻辑,不应基于慈善的逻辑,而应充分依靠全球化、市场化和流动性所带来的机遇。

i'd urge you all to wake up and urge our politicians to wake up to this challenge。我呼吁大家、呼吁我们的政治家们能充分意识到这一个挑战//


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