Article One
Title :We Are a Normal Member of the Big Family of Nature
Author :Wang Yonghui
Name of Pubilication: Educational Newspaper and Magazines Company of HeNan
Date of Publication: Sep.7th,2010
Source of Reading: speech
Paragraph of Article: 8
Summary: The author is a college student from University of International Busine and Economics.He He is very fervently pointed out that we mankind is not the master of nature by stating varities of exmples.And he wish human beings achieve the real harmony with nature as soon as poible.Response : President Nixon said, ”Our destiny(命运)offers, not the cup of despair, but the chalice(圣杯)of opportunity.” It's easier said than done but hard to do.In a word, try our best!
Vocabularies: layman n.门外汉,外行人
respiratory a.呼吸的pale a.苍白的,灰色的trivial a.微不足道的,不重要的oracle n.神谕
dominate v.支配,统治
ample a.大量的,足够的oriental a.东方的counterattack n.&v.反击,反攻
revenge n.&vt.报复
Article Two
Title :Radar: a new radio science
Author :Ren Feng
Name of Pubilication: Educational Newspaper and Magazines Company of HeNan
Date of Publication: Sep.7th,2010
Sorce of Reading: science
Paragraph: 7
Summery : The author briefly introduces the working principle of radar and how it works, just like the echo.And compareingthe wirele waves with sound wives and light waves,he tell us the wirele wives are just suitbleto be used in delecting a distant target and measuring its distance.Response : I knew bat can use echolocation from my
elementary school textbook.And radar is the product of human learning bats.Vocabularies : meteorology n.气象学,气象状态hail n.&vi.(下)冰雹
navigation n.航空,航行
neverthele ad.仍然,不过,然而detect vt.发觉,探测
timer n.计时器,定时器
reveal vt.&n.揭示,揭露
大学英语读书报告格式(内含《简爱》的读书笔记范文) reading report 篇2:英语读书报告范文英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report.however, every b......
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英语读书报告范文 there is no standard form for a book report.however, every book report should contain the following four parts: 1.identification.give the tit......