上帝,求你别远离我你是我的力量,求你助我神 别让我蒙羞
他是我的盾牌,我所倚靠的be not thou far from me,O Lordall my strength, haste thee to help me
O my God, I trust in thee
let me not be ashamed
let not my enemies triumph over mebleed be the Lord, my strengthwhich teaches my hands to war,my fingers to fight
my goodne and my fortremy high tower and my deliverermy shield and he in whom I trust
上帝,求你别远离我你是我的力量,求你助我神 别让我蒙羞别让敌人在我身上奏凯歌主是我的力量,他教我手战斗,他教我的手指头打仗他是我的上帝和避难所,是我的高塔和解脱者他是我的......
Captain Miller: In that case, I'd say this is an excellent miion, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir.Worthy of my best efforts, sir.Moreover, I fee......
【故事梗概】 二战期间,瑞恩的三名兄长相继阵亡,为不让其母亲再承受丧子之痛,美国作战总指挥部的将领决定派一支特别小分队,将她仅存的儿子瑞恩救出战区。影片主要讲述的就是米......
《拯救大兵瑞恩》经典台词REIBEN:You wanna explain the math of this to me? I mean wheres the sense of risking the lives of the 8 of us to save one guy?你想帮我算算......