中国驻英国大使 刘晓明
2011年3月22日,伦敦沙威饭店 Remarks by at the Times CEO Summit: Africa
H.E.Ambaador Liu XiaomingMarch 2011, The Savoy Hotel, London 各位代表,女士们、先生们:
Fellow delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴参加《泰晤士报》举办的非洲峰会,就国际社会如何共同促进非洲发展交换看法。
It is a real pleasure for me to attend the Times CEO Summit on Africa and share with you my views on what we can do to help Africa.说起非洲,这与我的外交生涯密不可分。我第一次作为外交官常驻是在非洲南端的赞比亚,第一次出任大使则是在非洲北端的埃及。因此,我与非洲很有缘分,也很有感情。我一直很关注非洲大陆各方面的发展与进步。
Africa was an important part of my diplomatic career.My first posting as a young diplomat was in Zambia, a southern African country and my first ambaadorial post was in Egypt, a northern African country.I became attached to the continent and have followed its development closely.应当说,近年非洲大陆总体经济形势有起色,经济平均增长超过4%。但同时,非洲也面临不少挑战,受国际金融危机影响非洲经济增速出现下滑,水旱灾害频繁,粮食减产,生态环境恶化。国际社会有责任,也有义务向非洲国家提供帮助,并采取切实有效措施帮助非洲国家早日消除贫困,实现经济发展,推动千年发展目标如期实现。
Africa has been doing well in recent years, with annual growth of over 4%.Yet, Africa still confronts many challenges, from economic slowdown to frequent natural disasters, falling food production and environmental degradation.The international community is duty-bound to help Africa grow its economy, reduce poverty and attain the Millennium Development Goals.关于中国与非洲的关系,这些年倍受关注。在我看来,中非关系和中国对非政策可以从四个方面概括:“历史悠久、真诚无私、平等互利、开放包容”。
In recent years, China-Africa relations have been discued with much interest by the outside world.I would characterize China-Africa relations in the following 4 key terms:
First, long history.China's interaction with Africa is by no means something new.Over 600 years ago, Admiral Zheng He, the famous Chinese navigator, reached East Africa 4 times.China firmly stood with its African brothers in the 1950s in their independence struggle.China-Africa partnership has since stood the test of time and gone from strength to strength.第二,真诚无私。上世纪后半期,当中国自身经济还十分困难的时候,中国就开始向非洲提供无私援助。中国对非援助覆盖53个非洲国家,援建了900多个成套项目。坦赞铁路既是中国无私援助的范例,也是中非友谊的象征,我当年就曾目睹铁路通车。达累斯萨拉姆市郊还建有当时牺牲的中国援建人员的公墓。几十年来,中国先后向非洲派出1.7万人次医疗队员。从2000年至2009年,中国免除了35个非洲国家的312笔债务,总额达189.6亿元人民币。中国还为3万多名非洲留学生提供奖学金,并为非洲培训3万多各类人才。
Second, selfle aistance.China started to offer aistance to Africa from the second half of the last century despite serious economic difficulties at home.I personally witneed the inauguration of the Tanzania-Zambia/ 3
Railway, an example of China's selfle aistance and a symbol of China-Africa friendship.Even today there is a cemetery in Dar-es-Salaam where Chinese railway engineers and workers were buried.China has since provided aistance to over 50 African countries and helped build more than 800 projects.A total of 17 thousand Chinese medical workers have been sent to Africa over the past decades.From 2000 to 2009, China cancelled 312 debts owed by 35 African countries with a total value of 18.96 billion RMB(nearly 1.9 billion pounnds).China also offered scholarships to over 30 thousand African students and trained more than 30 thousand African profeionals.第三,平等互利。中非在政治上相互尊重和相互支持,中国从不把自己的意志强加给非洲国家。中非经贸合作更是 “南南合作”的典范。双方在贸易、投资、基础设施建设等领域广泛开展合作。
Third, equality and mutual benefit.China and Africa respect and support each other politically.China never imposes its will on Africa countries.China-Africa economic and busine partnership is an example of South-South cooperation, covering extensive areas of trade, investment and infrastructure development.自2009年起,中国成为非洲第一大贸易伙伴国,双边贸易额连续超过一千亿美元。中国已经与45个非洲国家签署了双边贸易协议。中非贸易绝不是有些人所说的单纯的能源和资源贸易,双边贸易结构日趋优化。近年来,非洲的工业制成品和农产品陆续进入中国市场,受到中国消费者的欢迎。
China became Africa's No.1 trading partner in 2009.Two-way trade has since exceeded 100 billion US dollars.China signed bilateral trade agreements with 45 African countries.China-Africa trade is by no means all about energy and resources.Trade has become more balanced in recent years.Industrial and agricultural products of Africa are increasingly popular among Chinese customers.截至目前,中非相互直接投资存量均已突破100亿美元。再说到赞比亚,赞比亚-中国经贸合作区是中国在非洲设立的第一个境外经贸合作区,目前已引进13家企业,完成实际投资6亿美元,为当地提供就业岗位6000多个。这种新的投资形式既形成了产业集群,提高了企业效益,也为当地经济做出了贡献,其成功经验正在向毛里求斯、尼日利亚、埃及、埃塞俄比亚等国推广。
Two-way investment has exceeded 10 billion US dollars.Take Zambia as an example.13 companies have settled in the Zambia-China economic and trade cooperation zone, the first of such zones in Africa, with paid-in investment of 600 million US dollars and creating more than 6,000 jobs.Such a model of investment is being applied in other parts of Africa, such as Mauritius, Nigeria, Egypt and Ethiopia, as it contributes to the local economy by forming a cluster of businees and increasing their efficiency.中国企业积极参与非洲国家基础设施建设,涉及房建、道路、水利水电、石化、电信、供水等多个领域,提高了当地人民的生活水平。过去十年,中国在非洲建设了6万公里道路和7000万平方米房屋。中国还为非洲基础设施建设积极提供融资支持。
Chinese businees are also playing an active part in Africa's infrastructure development, building houses, water and power supply, and communications facilities to raise local people's living standards.In the past decade, China built 60,000 kilometres of road and 70 million square metre of housing for Africa.Many of these projects are built with Chinese financial support.第四,开放透明。中国与非洲发展关系光明磊落,也不具排它性,中国不会搞所谓的“新殖民主义”。近年来欧盟提出“中非欧”三方合作,我们对此持开放态度。事实上,中方已经与联合国粮农组织、世界银行等国际机构在非洲开展了许多三方合作项目。我们也希望三方合作遵循以下原则:一是要充分尊重非洲国家的意愿;二是任何一方都不应单方面制定“游戏规则”;三是合作结果会有利于非洲发展,提高效率,扩大成果;四是不强求合作,从易到难,循序渐进。
Fourth, openne and transparency.China-Africa cooperation is not exclusive, nor is it a tool of “neo-colonialism”.In recent years, EU proposed the idea of trilateral cooperation between China, Africa and EU.We are open-minded to the proposal.As a matter of fact, there is no lack of such trilateral cooperation – China has many projects in Africa in collaboration with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Bank.We hope that such cooperation will follow the following principles: One, African countries' wishes should be/ 3
respected;Two, no party should set the rule of the game unilaterally;Three, such cooperation should be efficient and serve Africa's development;Four, cooperation should be carried out on a voluntary basis, and proceed in an orderly way with easier areas first.中国是最大的发展中国家,人口占世界的1/5,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,人口占世界的1/7。中非发展互利共赢的新型战略伙伴关系不仅有利于中国与非洲,也有利于世界的和平、稳定与发展。
China is the largest developing country in the world, while Africa is home to the largest number of developing countries.One has one fifth of the world's population, the other one seventh.Mutually beneficial cooperation not only serves common prosperity and development of China and Africa, but also contributes to peace and stability of the world.让我们携手努力,共同参与非洲的建设,推动非洲的和平、发展和进步。
Let us work together, help Africa to grow and contribute to a peaceful and prosperous future for the continent.谢谢。
Thank you./ 3
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