Unit1 1.他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helple situation and took over our company.2.虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3.只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP.It will give rise to many serious problems.4.他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain.People still avoid him as though he were poison.5.他不久就爱上了这个村子。他决心和村民一起把这个地方变成一个花园。
He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6.我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。另外,我认为我们还必须采用严厉的法律措施。这不只是一个钱的问题。
We must spend more money fighting against global warming.In addition, we must resort to tough laws.It is not just a matter of money.7.当警察到达学校的时候,学生和老师还在一种茫然不知所措的状态。
When the police arrive at the school, the students and the teachers were still in a daze.8.这个腐败的官员还在死死抓住他的权力不放。他拒绝靠边站。
This corrupt official was still clinging to his power.He refused to step aside.9.当那个人最后进入视界时,我发现他原来是我父亲。不知道他怎么在这大雪中找到这个地方的。那时候,我放声大哭起来。
When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father.I didn‘t know how he managed to find this place in the blinding snow.At that moment, I burst into tears.10.她不时地偷偷朝他张望。她发现自己第一次这样看一个年轻男子。
She glanced at him from time to time.It was the first time in her life that she had found herself looking at a young like that.1.上大学之前,我没有想到大学生活如此丰富多彩。
Before I came to/ entered college, I had never thought life at college would be so rich and interesting.2.出生于20世纪90年代的中国大学生大多数是独生子女。
Most of the Chinese college students born in the 1990s are the only child of their families.3.了解他的人都因为他出色的工作而钦佩他。
All those who know him admire him for his hard work.4.我那天缺课了,因为我不知道课已提前到了周四。
I mied the cla because I didn‘t know it had moved up to Thursday.5.在某些国家,超重的人会受到一定的惩罚。
In some countries, those who are overweight will be punished one way or another.6.在大火中失去家园的人们很快被安置到安全的地方。
Soon after the fire, those who had lost their homes were taken to a place of safety.7.再见面的时候,我们发现我们两人变化都很大。
When we met again, we found we both had changed a lot.8.以李教授为首的专家们很快就会来帮助农民解决问题。
A team of experts headed by Profeor Li will soon come and help farmers solve their problems.9.现在种着西红柿的那块地以往是荒地。
The field planted with tomatoes used to be wasteland.10.我们老师叫我们读像矛盾、巴金那样大师们写的作品。
Our teacher told us to read books written by such masters as Mao Dun and Ba Jin.Unit2 1.在我看来,这似乎不可能,但是其他所有人看起来都很有信心。
It seems impoible to me, but all the others looked very confident.2.我们四下一望,没有一个仍然矗立的建筑物了。地震似乎把一切的摧毁了。
We looked around.There wasn‘t a building standing in sight.The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything.3.---他这些日子里似乎情绪很低落,不知道为什么。
---我觉得那是因为他似乎学习上没有多少进步。他怕被同学瞧不起。He looks to be in a low spirits.I wonder why.I think it is because he doesn‘t seem to be making much progre in his studies.He is afraid of being looked upon by his clamates.4.---你在找什么,迪克?W What are you looking for, Dick?
I seem to have lost my key.How annoying!
If you find a word that doesn‘t seem to make any sense in a sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary.That is the only way to learn to use a word.6.他们继续争吵了几个钟头,两人似乎谁也不愿听对方的话。我突然想起有人说过:“讨论是知识的交流,而争吵是无知的交换。”
They went on arguing for hours.Neither was willing to listen to the other.I suddenly remembered someone saying: ―Discuion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance.7.那里的形式似乎非常复杂,政府已答应进行认真调查。
The situation there seems quite complicated.The government has promised to look into it.8.我爷爷似乎正在好起来,但是他任然需要有人照顾。
My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him.9.经济学家已经得出结论:危机似乎很快就要结束了,世界经济正在好转。Economists have come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end.World economy is looking up.10.这次病后,我看了看我的银行账本。使我伤心的是,账上的余额几乎是零。我前三年存在银行的钱全花完了。
When I got well I looked at my bank account.To my sadne, I found my balance was almost zero.All my sayings in the past three years were gone.1.你还是试一试别的方法吧。
You ought to try a different method.2.要不你再去和写作老师谈一谈?
I think you ought to talk with our writing teacher about it.3.我们还是立即向警方报告这次失窃吧。
We ought to report the theft to the police immediately.4.你的父母身体不好,你多去看看他们吧。
You ought to see your parents more often now that they are not in good health.5.你不该对长辈那样大声嚷嚷。
You shouldn‘t have shouted at the elders like that.6.这么重要的会议你是不该迟到的。
You shouldn‘t have been late for such an important meeting.7.难道吉姆不是你的朋友吗?他提出要帮你,你是不该拒绝的。
Isn‘t Jim your friend? You shouldn‘t have turned down/ rejected his offer of help.8.作为一个大学生,你是不该把业余时间都花在网络游戏上。
As a college student, you shouldn‘t have spent all your free time playing computer games.9.万一我这次失败了,我还会再试第二次的。
If I failed this time, I would try for the second time.10.要是地球继续变暖,这些岛屿将不复存在。
If the global warming continued, these islands would disappear.11.我要是现在有一百万元,我一定会给父母买一套房子。
If I had a million yuan, I would buy my parents an apartment.12.要是我当选为学生会主席,我没准会组织一次钢琴比赛。
If I were elected president of the students‘ union, I might organize a piano competition.Unit 4 1.他们别想当然地以为我们会接受他们的条件,把我们当傻瓜。我们不那么容易上当。
Don‘t let them take it for granted that we will accept their conditions/terms.We are no fools, and we won‘t be so easily taken in.2.我们只花了三年时间就使我们的村民收入增加了一倍.It took us only three years to double the income of our villagers.3.他们要是不收回他们的话并道歉,我要给他大闹一场.If they do not take back their remarks and apologize, I am going to raise the devil with them.4.我们提出的这个问题很复杂,有很多东西需要考虑.但是我们得碰碰运气吧.The problem we raised is complicated.Many things have to be taken into consideration.But we have to take our chances.5.这孩子像他爹,对一切都好奇.给他一个玩具,他立刻就拆开.The boy takes after his father/Dad.He is full of curiosity.Give him a toy, and he will immediately take it apart.6.你一定要确保他们带你去见他们的经理,告诉他们,事情很重要,很可能关系到我们的投资计划.你必须见他本人.You must sure that they take you to the manager.Tell them that it‘s very important and may affect our investment plan, and therefore you must see him in person.7.他们告诉乘客说,天已晴朗了,飞机估计半小时以后起飞.They told the paengers that the sky had cleared up and the plane was about to take off in half an hour.8.我建议你落实一下你们逮捕的那个人和描绘的犯人是否相符.I suggest you go and check if the man you have arrested fit the description of the wanted man.9.你意思是假如我们采取这一步,就可能影响我们两国的关系吗?
Do you mean that it will affect the relationship of our two countries if we take this step?
As the final exams are coming nearer, students have stopped computer games, and they are busy preparing for them.2.随着时间的流逝,不念旧恶变得较容易了。
As time goes by, it becomes easier to forgive and forget.3.女儿对他们讲述第一天学校生活时,两口子认真听着。
The couple sat and listened as their daughter told them about her first day at school.4.在向21世纪迈进的时候,我们强烈地感到国与国之间理解与合作的必要。
As we approached the 21st century, we keenly felt the need for understanding and cooperation between nations.5.由于有学问,又幽默,严教授在学生中很有人缘。
As he is learned and humors, Profeor Yan is very popular with his students.6.许多要人出席这次社交聚会,这对夫妇认为人们在这个场合应该见到他俩的身影。
As many important people will go to the party, the couple think they should be seen there, too.1.这个城市有三条地铁线路正在修建。
Three subway lines are being built in the city.2.莎士比亚的作品被译成多种语言,在世界范围内为人们拜读。
Shakespeare‘s works have been translated into many languages and read all over the world.3.这个地区几乎有一半的农作物被暴雨摧毁了。
Almost half of the crops in the area have been destroyed in the rainstorm.4.假设有人请你列出十位你钦佩的人,你会提谁?
If you were asked to list ten people you admire, who would you name? 5.一个陌生人正受到欺负,目睹这事,你会怎么办?
What would you do if you saw a stranger being bullied? 6.你们的友谊是建立在共同的理想和兴趣之上的。Their relationship is based on shared dreams and interests.Unit 5 1.这是个难得的机会。你要是让它从身边溜掉就太傻了。
This is a wonderful opportunity.You would be foolish to let it slip by.2.我们的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十。
Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20%.(or „are up by 20% / „have gone up by 20%)
For want of s better word, let‘s call it ―backdoorism.4.这个年轻人喜欢修理摆弄东西。他可以说是个万金油。(什么都会一点的人)。This young man is fond of fixing things.He is something of Jack of all trades.5.和他们父母一代相比,今天的年轻人认为他们是比较现实的一代。
Compared to their parents‘ generation, young people today consider them to be a more practical generation.6.他气得脸色发青,决定将这场抗议运动扼杀在萌芽状态。
His face turned/ went blue with anger.He was determined to nip the ma protest in the bud.7.这说来话长,但是今天我不想去研究这件事的历史了。
It is a long story, but I won‘t go into the history today.8.我们花了比我们想象多得多的时间才过了海关。
It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs.9.灯光突然全灭了。全城一下陷入完全黑暗中。
The power went out suddenly, and the whole city was thrown into complete darkne.10.别等我了,你先走。我要先把这份文件看完。
Don‘t wait for me.You go ahead.I must go over this document.11.我们无法否认这样的事实:我们为经济发展付出高昂的学费。
We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development.12.消防队员要是晚到一会儿,火就会蔓延到附近的油罐。
Had the firemen arrived a bit later, the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks.Unit 6 1.当我们到达目的地时,我们发现这块地上已经没有任何建筑,只有一些石头散落在地上。没有人能认出这是一段可以追溯到千年以前的城墙。
When we reached our destination, we found nothing standing on the ground except some rocks scattered here and there.Nobody would be able to recognize it as part of the city wall a thousand years ago.2.今天,大多数人看问题都有了新的角度,他们不再认为主要是国内生产总值标志一个国家的幸福了。
Today, most people have got a new perspective.They no longer accept the view that mainly GDP marks the happine of a nation.3.让我们同意对方有不同意见吧。我们起码在这一点上意见是一致的,我们同意不采取暴力,我们同意我们的分歧必须和平解决。
Let‘s agree to disagree.We at least agree on one thing: We agree not to use force.We agree that we must settle our disputes peacefully.4.桂林向来被我们称为最美的地方,我以前怀疑这种说法。现在我完全同意他们了。一切都美极了,尤其是那千姿百态的石峰。
Guilin has always been regarded by our people as the most beautiful place in our country.I used to have my doubts, but now I totally agree with them.Everything is so beautiful, especially the rock formations in these different shapes.5.我可以向你保证他是个非常随和的人。我从来没见过她发脾气。
I can aure you.She is a very agreeable person.I have never seen her lose her temper.6.一位亲眼看见那个妇女被汽车轧过的年轻人同意出庭作证。我很欣赏他的勇气。
A young man who saw the woman run over by the car has agreed to appear in court as witne.I admire his courage.7.大学教育应该设法保证我们的大学生有进行批判性思维的能力。
College education should see to it that our students are able to do critical thinking.8.你们在预习功课的时候,一定要尽量试试,看你是否提出重要的问题来,是否能作出有意义的评论。
While you are preparing your leons, you must try your best to see if you can raise some significant questions and give meaningful comments/criticism.9.在对这个问题进行仔细思考以后,我认识到,我们必须保证学生不但能谋生,还能懂得怎样生活。
Upon careful reflections on this iue, I‘ve come to realize that we must make sure that our students not only can make a living, but also know how to live.10.有一次我修好了一个漏气的自行车胎,爸爸拍拍我的肩膀,逗我说我是家里的天才,有当机械师的潜力。他的话引起了全家人的大笑。
Once I fixed my bike tire which was leaking.My dad patted me on the shoulder and teased me saying that I am the family genius and have the makings of a good mechanic.What he said set the whole family laughing.1.你最好带一件厚一点的外衣,以防天气突然变冷。
Take a warm jacket with you in case it should suddenly turn cold.2.那里不安全,所以晚上呆在旅店里吧。It‘s not safe there, so stay in the hotel at night.3.那两个女孩子说话声音很轻,别人都听不见。
The two girl spoke so softly that no one else could hear them.4.向孩子解释毒品的危险时,请你讲得使他们能听懂。When you explain the danger of the drug to children, do it so that they can understand.5.全家都努力工作,为的是能送家里的一个孩子上大学。
The whole family worked hard so that they could send one of the children to college.6.冬天这所学校提早放学,以便孩子们在天黑之前到家。
In winter the school closes early so that the children can get home before dark.7.他是独生子,所以感到在学校不容易与同龄人相处。
He was an only child, so he found it difficult to get along with his peers at school.8.这次事故发生在很久以前,好多事我都不记得了。
The accident happened so long ago that I don‘t remember much about it.9.老师刚刚把孩子们带出教学楼,楼就倒塌了。
The teacher had just taken the children out of the building when it collapsed.10.天太黑,那个德国间谍没有注意到窗下根本就没有阳。
It was so dark that the German secret agent didn‘t notice there was no balcony below the window at all.Unit 9
1.At first, he was very succeful in his busine, but then his succe turned his head.His partners advised him to be more modest, but he turned a deaf ear to their advice.2.Jingke was very confident/sure that when he unfolded the map he would be able to kill the Emperor of Qin with the sharp knife/dagger hidden in it.3.We ought to welcome more and more wealthy people, but our law must make sure that they have made their fortune in honest ways.4.For years our school has produced many good students, most of whom have important positions in various departments.5.Due to cultural differences many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat or cat meat.6.Whenever you have time, turn it over in your mind, will you?
7.She used to consider philosophy dull and boring, but later she found that it turned out to be very interesting.8.His father had just turned fifty, and his hair has turned gray, but otherwise, he is quite all right.9.The power of government officials must be checked and balanced.Otherwise those who are supposed to be people‘s servants will turn into people‘s masters.10.He believed that it was worth trying because he knew that whatever you do, you must have people‘s support.1.Wherever he goes, he is recognized.2.No matter how hard I try, I can‘t persuade him to play the part of Hamlet.3.No matter what you have planned for the future, your parents will support you.4.The boy hates crime and means to stop it whenever he can.5.No matter what you decide in the end, this digital dictionary is yours to keep for a semester.6.No matter how capable and efficient you are, you cannot finish the task on your own in three days.7.A well-known philosopher once said, ‗ I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep whenever I cannot keep awake.I am in good health.‘ 8.I wish I could go and see my parents whenever I want.9.I wish I could expre openly whatever I feel.10.I‘ll do whatever I can to restore law and order in the region.But I wish the riot had never happened.
第一册: 单元一:1.经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我。Mr.Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me.2.警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的......
Unit 1 1.听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过 (distre)It distreed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failure.2.他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍......
1.他是经理的儿子,但光凭这一点,他是没有资格批评我们的工作的。He is the manager’s son, but that alone does not qualify him to criticize our work.2.史密斯先生从教学......
Unit 6 1.—我怀疑他没有告诉我们全部真相。—你为什么对此有怀疑?-I suspect that he has not told us the whole truth./I doubt he has told us the whole truth.-Why do......
Unit 1P 161)She intended to apply for that academic position.2)He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire never occurs to hi......