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驻巴哈马大使胡山赴任招待会上的祝酒辞时间:2011-05-27 19:22来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:890次



Remarks by Ambaador Hu Shan at the Vin d'Honneur following Presentation of Credentials 26 May, 201


Your Excellency Sir Authur Foulkes, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and Lady Foulkes,Ladies and Gentlemen,作为第六任中华人民共和国驻巴哈马国大使,我感到非常荣幸。感谢总督阁下和巴哈马国政府接受我的国书。

I am honored to come before you today as the 6th Ambaador of the People`s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.I thank you, Your Excellency, and I thank the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas for accepting my credentials as Ambaador.我还要感谢总督夫妇为我和夫人举行这个欢迎招待会。

I wish to expre my profound thanks to your Excellency the Governor-General and Lady Foulkes for hosting this lovely Vin d'Honneur in honour of my wife and myself.今天对我来说是一个非常重要的日子。从现在起我可以以中华人民共和国驻巴哈马国大使的身份开始工作。昨天,我在外交部向西莫内特副总理兼外长阁下递交了国书副本。我谨对巴哈马政府在我抵达后不久即安排我递交国书深表谢意。这样的安排体现了巴政府对中巴关系的高度重视。

Today is a significant day for me.From now on I can start my work in the capacity of the Ambaador of the People`s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.Yesterday, I presented the copy of my Credentials to the Hon.Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign

Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.I would like to expre my gratitude to the Government of The Bahamas for the timely arrangement for me to present my Credentials shortly after my arrival in Naau, which have shown the importance that the Bahamian government attaches to its relationship with China.自1997年中巴建交以来,在两国政府和人民共同努力下,双边关系保持了良好的发展势头。双方在政治、经济、文化、教育等领域开展了富有成效的交流与合作。两国高层互访频繁,政治互信不断增强,两国人民之间的友谊和理解不断加深。

Your Excellency, with the joint efforts by the Governments and peoples of both China and The Bahamas, the bilateral relations have maintained a good momentum since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1997.We have carried out fruitful cooperation and exchanges in the fields of politics, economics, education and culture.The leaders of our two countries have paid frequent bilateral visits, constantly enhancing the mutual political trust and deepening friendship and mutual understanding between our two peoples.中国政府重视发展与巴哈马的双边关系,并感谢巴哈马政府始终坚持一个中国政策和在国际与地区事务中的支持。

The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the development of the bilateral relations between our two countries and is grateful to the Bahamian Government for its adhering to the “One China” policy and its support to China in international and regional affairs.作为中华人民共和国驻巴哈马国大使,我深感责任重大,使命光荣。在我任期内,我将与巴哈马政府紧密合作,为巩固和提高两国的政治互信、促进双边各领域务实合作、增进两国人民间的理解和友谊竭尽全力。

Your Excellency, in beginning my tenure as the Ambaador of the People`s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, I am keenly aware of my heavy responsibilities and glorious miion.I commit myself to working closely with the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas to:

·Further strengthen China-Bahamas political mutual trust;

·Enhance all-round pragmatic cooperation between the two countries;

·Unremittingly increase understanding and friendship between the two peoples.女士们先生们,让我们共同举杯,为巴哈马总督福克斯阁下、为巴哈马政府和人民干杯!

Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to invite all of you to join me in a toast to His Excellency The Governor-General of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and to The Government and People of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.Cheers!


Thank you.原文链接:










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