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Accelerating E-commerce for the Development of Modern Services

--Speech by Aistant Minister Chong Quan at Info China 2007


Respected leaders and guests:


Info China 2007 co-sponsored by the Informatization Office of the State Council, Ministry of Information Industry, National Development and Reform Commiion, Ministry of Commerce and Advisory Committee for State Informatization is officially inaugurated today.As a flagship event of China’s information industry, the conference will surely boost e-commerce development in China in a healthy, fast and lasting way.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, I would like to expre my sincere congratulations on the opening of the conference.今天,我就“加快电子商务发展,促进现代服务业成长”谈一谈自己的看法。

Today, I would like to speak briefly on “accelerating E-commerce for the development of modern services”.一、现代服务业在国民经济中突显重要地位

I.Important role of modern services in China’s national economy


At the 16th CPC Party Congre, the central government brought forward the scientific outlook on development and called for comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development.Developing modern services is precisely an effective means to this end in line with the new situation of opening-up.国务院于今年3月19日印发了《国务院关于加快发展服务业的若干意见》,明确指出服务是国民经济的重要组成部分;提出了服务业发展的具体目标,到2010年,服务业增加值占国内生产总值的比重比2005年提高3%,服务业从业人员占全社会从业人员的比重比2005年提高4%,服务贸易总额达到4000亿美元。

On March 19, 2007, the State Council iued the Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of the Services Sector, which set forth the specific goals for services development and clearly indicated that the services sector was an important component of China’s economy.By the year 2010, the share of added value generated by services in total GDP will have increased by 3% than that of the year 2005, its share in the total job creation will have risen by 4% over that of 2005, and total services trade volume will have amounted to 400 bn USD.二、电子商务的广泛应用促进了现代服务业成长

II.Modern services driven by the broad applications of E-commerce.现代服务业是指信息和知识相对密集的服务业,它依托现代化的新技术和新的服务方式,向社会提供高附加值、高层次的生产服务和生活服务。电子商务作为信息技术在经济活动中的一个典型应用,越来越成为现代服务业成长的一个不可或缺的重要环节。

Modern services represent a relatively information and knowledge-intensive sector, based on modern technology and creative services models.The sector provides high value-added and high-end production and life services.As a typical IT application in economic activities, E-commerce has increasingly become an eential link of modern services.(一)电子商务提高了服务业的服务能力

(I)E-commerce enhances the competitivene of the services sector.电子商务促进了服务企业的营销范围扩大,促进了企业的客户关系管理。生产性服务业利用电子商务可以向生产者提供更加全面服务,使其能在生产前更深入地了解市场供求状况,经过充分的信息交换,从而降低企业生产成本,提高生产效率。

E-commerce enlarges the scope of marketing activities for service companies, and contributes to customer relations management.E-commerce enables the productive service sector to deliver broader services to producers, helping them to gain a better understanding of the supply and demand in the market, and to reduce production costs and to increase productivity through full information exchange.(二)电子商务提高了服务业的服务效率

(II)E-commerce improves service efficiency.电子商务的应用可以大大节约交易成本,为客户提供更好的服务,从整体上提高运营效率。特别是在金融、物流、旅游、咨询等传统服务业领域,电子商务的应用具有先天优势。

The application of E-commerce can greatly reduce transaction costs;provide better services for customers, and improve overall operating efficiency.The application of E-commerce has inherent advantages, particularly in traditional service areas such as finance, logistics, tourism and


(III)E-commerce opens up new service areas.电子商务在不断提高传统服务业服务能力的同时,还开辟了新的服务业领域,形成更多新兴行业和就业机会。如网上商店、网上银行、信息技术支持以及第三方电子商务服务提供商等等。以阿里巴巴为代表的第三方电子商务服务平台,为中小企业提供电子商务服务,即节省了中小企业自己开发和管理电子商务平台的费用,又可为中小企业提供大量买家信息及产品的进出口服务。

While continuing to improve service capability in traditional areas, E-commerce is also pioneering in new service areas, which in turn creates more burgeoning businees and job opportunities, such as online shopping, online banking, IT support, and third-party E-commerce etc.Alibaba, the leader of third-party E-commerce service to small and medium-sized enterprises is helping them save the costs of developing and managing E-commerce platform and plenty of information on suppliers and imports and exports.三、商务部在推进电子商务方面所做的努力

III.MOFCOM’s role in E-commerce development.多年来,商务部一直致力推动电子商务的应用与发展,主要开展了以下工作:

For many years, the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)has been committed to E-commerce application and development, mainly in the following areas:


(I)On March 6, 2007, MOFCOM iued the Guiding Opinions on Online Trading(Provisional), aimed at improving the external environment for online trading, preventing risks and boosting healthy and progreive development of online trading.Currently, MOFCOM is working together with the National Bureau of Statistics on E-commerce statistics.The first batch of statistics is expected to be officially released before the end of 2007.China’s first official index system for E-commerce statistics is under construction.(二)商务部自2003年起每年组织撰写《中国电子商务发展报告》。报告从宏观上分析了我国电子商务的发展状况,并对外贸、国内流通、网上零售等方面进行了重点分析,对引领中国电子商务的发展发挥了积极的作用。

(II)Since 2003, MOFCOM has been compiling the annual China Report on E-commerce.The Report, which analyzes the status quo of E-commerce in China and looks into specific areas of E-commerce application such as foreign trade, domestic distribution and online retailing, is playing a positive role in the development of E-commerce in China.(三)为推广电子商务应用,商务部与教育部自2005年开始联合组织有关高等院校,开展了电子商务案例调研和理论研究。到目前为止,共完成了200多个电子商务案例调研。

(III)To roll out E-commerce applications, since 2005, MOFCOM and the Ministry of Education in conjunction with selected universities, have been engaged in case and theory study on E-commerce.So far, over 200 E-commerce cases have been studied.(四)在中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)、中国国际高新技术成果交易会(高交会)等大型展会上,商务部积极推动电子商务应用工作。每届广交会为超过 8000家参展商会员提供电子商务服务。商务部还支持和推动福建省举办中小企业“网上产品博览会”和“网上投资贸易洽谈会”,推动宁波市举办“网上消费品博览会”。

(IV)At the China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair), China Hi-tech Fair and other large-scale exhibitions, MOFCOM actively advances the application of E-commerce.Each year, there are over 8,000 exhibitors providing E-commerce service at the China Import and Export Fair.MOFCOM also encourages and supports Fujian Province to host the Online Fair and Online Investment & Trade Symposium for SMEs, and encourages Ningbo City to hold the Online Consumer Goods Fair.(五)为提高地方和企业应用电子商务的能力,商务部组织了多期地方商务主管部门领导参加的“电子商务培训高级研究班”。

(V)With a view to enhancing local and company-level E-commerce applications, MOFCOM has organized several “advanced training courses on E-commerce” for leaders of local commercial departments.(六)商务部启动了“农村商务信息服务”工程。在农业部、信息产业部和国信办等单位支持下于2006年8月25日开通了“新农村商网”。举办了三次“农副产品网上购销对接会”,共促成交易金额40.66亿元。

(VI)MOFCOM launched the program of Commercial Information Service in Rural Area.On August 25, 2006, MOFCOM launched the New Rural Busine Network with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Information Industry and Informatization Office of the State Council.It also held three online fairs for agricultural by-products, with a total transaction value of 4.066 bn RMB.(七)商务部积极组织参与电子商务领域的国际合作和交流,与13个国家和地区建立了电子商务交流合作机制。从2004年开始,商务部与部分国外政府商务主管部门合作建立并开通了“中国俄罗斯经贸合作网站”、“中国新加坡经贸合作网站”等9个经贸合作网站,利用信


(VII)MOFCOM has participated actively in international E-commerce exchanges and cooperation and established mechanisms for exchange with 13 countries and regions.Beginning 2004, MOFCOM has worked with foreign commercial authorities in the launch of 9 economic and trade cooperation websites, such as the “Ruia-China Economic & Trade Cooperation website”, and “Singapore-China Economic & Trade Cooperation website”.MOFCOM also used information technology to provide comprehensive, updated and authoritative commercial information service to both Chinese and foreign businees.商务部还积极组织参与亚太经合组织、亚欧会议、上海合作组织等国际与地区组织中的电子商务工作,分别于2004年、2005年、2006年主办了“APEC电子商务博览会”、“APEC无纸贸易高级别研讨会”和“亚欧会议电子商务论坛”。

MOFCOM was also involved in E-commerce activities by APEC, ASEM, Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)and other international and regional organizations.It hosted APEC E-commerce Fair, APEC High-Level Symposium on E-commerce and Paperle Trade and the ASEM Conference on E-Commerce in 2004, 2005 and 2006 respectively.最后,预祝大会获得圆满成功!

To conclude, I wish the conference a great succe.


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