1、Many Canadians have never read a newspaper though some newspaper are free,because they do not know the ABC.很多加拿大人从不看报纸,因为他们不识字。
2、At home and abroad there is a strong disenting view that sees the treaty as a new Munich.国内外有人强烈反对,认为这个条约是新的慕尼黑条约。
3、The goverment's policy has given a green light to the development of our economy.政府的政策给我们的经济开了绿灯。
4、All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you'll come out on top.你只有破釜沉舟,跟他们一拚,或许有朝一日是会出头的。
5、(归化)Each of us has his carrot and stick.In my case, the stick is my slacking physical condition, which keeps me from beating opponents at tennis whom I overwhelmed two year ago, My carrot is to win.我们人人都有自己的压力和动力。就我而言,这压力就是我日趋衰弱的身体状况,两年前还是我手下败将的网球对手,现在却打不过。我的动力就是想赢球。
6、(归化)This was her punishment for having made a mistake.She had made her bed and she must lie on it.这是她为自己所犯下的错而应有的惩罚,她自作自受。
7、(异化)As I remained in the Third Fourth three times as long as anyone else, I had three times as much of it.I learned it thoroughly.Thus I got into my bones the eential structure of the ordinary English sentences--which is a noble thing.因为我在四年级三班待得时间是别人的三倍,所以我所受的这种训练也是别人的三倍。我掌握的很彻底。就这样,普通英语句子的基本结构便深入到我骨髓里——这可是件了不起的事。
1、(归化)I never know whether my bo likes my work or not—he is a real poker face.我不知道老板是否喜欢我的工作,他总是面无表情。
2、(归化)Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.近墨者黑。
3、(异化)The prime minister’s remarks were interpreted as an olive branch, held out to all his opponents who had fled the country.首相的讲话被视为是向他逃亡国外的政敌伸出的橄榄枝。
4、(归化)By the winter of 1942, their resistance to the Nazi terror had become only a shadow.到1942年的冬天,纳粹恐怖分子的反对者已化为泡影。
5、The trackers pull with all their strength, like men poeed, bent double.纤夫如同着了魔似得,弓着身子竭尽全力拉纤。
6、Te Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere veel of emotion untinctured by experience.苔丝.德贝菲尔处在这个年纪,只是一个纯情少女,还没受过人情世故的熏染。
8、He has fished in Manhattan’s wallet and dug out coins...他把手伸到曼哈顿的口袋里捞钱,但只捞到几个小钱。
1、Another person runs to avoid doing anything else, to dodge a decision, about how to lead his life or a realization that his life is leading nowhere.另一个人跑步则是为了避而不做别的事,2、They were of course all intending to his surprised but their astonishment was beyond their expectation.当然大家都做好了惊讶的准备,但却没料到会惊讶到这个地步。
3、He had a aversion to yielding so completely to his feelings, choosing rather to absent himself, and eating once in twenty-four hours seemed sufficient substance for him.他不愿意完全凭感情用事,因此宁肯自己不来吃饭。看来24小时吃一顿饭,在他是足够了。
4、I know her before I ever met your mother.我没遇见你妈妈之前就认识他了。
5、I believe then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below, they were not the le beautiful to me.这时,我觉得我就要死在那儿了,而下面山谷的景致却看得异常清晰,在我看来,这些景致依然那样美丽。
6、Only three customers remained in the bar.酒吧里就剩这三个顾客了。
7、I will be there for good this time.这次我再也不走了。
8、Their action amounted to treason.他们的所作所为无异于卖国。
9、We hope the day will come when they will renounce the effort to rule the world by the method of force.我希望有一天他们会放弃企图用武力统治世界。
10、With the house and the garden and three children to look after, here isn’t any want of things to do I can tell you.操持家务,照顾花园和孩子,我告诉你那比你想的事情要多的多。
11、He is a indecisive sort of person, and always capricious.他是个摇摆不定的人,经常反复无常。
12、The importance of the meeting can not be over exaggeration.这次大会十分重要。
13、There has always been more books than anyone could read.天下的书多到读不完。
1、Levi’s jeans were first introduced to the East, apparently, during the dude-ranch craze in the 1930s.李维的牛仔裤最初引进到东部,显然是在20世纪30年代农场度假热潮中。
2、On their domestic station events in the Middle East were dismied briefly.国内电台只是简略的提了一下中东问题。
3、Negroes were not served there, I was told, and they had been waiting for me to realize that I
was always the only Negro present.有人告诉我,那儿不接待黑人,他们在等我自己认识到我是那儿唯一的黑人。
4、Over the years 26 amendments here been added to the constitution, but the basic documents has not been changed.近年来,宪法中新增了26条修正案。但是,基本的文件未被修改。
5、Poets are born, but orators are made.诗人是天生的,但演讲家是后天培养的。
6、What China is doing today will be felt far and wide tomorrow.无论中国今天做什么都对对明天产生深远影响。
7、We hear it said frequently that what present-day men most desire is security.当代人最渴望的是安全感。
8、A ten percent reduction is auto accidents has been realized by exercising a tighter control on the highway speed limit.由于加强了公路车速限制,减少了10%的车祸事故。
8、Our genes “program” us the instance the fertilized ovum(受精卵)is formed, and our potentialities are limited by the “program”.受精卵一旦形成,我们的基因就开始编制程序,而我们的潜能就受到这些程序的限制。
1、He is now again seated in his usual sleepy corner.她今天又坐到那个容易使他睡觉的角落里去了。
2、While in Europe, the tourists enjoyed to their heart’s content the weather, the food and the theatre.游客们在欧洲尽情的享受那里的宜人的天气,可口的食物和精彩的演出。
3、University applicants who had worked out a job would receive preference over those who had not.报考大学的人有工作经验的优先录取。
4、The Chinese people nationwide have jumped from the stage of having enough to eat and wear to that of living a better-off life.全中国人民已经从吃饱穿暖的阶段一跃进入小康生活中。
5、The generation gap is so great in the West counties that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anytime.代沟在西方国家这么的严重,结果10几岁的孩子很少向父母和老师讨教。
6、There is no substance but expands when heated.所有物质加热时都会膨胀。
7、I have imaged it to be merely a gesture of affection, but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own.我原以为这只不过是一种爱的表示,但现在看来只是为了闻闻羊羔来确定是自己亲生的。
8、Britain suffered a considerable brain drain to the United States after World War Ⅱ.二战后,英国人才外流,许多精英去了美国,使英国受到了巨大的损失。
9、Oceans do not so much divide the world as united.与其说海洋分割了世界,不如说海洋连接了世界。
1、They strain, strain fiercely, against the pitile might of the stream.他们拼命的使劲,对抗着水流的无情威力。
2、It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly.从前人们常说,英国人享乐时郁郁不乐。
3、She recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries.她意识到通过中间人与他们打交道时愚蠢的。
4、One of the characteristics of the Chinese language is the predominance of the verb.汉语的特点之一是常用动词。
5、The visiting guests were escorted(陪同)to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.上周日,来访客人陪同人员一起参加了黄鹤楼。
6、His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.他的母亲很溺爱他,无论他想干什么都纵容。
7、I am very sorry that the preure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.我很抱歉,近来忙于各种公务未能及早回信。
8、World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity.他的著作举世闻名,但他个人一直默默无闻,因为他一生始终避免抛头露面。
9、China emerges stronger than ever, with more solid foundations against flood, drought and famine.中国比以往更强大了,有了更雄厚的国力来抵御洪水,干旱和饥荒。
10、The combination of this Oriental city’s geography and the absence of import taxes has long made Hong Kong the ideal storehouse for transit goods to and from Asia.香港优越的地理位置和免征各种关税,使得这个东方城市成了长期以来储备与运输各种进出口货物的理想基地。
11、Child development experts warn parents against placing unreasonable expectation on school-age children.儿童成长专家警告说,家长不要对学龄儿童寄予不合理的期望。