Renting an Apartment You have just arrived in Arizona State University.You have read the ads about several large apartment buildings which are very close to the campus.You make a call to ask about the following information:
Neceary documents
Required deposits
Gas and electricity bills
Sports facilities
Location of apartment;size of apartment;condition of apartment Furnishings;rental price per month;utilities;deposit;
When apartment is available
book a hotel room You have just arrived in a new town and want to book a hotel room.Type of rooms available;cost(includes breakfast?);
Restaurants;recreation;nightclubs;tourist sites nearby;
transportation 3 flight You want to book a flight to New York.Imagine that the interviewer works in a travel agency.Ask the interviewer questions about the flight.Find out about:
-frequency of the flights
-departure times
-duration of the flight
-number of stopovers
-price of the ticket
Book a flight Frequency of flight;departure times;duration of flights Number of stopovers;price of ticket;booking a flight Travelling to Another Country You are a student at Oxford University in England.A couple of friends at the University have asked you to travel with them to European countries during the summer break.You ask your friend about the following information:
Countries to visit
Language problems
Starting / returning time
Cost of travel
Travelling in the UK You’re planning to travel 2 weeks in Britain.Your friend used to study in Britain and has a lot of experience traveling there.Now make a phone call to your friend and ask him or her about the following information:
Travel Documents to Prepare
Weather Food;
Tourist-Attractions Souvenirs / gifts
Traveling to London You are planning to travel to London during the Christmas holiday.Your friend, Frank, has just come back from his holiday there.Now you are at his office asking him about the following information:
Souvenirs renting a car You are interested in renting a car for a few days.Your examiner is in charge of a car rental agency.Find out some information about renting cars.
The cost per day
The cost per kilometer
The type of driving licence required
The type of car available
The pick-up point for the car Opening a Bank Account You have arrived at the University, and now, two days later, you think it’s time to open a bank account.There is a branch of Lloyds Bank on campus.You go in and speak to the cashier.Your interviewer works there as a cashier.Find out about:
-types of accounts
-bank charges
-interest rates
-benefits of opening a Lloyds account rather than the National Westminster, Midland, or Barclays Bank
Opening a Bank Account You have just arrived in San Francisco, California, to attend a university there.You want to open an account.You go to a bank and ask about the following information:
Application procedures
Types of accounts offered
Credit card
service charges
Busine hours
University Clubs and Aociations You have just arrived at a new university.It is orientation week and you want to know about the different clubs and aociations you can join.Your examiner is a Student Union representative.types of clubs
meeting times
registration 10 The Excursion The Overseas Students’ Club is organizing an excursion to a local tourist spot.You are thinking of joining the excursion.Your examiner is one of the organisers.destination
means of transport
length of excursion
clothing/equipment computer is broken.Your computer is broken.Your examiner works in a computer shop.He/she has looked at the computer and is ready to tell you about the problem.
The problem
The poible cause of the problem
The time needed for repairs
Parts that need to be ordered
The cost of repairs
The guarantee 12
accident The examiner has just seen an accident.Find out some information about what happened.
The time of the accident
What the examiner was doing
The accident itself
Where the accident took place
The number of people injured
The cause of the accident visitors from overseas.The interviewer has visitors from overseas.Find out some information about them.
Who they are
Where they are from
How they became friends
The length of their stay
Their plans for daytime and evening activities part-time job
You are a student at a British university.You have read a notice about a part-time job.Make a call to get more information.
Job requirements
Duties/ responsibilites
Length of the job
Hours per day / week
Starting time
school’s health center.You have just arrived at a British university as a visiting scholar.You want to get some information about the school’s health center.Make a call to the center and ask questions about:
Services provided
Ways of payment You are interested in purchasing some health insurance.Length of coverage;cost of plan different plans available;
Payment methods;
requirements;illnees covered by plan This is the first time you need to see a doctor.Find out the neceary information about the on-campus clinic from your friend.Busine hours;
appointment procedure fees
services provided
emergency facility Buying a Pet You are now studying at a university in London, England, and you want to keep a pet for company.You ask your landlord about the following information:
Types of pets permiible
Neceary injections
Places to buy a pet
Pet hospitals
Cost of keeping a pet
Care of the pet when you are away 19
Calling a Language Center You are now studying at Queensland University.You want to take the opportunity to improve your English.You have learned that there is a language center which offers different language courses.Make a call to the center and ask about the following information:
Registration requirements
Courses available
Certification offered Police Registration You have just arrived in England.You are told to register in a police station.You call
the international office to ask about the following information.Documents needed
Copies of photos required
Police station location
Office hours
Deadline for registration
Cost of registration
Hiring a Tutor You are now studying at Oxford University in England.You have encountered some language difficulties and are planning to hire a private tutor to improve your language skills.You call a friend with similar experience to ask about the following information.Ways to find a tutor
Tutorial frequency
Suitable tutorial duration
Poible tutorial location
Poible tutorial effects About a University Library As a visiting scholar, you are conducting a research on Computer Science and need to use the university library.Now you are asking the librarian about the following information:
Duration of retention
Number of books loanable
Renewal 23
Visa Extension You are a student at California State University in USA, and you believe that you need to apply for an extension of your visa.You call the immigration office to ask about the following information.Application procedures
Neceary documentation
Length of time needed to get renewal
Asking for information about a tour
You want to join three days to scotland for a weekend.Travel documents;
travel schedule;
accommodations and food;tourist attractions;
costs for each person;museum 25
Ask about a rail card You want to apply for a rail card that allows you to buy cheaper railway tickets.make a call and ask about:
Types of cards
restrictions;duration of card;
application deadline;
documents or proof needed to buy card
English claes
You are studying in America,and heard about a language center.The kinds of courses;
length of courses;
examinations;tuiton fees;registration deadline
美国人嘴边最COOL的英语1.My time is your time.请你吩咐! 2.My hands are tied.我很忙,无能为力。 3.To make a long story short.长话短说。 4.It's a date.一言为定。 5.T......
一、开场白:面对新客户,首先大概在20秒内一个简短的开场白,简短扼要,言语要流利、声音要洪亮, 销售员要在20秒钟内清楚地让客户知道下列3件事: 1.我是谁/我代表哪家公司? 2.我打......
口语交际 《向往秋天》课堂实录 陈金才,男,44岁,福田区天健小学校长。主持多项国家、省级研究课题,主编和参编多种教科书,发表60多篇论文。在北京、云南、香港等全国20多个省、市......