
其他范文 时间:2020-02-26 03:11:41 收藏本文下载本文
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We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing busine relations.2.我公司经营机械设备的进出口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。

We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.3.承我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。

We owe your name and addre to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embay in Beijing.4.我们了解到你们是日用化学品制造商。我们有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航


We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals.One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country.We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list ofthe goods available at present.5.有关我们的资信情况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。

For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.Unit


Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commiion.2.如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们打算订购30万码棉布。

Should your price be found competitive,we would intend to place with you an order for 300000 yards of Cotton Cloth.3.我方有一家客户对贵国琴岛海尔电冰箱感兴趣,请电开400台伦敦到岸价4月船期的报盘。One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country.Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.4.为了便于你方了解我方的产品,我们立即航寄样品书两份。

To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you 2 sample books by air.5.为答复你方4月28日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。

In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your reference.Unit


We are studying the offer and hope that it will keep open till the end ofthe month.2.我方的产品质量好,价格合理,因此相信贵方能大量订货。

We believe that you will place a large order with us owing to the high quality and reasonable price of our products.3.如果你方能订购5000打或5000打以上,我们将给予10%的折扣。

We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens or more.4.关于支付条件,我们通常要求保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

As to terms of payment, we often require a confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.5.请接受此难得再有的报盘。最近可望有大笔订单自美国方面来,届时将导致价格猛涨。You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer.We are anticipating a large order from the USA, and that will cause a sharp rise in price.6.如果3月10日之前收到你方订单,我方将报5月上旬船期的实盘。

We will send you a firm offer with shipment available in the early May if your order reaches us before March,10.7.由于此货需求量甚大,所以该盘有效期不能超过5天。

Because there is a brisk demand for the goods, the offer will be open only for 5 days.8.兹报实盘,以我方时间7月10日星期二下午5时以前复到为有效。

We are giving you a firm offer , subject to your reply here by 5 p.m.our time, Tuesday, July 10.Unit


We shall place a trial order with you for 500 sets provided you will give us a 5% commiion.2.我们正在执行你方678号订单。请相信我们定将在你方所规定的期限内安排装运。

We are working on your Order No.678 at present and please believe that we will effect the shipment within your stipulated time.3.由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我们目前只能接受10月船期的订单。Owing to heavy commitments, many orders haven’t been made ,we can only accept orders for October shipment.4.因为存货售罄,我们不能接受新订单。但是一批新货源的到来,我们即去电与你方联系。Our stock is exhausted and we are not in a position to accept fresh orders.However, we will contact you by cable as soon as new supplies are available.5.该货须分三批装出,每月100吨,从8月份开始。

Shipment should be made during August to October in three lots, with 100 tons each.函电


(2)数量:录像机 1000台 Video Recorder

录像带 1000盒 Video Tape

微型收录两用机 5000台 Mini Radio Caette Recorder

(3)价格:FOB新港,包括我方5%佣金Inclusive of our 5% commiion

录像机:每台XX美元USD xx each




L/C at 90 days’ sight to be opened 30 days before shipment

(4)包装:用标准出口箱包装 By standard export cases


Before the end of August in one or two lots.1.你方3月10日订购500台绒线编织机的传真收悉,谢谢。

We are pleased to have received your Order by fax dated March 10 for 500 sets of knitting machinery.Thanks.2.我们已即刻与厂家取得了联系,但由于该货销路甚佳,已接的订货太多,况且原料紧缺,他们婉言拒绝。经过我方再三努力磋商,厂方答应接受订货,从明年1月起每月交100台。

We have immediately contacted the manufacturer.But they refused our request since the machine sells well, and there is a great shortage of raw materials and still a large number of orders.After our repeated negotiations, they finally promised to accept the order and to make delivery of 100 sets each month, beginning from next January.3.我们知道你方急需此货,不知上述交货时间你们是否同意?目前我们正在和其他地方的制造商联系,若有好消息,当即告知。

We are aware that you are in urgent need of the products, but uncertain whether you will agree on the above delivery date.We are making contact with manufacturers elsewhere and will let you know as soon as there are any favourable news.4.与此同时,我们附上我方目前可供货物的目录及价格表供你方参考,如有兴趣请即告知,我们自当迅速办理。

Meanwhile, we are enclosing our catalogue covering all the articles available at present.If you are interested in any of the items, please inform us.We shall surely give prompt attention to your requirement.Unit6


Quality/Quantity/&Weight Discrepancy and Claim: If the buyer find the quality and /or quantity/weight of the goods are not in conformity with these stipulated in the contract after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, aside from those loes within the responsibility of the insurance company and/or the shipping company, the buyer shall have the right to lodge claims against the seller on the strength of inspection certificate iued by the inspection organization

accepted by both parties.In case of quality discrepancy claim should be filed by the buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.In case of quantity/weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.(2)仲裁:凡因执行本合同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时则在被告国家(地区)根据被告国(地区)仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁决定是终局的,对双方具有同等约束力。仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉一方负担。

Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by amicable negotiation between two parties.If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country(district)of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organization of the defendant country(district).The decision made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties.The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unle otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.Unit7


Please amend L/C No.345 as follows:

① 长吨改为公吨

Adjust Long Ton as Metric Ton.② 目的港伦敦改为汉堡

The “Port of Destination”should read“Hamburg”instead of“London”.③展装运期到8月底并允许分运转船

Extend the shipment date of your L/C to “the end of August”, partial shipments and transhipment are allowed.(2)你方信用证3350号,数量与合同不符,总金额相差£ 75.60,请速改。

Your L/C No.3350 does not conform to the relative contract in quantity, with a difference of £75.60.Please amend it as soon as poible.(3)信用证2345号,请来电取消“银行费用由受益人负担”的条款。

Please amend your L/C No.2345 by fax , so as to cancel the clause of “The expenses of the Bank are to be for the beneficiary’s account ”.(4)信用证3346号,金额不足,请按合同增加520磅(请按合同增至3125.00磅)

We have received your L/C No.3346 and found that the amount is insufficient.Please increase by £520.00(increase up to£3125.00)as the contract stipulated.(5)请将你方信用证6789号的船期及有效期分别延展至10月15日及10月30日。

Please extend the shipment date and validity of your L/C No.6789 to October 15 and 30 respectively.Unit9


The survey report indicates that the damage to the carton and goods was due to rough handling in transit, rather than poor packing as you stated.2.损坏是由于包装不良所致,这样又大又重的机器应在出口木箱内定位填塞。

The damage was caused by improper packing,such a big and heavy machine should have been fixed and stuffed in export wooden case.3.经检查,未发现有任何质量低劣或工艺不佳的迹象,所用染料是最优质的。

Upon examination , we found that there was no sign of poor quality and bad handicraft , and that the dye used is excellent.4.你方愿接受错发货物,致谢。我们可按发票减价8%,希望你方同意。

Thank you for your acceptance of the wrongly delivered goods.We will give you a discount of8% on invoice price.Please agree.5.请速传真告知你方9月15日以前能否发货,倘若不能,我方不得不撤销订单。

Please let us know by fax whether you may ship the goods before September 15.If not, we shall be compelled to cancel the order.


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