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Unit 2

商务参赞处 commercial counselor’s office 商业部门 commerce department

美国驻北京大使馆 the American Embay in Beijing The American embay in Beijing 零售商 retail dealer retail dealer 处理经营 deal with =be in the line 批发商 wholesale dealer wholesale dealer 轻工业产品 light industrial product 竞争价格 competitive price

竞争能力 competitive capacity /power 竞争优势 competitive edge 激烈竞争 keen competition Standing 资信情况,长期的 长期成本 standing cost 长期订单 standing order 常务董事 standing director 信誉情况 credit standing 财务情况 financial standing 最新目录 latest catalogue

附有插图的目录 illustrated catalogue 标准零件化目录 catalogue for the standardize parts 缺货 not available not available

供出口的商品 commodities available for export 专门从事,经营 specialize in 享有盛誉 enjoy great popularity 使某人了解 acquaint sb with sth acquaint sb with sth 主要进口商 leading of export 想要购买 be in the market for 提到,谈到 refer to

商会 the chamber of commerce 中国制品 Chinese makes 依照,符合 comply with 售后服务 serve after selling 严格保密 strict confidence 选择

1.we are sending you the samples as requested 2.We trust that you will find our goods attractive.3.The brochure covers a wide range of products we deal in.4.We would appreciate it very much if you send us some samples immediately.5.If any of the items is interesting to you, please let us know.6.Our products enjoy great popularity in world market.7.We are enclosing copy of our catalog for your reference.8.we are anxious to expand the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.9.We are sure that both of our companies will befit from the joint venture.10.We would like to take this opportunity to establish busine relations with you.汉译英

1.We are one of the leading of export dealing in electronic products in our area, and take this opportunity to contact you in the hope of establishing busine relations with you.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一,我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。

2.We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of Machinery and Equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。

3.We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our embay in Beijing.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称和地址。

4.For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。

Unit 3 规格书 specification 样本书 sample books 另函 separate cover 支付条件 terms of payment 净利润 net profits 总利润 total profits 毛利润 gro profits 利润率 profit ratio 信用证 letter of credit 凭即期汇票支付 by sight draft 即期汇票 a draft at sight =a sight draft 远期信用证

time L/C 保兑信用证 confirmed L/C 不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C 跟单信用证 documentary L/C documentary 可转让和可分割信用证 transferable and divisible L/C transferable and divisible transferable and divisible 循环信用证 revolving L/C revolving L/C

背对背信用证 back to back L/C 对开信用证 reciprocal L/C reciprocal L/C 申请开立信用证 apply for L/C 关于 Regarding 与with regard to, in regard to, as regard 包括 inclusive of

佣金商,代理商 commiion agent 按照 as per

报价,行情 quotation 最低报价 lowest quotation

贴现行情 discount quotation discount quotation 外汇行情exchange rate quotation

exchange rate quotation 价目表 quotation list

报优惠价格 quote favourable price 交货期 delivery date

供你方参考 for your reference

1.We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the enclosed catalogue.2.The letter we sent last week is an enquiry for color TV sets.3.We produce decorative fabrics of different kinds.4.This chemical is made according to a special formula.5.We should be pleased to send you some samples of our new cell phones on approval, at our own expense.6.If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot free of charge.7.Your full cooperation will be highly appreciated.8.This price is inclusive of your 5% commiion.9.As per your enquiry NO.123, we are sending you a catalog and a sample for you reference.10.While making an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality, specification and price, ect.Unit 4 标题项下的货物 captioned goods 价格急剧上涨 a sharp rise in price 增长的需求

a growing demand 潜伏需求

latent demand 过多需求

overfull demand 供与求

demand and supply 价格偏高

on the high side

接受他们的订单 finalize a order with them 合资企业,合资企业公司 joint venture company 合伙公司,合营企业

joint venture corporation Register 注册的、登记的、挂号的 注册资本

registered capital 注册商标 registered trademark 记名股票

registered stock 在工厂交货 ex-work 有现货 have in stock 大批存货 a large stock of 脱销,无现货 out of stock

装船 effect shipment make shipment 付款,支付

effect payment = make payment 自…….开始生效

take effect from/on 以…为抬头 in favour of 备件 spare part


the validity of an agreement 有效期限

valid period 试订单 a trial order 实价、净价 net price 净重 net weight 净利润 net profit

标准出口纸箱 standard export cardboard carton 填满 line with 还盘 counter offer 报盘,发盘 firm offer Offer 后常用for,当买方提及卖方的报盘时,接of Please make/send/give us an offer CIF London for 20….激烈竞争 keen competition

利用这一有利机会 take advantage of this opportunity Cash against document 凭单付款 发盘作文:

We thank you for your enquiry of August 22 and are pleased to send you our quotation for the goods you required as follows.Dear sirs, In reply you letter of May 5, we are giving a firm offer, subject to your reply reaching here by 5 p.m.Tuesday July 5, 2015.as follow: Commodity: boots for ladies

Specification: more than 20 aortments with new designs of brown or red color(detailed in catalog)quality: the leather used is of superior quality Price: CIF Guangzhou us dollar 95 to 300 according to the various designs Payment: confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.Shipment: September

Our products enjoy great popularity in the world market for many years.We enclose our latest catalog for your reference and are expecting your early order.Yours faithfully,Price

Payment: confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.UNIT5 申请开立信用证 apply for L/C 按照 as per

保兑信用证 confirmed letter of credit 销售确认书 sales confirmation 原产地证明书 certificate of original 质量证明书 certificate of quality 数量证明书 certificate of quantity 重量证明书 certificate of weight 标准出口箱 standard export case 装船标志 唛头 shipping mark One set of shipping document 一套装运单据 提单 bill of lading

商业发票 commercial invoice

保险单 insurance policy insurance policy 重量单 weight memo 装船通知 shipping advice 装运代理人 shipping agents 船运公司 shipping company 集装箱船运 shipping container 装货单 shipping order 舱位 shipping space

一式两份 in duplicate

in duplicate 一式三份 in triplicate 剪样sample cutting 投标价格 bid price 有下降的趋势

with an downward tendency 狂风暴雨的天气 rough weather 涌进 pour in Unit 5 的介词填空

1.We rely on you to work on/ fulfill this order with the entire satisfaction to our customers and without the least poible delay.2.We hope to come to terms with you on this trial order.3.As a result of our recent exchange of faxs, we confirm having purchased from you 1000 metric tons for the captioned goods on/as the following terms and conditions.4.We regret our inability to comply with your request in shipping the goods in early November, because the direct steamer sailing to you port calls at our port only on the 20th of November.5.We take pleasure in sending you our Order No.123 for 4000sets of Panosonic 2188 color TV 6.Following your order of 4000 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No.456 for the same quality.Unit6

1.销售确认书 sales confirmation 2.开证行 iue bank = opening bank 3.支付行 paying bank 4.购货合同 purchase contract

5.以某人为抬头 in favour of = in sb’s favour 6.装箱单 packing list 7.人力不可抗力 force majeure force majeure force majeure 8.起航日期 sailing date 9.特别条款special instructions 10.同等效力 equally authentic 11.装卸 loading an unloading

Unit 7 1.运费预付 freight prepare 2.填写 make out 3.空白抬头 to order 4.空白背书 blank endorsed

blank endorsed 5.一式五份 in quintuplicate in quintuplicate 6.出票人 drawer 受票人 drawee 7.背书人 endorser

8.无记名式背书 endorsement in blank endorsement in blank 9.记名式背书

endorsement in full endorsement in full 10.合法持有人 bona fide holder

11.履行 honour 承兑一张票据 honour a bill 12.分批装运 partial shipment

Unit 8 1.到期 fall due fall due 2.车辆中途带货 pick up

3.保留 reserve 保留做某事的权利 reserve the right to do sth 4.储备余额 reserve balance 5.船运集装箱 shipping container 6.装运代理人 shipping agents 7.船运公司 shipping company 8.装船唛头 shipping marks 9.装船要求,装船须知 shipping instructions 10.装货单 shipping order 11.包装费用 packing charge 12.包装要求,包装须知 packing instructions 13.出口包装 export packing

14.中性包装 neutral packing neutral packing 15.提货 take delivery 16.不可转让提单Non-negotiable Bill of lading non-negotiable bill of lading

17.保险单 insurance policy

18.检验报告 survey report survey report 19.保险代理人 insurance agents 20.保险公司 insurance company

21.保险范围 insurance coverage insurance coverage 22.一切险 All Risks 23.平安险 Free from Particular Average F.P.A 24.水渍险 With Particular Average

W.P.A 25.仲裁 arbitral award arbitral award


Unit21.我公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一。我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products......


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