
演讲稿 时间:2020-02-27 10:43:18 收藏本文下载本文
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Remarks by the Vice President at Sichuan University 美副总统拜登川大演讲

Thank you, all, very much.(Applause.)Mr.President, thank you for your gracious introduction.We have an expreion in the United States Senate where I served for many years when we want to say something personal, we say, permit me a point of personal privilege.I would like to introduce you to two of my family members who I’ve brought along with me, my daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden and my granddaughter Naomi Biden.Would you guys stand?(Applause.)非常感谢在座各位。感谢习副主席亲切的介绍。在我就职多年的美国参议院,如果我们的议员要谈及个人事情,就会说:请容许我说点私事。在此,我要给大家介绍两位随我同行的家人,我的儿媳凯思林.拜登和我的孙女儿内奥米.拜登。你们俩能起立向观众致意一下吗? gracious a.亲切的,优美的 privilege v.特权

It would be more appropriate to say Naomi brought me along with her since she’s a budding Chinese speaker, been taking Chinese for five years, so I’ve been listening to her on the whole trip.确切地说这次应该是内奥米带我到中国。她学习汉语五年了,一路上我都在听她翻译。appropriate a.恰当的I want to again thank you very much.I had a wonderful few days in Beijing and a series of very positive and productive conversations with Chinese leaders.And I’m pleased to make my first visit to western China, which has played such an incredible, such an incredible role in this nation’s proud, proud history, and which today is the vanguard of Chinese--China’s high-tech future.我想再次表达我的谢意。在北京的几天我非常愉快,并且还与几位中国领导人进行了几次积极的、富有成效的洽谈。我也非常高兴能首次来到中国西部。中国西部在中国伟大的历史上起着非常重要的作用,而今是中国人的先锋——中国高科技的未来之地。incredible a.难以置信的 vanguard n.前锋,领导者

Two years ago, Sichuan province suffered one of the greatest natural disasters in China’s recent history.And the American people were inspired--were inspired by the way you all came together to help one another during that crisis.And I’m absolutely amazed as I drive around the city, and I’ll be moving out into the province later, after this speech--I’m amazed at how quickly you have rebuilt and you have recovered.两年前,四川省遭受了中国近代史上最严重的自然灾害之一。灾难之中中国人民团结一心共同抗灾,极大地鼓舞了美国人民。我坐车游览了这个城市,演讲后我还会到省内其他地方。看到你们如此地重建家乡,恢复生活,我感到震惊!absolutely ad.完全

The people of Chengdu, let me say simply that your hospitality has more

than lived up to your reputation as the “land of abundance,” so again, thank you so very much for that hospitality.在我看来,成都人民,你们的热情好客无愧于你们“天府之国”的美誉,在此,我对你们的热情再次表示感谢。

land of abundance 天府之国【abundance n.充裕,丰富】

It’s also great to be here on a university campus.I also want to thank our host, the university which counts amongst its alumni some of the most illustrious figures in recent Chinese history, including Zhu De and Ba Jin, both of whom are--one a literary icon;the other, one of the most illustrious figures, and a founding father of the republic.非常荣幸能来到四川大学演讲。在此我想向川大表示感谢。四川大学拥有中国近代史上最杰出的一些人物,包括文学巨匠巴金先生和中华人民共和国的缔造者之一朱德将军。alumni alumnus(男校友)的复数形式 illustrious a.著名的,杰出的 icon n.偶像

I’m also pleased to be joined today by--he’s already been introduced--but by our ambaador, our new ambaador Gary Locke whose grandfather came to the United States from Canton in the 1890s and toiled as a house servant in the United States in exchange for being able to get English language leons.In le than two generations--two generations later, Gary Locke, his grandson, has served as the governor of his home state of Washington, the U.S.Secretary of Commerce and the chief of miion in one our most important diplomatic posts in the world.我很高兴此次我们的新驻华大使,已经介绍过的骆家辉先生能陪同我到川大访问。19世纪90年代,骆家辉大使的祖父从广东来到美国,他不辞辛苦做着一份仆人的工作,以换得学习英语的机会。在不到两代人的时间里——骆家两代之后,他的孙子骆家辉当选为家乡华盛顿州的州长、美国商务部部长以及在与美国拥有世界上最重要的外交关系的中国驻外大使。ambaador n.大使 toil v.苦干 n.辛苦 diplomatic a.外交的I share this story with you not because it’s unique, but because it is uniquely American.While not every child or grandchild of an immigrant will reach the pinnacle of society as Ambaador Locke has, America continues to put such poibilities within reach of all those who seek our shores.我和大家分享这个故事,不是因其特别,而是因其具有独特的美国色彩。不是每一个移民的下一代或孙辈能像骆大使这样攀登到美国社会的顶峰,但美国一直为那些来寻梦的移民提供这样的机会。unique a.独特的 immigrant n.移民 pinnacle n.顶峰,极点

On my first visit to China, which was more than 30 years ago when I was a

young United States senator in 1979, I was with the first delegation of congreional leaders to visit China after normalization.We had several days of busine with then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping.It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.30多年前,彼时我还是一名年轻的美国参议员,中美两国关系正常化之后,我随同国会代表团于1979年首次访问了了中国。我们与时任中国国务院副总理的邓小平先生举行了几天会谈。那时的中国与现在很不同,但我清楚地意识到中国正处于一次伟大的变革之初。delegation n.代表团 congreional a.国会的 normalization n.正常化 cusp n.尖端

remarkable a.非凡的Changes were just getting underway.My first introduction here in Sichuan that would begin transforming a largely agrarian society into an engine of economic global and help lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty was--seemed to me clear at the time.That first visit came amid a debate in the United States of America similar to the one that exists today about how to view China’s emergence.Let me be clear--let me be clear: I believed in 1979 and said so and I believe now that a rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole.一个处于变革之中的中国。此刻我也确信我首次造访的四川省,也会开始一场伟大的变革,它将从一个以农业经济为主的社会转变成全球经济的发动机,将会帮助千百万的人们摆脱贫困。今天在美国关于中国崛起的争论和我第一次访问中国时的争论一模一样。但我重申我的观点:1979年访问中国时我就相信,正如此刻我也坚信,中国的崛起不仅对中国人民,对美国和全世界都具有积极意义。agrarian a.农业的,耕地的A rising China will fuel economic growth and prosperity and it will bring to the fore a new partner with whom we can meet global challenges together.When President Obama and I took office in January of 2009, we made our relationship with China a top priority.We were determined to set it on a stable and sustainable course that would benefit the citizens of both our countries.Our Presidents have met nine times since then, including very succeful state visits in Beijing and Washington, and have spoken numerous times by telephone.中国的崛起将为世界经济的繁荣和发展提供动力,也意味着中国能与美国一起并肩应对全球挑战。2009年1月奥巴马总统与我正式就职时,我们就确定美中关系是美国最重要的外交关系。我们致力发展平稳持续、惠泽两国人民的双边关系。此后,包括在北京和华盛顿进行的国事访问,奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席共会面九次,电话通话更是不计其数。fuel v.刺激;加燃料

n.燃料 prosperity n.繁荣

bring to the fore 在最前面【fore 前面】 priority n.优先;重点考虑的事情 sustainable a.能维持的Direct discuions between senior policymakers and the personal ties that result from such discuions in my view over the last 35 years of conducting foreign policy are the keys to building cooperation.They're built on understanding.They allow us to better understand each other and allow us to define our interests in ways that are clear so that each one of us know what the other country’s interests are, and to see the world through the eyes of the other with the intention of preventing miscommunications and misconceptions that tend to fuel mistrust.在过去处理国际事务的35年中,我认为高层领导人的直接会谈和个人联系是美中外交合作的关键。从相互理解的角度出发,两国能更好地了解彼此,弄清彼此的利益,以对方的眼光看待世界,谨防造成误解,加深不信任。misconception n.误解 mistrust n.不信任

With that goal in mind, we have worked very hard to develop our cooperative partnership through more than 60 separate dialogues on iues of matter to both China and to the United States;and I would suggest to the world as a whole.秉持发展良好的双边关系的目标,两国致力于构建合作伙伴关系,并就关于美国和中国的重要议题进行了60多场对话。以我之见,世界各国都应以对话解决问题。

The premier forum is what we refer to as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue which brings together policymakers from acro both governments to discu a range of iues from trade barriers to climate change.But we also recognize--we also recognized immediately on starting that the importance more directly addreing security iues, as well.That's why in May we jointly launched the first Strategic Security Dialogue, a new channel for civilian and military leaders to discu sensitive topics, including cyber and maritime security.That's why it’s also important that our military leaders work together, get to know one another--not just our political leaders, but our military leaders--as Admiral Mullen and General Chen have begun to do in their recent exchange of meetings.当前两国首轮论坛是美中战略与经济对话,通过论坛对话,两国领导人可以讨论从贸易壁垒到气候变化等话题。但我们也立即意识到两国应该开始就军事安全直接对话。因此在今年5月,两国联合举行了首轮美中战略安全对话,为政治领导人和军事领导人就网络安全和海洋安全等敏感问题进行讨论开辟了渠道。不仅政治领导人,两国的军事领导人也应该增进理解。正如最近美国海军上将马伦就与中国人民解放军总参谋长陈炳德进行会谈。premier a.第一的,最初的 jointly ad.共同 launch v.发起,使从事

sensitive a.敏感的The fact is China and the United States face many of the same threats and share many of the same objectives and responsibilities.But because we sometimes view threats from different perspectives--that is China and the United States view them from different perspectives, our--or favor a different way in dealing with what we perceive to be joint threats, our generals should be talking to each other alongside with our diplomats, as frequently as our diplomats do.Like China, the United States has a huge stake in the prosperity and stability of Asia and the Pacific.事实上,中美两国面临许多共同的挑战也肩负很多共同的目标和责任,但有时从不同的角度来解读它们,或者说,我们倾向于用不同的方法来解决我们共同的威胁。两国的军事将领应随两国的外交官进行频繁的对话。同中国一样,一个繁荣稳定的亚太地区对美国有重大的利益。favor v.偏爱

perspective n.看法,观点 perceive v.意识到,理解 stake n.赌注,这里指“利害关系”

I look forward to visiting two other Asian nations on this trip.When I leave China, I’ll go to Mongolia and then to Japan.The United States--and I realize this occasionally causes some discomfiture--but the United States is a Pacific power, and we will remain a specific power--a Pacific power.我也期望着此次亚洲之行对其他两个国家的访问。结束对中国的访问后,我会前往蒙古人民共和国和日本。美国——尽管意识到这会带来麻烦,我仍重申美国是一个太平洋国家,并且将会是太平洋上一股重要的力量。occasionally ad.偶尔,间或 discomfiture n.困惑

Over the last 60 years, no country has done more than we have to ensure the stability and security of the Asian-Pacific region.And I’d respectfully suggest that has been good for China, allowing China to focus on domestic development and to benefit from a growing market.在过去60多年的时间里,没有任何一个国家能像美国这样竭尽所能地确保亚太地区的安全和稳定。中国致力于发展国内经济并受益于全球贸易的增长,我认为这也对中国有利。

America’s focus on this critical region will only grow in the years to come as Asia plays an even greater role in the global economy and international affairs.随着亚洲在全球经济和国际事务上发挥越来越重要的作用,美国未来会越来越重视亚洲这一关键地区。

critical a.关键的,重要的As President Obama said in Tokyo during his first visit to Asia as President, and I quote: “The United States of America may have started as a series of ports and cities along the Atlantic Ocean, but for generations, we have also

been a nation of the Pacific.Asia and the United States are not separated by this great ocean, we are bound by it.”


That's why we’ve begun this dialogue, this Asia-Pacific Dialogue on iues--to expand cooperation in the region where we both live and operate.因此我们才就一些亚太事项展开对话,以增强这个我们共同活动的区域的合作。

Let me give you another example of our security cooperation.The United States and China are also working as international--with international partners to counter the threat posed by the spread of nuclear weapons, materials and technology, so called nonproliferation.Along with 46 other world leaders, President Hu honored us by joining President Obama and me at the Nuclear Security Summit in April of last year, and our nations are now collaborating on a center for excellence to provide nuclear security in China.再给大家讲一个美中安全领域合作的范例。美中两国与其他伙伴一道,致力于防核扩散,共同抗击核武器、核材料和制核技术扩散所带来的威胁。去年4月,胡锦涛主席与其他46位世界各国领导参加了奥巴马总统和我共同主持的核安全峰会。包括美国在内的一些国家正在一个核安全中心示范合作,以帮助中国提供更完善的核保障。nonproliferation n.防止核武器扩散 collaborate v.合作

In my discuions with Vice President Xi this week, I said we have to deepen our conversations on the world’s two primary nuclear proliferating challenges: North Korea and Iran.I know that China shares our concerns, but some of you may wonder why our focus--the focus of the United States is so intense.The reason is clear: If armed with nuclear weapons on long-range miiles, North Korea and Iran would pose a direct and serious threat to the security of the United States of America and our allies.It would present an existential threat.That is why--that is why we’ve been working with China and our international partners to maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and to achieve a complete denuclearization of North Korea.And it is why as the Iranian government continues its illicit nuclear program, we have worked with a range of partners and international institutions to enact the toughest sanctions that Iran has ever faced.这周与习近平副主席会谈时,我建议我们应就世界无核化最主要的两个挑战,即伊朗和朝鲜,深入对话。我确信中国与我们一样忧虑核威胁,但也许你们会好奇,为什么美国会如此关注呢?原因很清楚:如果配备有携带核武器的洲际弹道导弹,伊朗和朝鲜会对美国及美国的盟友的安全构成直接严重的挑战。事关美国的生存安全。因此美国一直同中国,还有其他伙伴一道致力于朝鲜彻底无核化,以保证朝鲜半岛的和平和稳定。这也是美国与其他伙伴及国际机构一同实施迄今以来伊朗所面临的最严苛的制裁的原因——伊朗政府一直在违法发展核


existential a.有关存在的 denuclearization n.无核化 sanction n.制裁

Without vigilant implementation of these sanctions, Iran will evade the consequences of the actions and diplomacy will not be effective in stopping their nuclear program.So we will continue to look to China to send a clear meage to Iranian leaders through its words and its deeds that they, Iran, must live up to their international obligations.如果不进行制裁,伊朗会继续发展核计划,而通过外交手段无法有效阻止伊朗的计划。因此我们一如既往期望中国向伊朗发出清晰的信号,让伊朗领导人通过语言和行动来证明他们完成自己的国际责任。

vigilant a.警惕的 implementation n.履行 evade v.躲避

There are many other security challenges that the United States and China share.From Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to the Sudan--and we have been and will continue to discu our mutual interests and concerns.Continuing to develop our security dialogue and cooperation is the surest way to meet these joint challenges.从阿富汗到巴基斯坦和苏丹,美中两国面临许多共同的安全威胁。两国一直,也将继续就两国的共同利益和面临的挑战进行对话。而继续进行安全对话和合作是解决这些共同挑战最有效的方法。mutual a.共同的




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