美国60年代社会运动小结American Social Movements of the 1960s由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“美国60年代的社会运动”。
American Social Movements of the 1960s
American social movements in the 1960s was marked with the quiet “sit-in”.On February 1,1960,4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro went to a store and sat down at the lunch counter which refused to serve the black.The students ,believing the segregation law was wrong ,didn't move and continued to sit.There were three trends in the 1960s in America,the civil rights movements,the young anti-war and the women's liberation movements.“We shall overcome!” “Let it all hang out!” and“Speak your heart without interruption”somehow expreed their attitude and goals in the movements.II.The Three Social Movements of the 1960s
1.The Civil Rights Movement
In the 1960s after the World War II ,Afo-Americans were diatisfied with their lives because of the segregation laws in Southern states.Black and white children couldn't go to the same school ,and most Negroes were not allowed to vote.They were prevented from good jobs and education,which was not the American way of life and couldn't fulfill their American dreams.The civil rights movements began when black people spontaneously protested segregation laws and created organization to make the protest succeful.The true beginning was that a black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man on the bus in 1955.The members of NAACP informed other organization about her act of civil disobedience.Black people began to boycott the bus1
system.From Rosa Parks' spontaneous action and from the social base of Negro churchs,community and political organizations ,grew support for protest against segregation.There main organizations were Congre of Racial Equality(CORE),Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLE)and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC).Civil rights activists used different direct action tactics.They first used “sit-in” tactics to fight segregation and later ,“freedom rides”.Black and white CORE members travelled together on buses to challenge segregation.In the summer of 1963,hundred of thousands of peaceful demonstrators went to Washington DC,where Martin Luther King gave the famous speech “I HAVE A DREAM”.In 1965,as racial violence continued ,black people began to change their nonviolence in fighting discrimination into violence.They made Stokely Carmicheal chairman of the SNCC.He spoke about “black power” and organized the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in Oakland in 1966.In September 1961,the federal government declared segregation illegal in all interstate bus stations.In 1964,the Civil Rights Act was paed Congre and signed into law by President Johnson to improve the racial relations.Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement.Southern Afro-American can vote.2.The Youth Movement/Anti-War Movement
Many young people resented traditional white male values in US society.They believed their fathers were selfish and they don't want to follow their mothers'
examples either.Young people believed they had the rights to choose the way they would live their lives.They wanted to work at jobs which were interesting,not just to make money.When the Vietnam began,many people thought it was wrong.Young people,black and white,didn't want to join the army.Mothers didn't want their sons drafted into the army.After working in the South during “Freedom Summer” in 1964,many white students changed greatly in their attitudes and beliefs.In October 1964,students protested that the CORE workers be free and rules against free speech be changed.They sat around the police car for 32 hours.Graduates students organized a strike and closed the university.The young people's “Free Speech Movement”began with succe.Later some students formed a “counterculture”.They reject capitalism and other American principles.They were looked for happine and called Hippies which represented a new culture they created.Their direct action strategies included teach-ins,protest marched and rallies,and attacks on federal offices.A loose coalition of many organization was formed under a series of“Mobilization Committees to End the War in Vietnam”
The president Johnson decided not to run for re-election in 1968 because of the anger of people.In 1973,the US signed a peace treaty.3.The Women’s Movement
Middle-cla white women were well-educated and had the opportunity to work in responsible jobs during WWII.But when men returned from war,they were given the
good jobs.Thus women earned le and had fewer opportunities.They became housewives ,isolated at home with their children.The women movement was started by three groups and an accident.The first was a group of women who were appointed to a Commiion on the Status of Women,They found women were not equal with men and situation of some women was shocking.The second group were mostly white housewives and mothers who read Betty Friedan's book,The Feminine Mystique.The book changed the way women thought about themselves and other women.The third group were young activists in the civil rights and anti-war movements.They believed male leaders of these movements were discriminating against women in the movements.They became known as the “women's liberation ”group ,or “women's lib”,used radical tactics and received a great deal of bad publicity.The accident was a word in the Civil Rights Act,which made discrimination in employment based on race or sex illegal.In 1966,the National Organization for Women(NOW)was formed.They argued that women were strong leaders and organizers and they could do more than simple work such as cooking and secretarial work.They also called for a change in working area and economic practice.To educate the public and the gain support,women used many of the same tactics used by the civil rights and anti-war movements and added some of their own tactics.III Conclusion
The social movements of 1960s had a strong effect on the way people think and act,and caused changes in many laws.However,many of the problems they hoped to
solve still exist in US today.
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