A Book Report of “How the Steel Was Tempered”
“How the Steel Was Tempered” is the representativeliteratureof the former Soviet Union writer Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky and is written in the form of a novel.He was out of school when he was young because of the poor family.He like the protagonist, does coolie, joined the red army to fight, wounded, was also blind, and paralyzed, like leading character in the novel, Pavel Korchagin.In desperate circumstances, he was not willing just to eat, breathe, and die.So he was able to pick up a weaponpen, to start a new battle.We will inevitably encounter failure or pain on the long road of life, but these are just ordealson the road to succe that you have to experience by yourself.How the steel was tempered? Steel must be well – temperedthrough thousands of times, thus it can become a piece of invulnerability temper steel.Therefore, if you want to be a steel warrior, like Pavel, you must experience the ordeal of life, only after suffering a variety of hardships, can you exercise yourself into a real steel!Pavel's life experience brings endle spiritual strength to us, encourage us not to fear in the face of adversity and never surrender.In the long road of life, we are in need of such spiritthat we can growcontinuously although in the adversity.it can arouse our thirst for knowledge, make us as strong as Pavel, let us until the last moment not give up, continue to work hardand make full preparations for the future.He also suggests that: a man without spirit is a man without hope.
钢铁是怎样炼成读书心得体会钢铁是怎样炼成读书心得体会1最近,我读了一本书,名叫《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。我的敬意,因为主人公保尔柯察 金,油然而生。 保尔被老师神甫赶出学校后,......