关键词:特许经营; 中式餐饮业; 小肥羊
Xiao feiyang franchising study analysis
Abstract:The restaurant industry has been in China for thousands of years of history, modern Chinese restaurant industry in our country continue to dig through the traditional food culture,reform and opening up, a very rapid development.However, with China's acceion to the WTO, our country will face Chinese restaurants and Western fast food with more severe competition in the market.Facing the challenges our country catering Chinese enterprises need to adopt a standardized busine model with the Western-style fast food to contend with.This article summed up our country through the current situation of Chinese catering industry, analysis of the Chinese catering industry in the course of busine at the main problems, and on this basis XiaoFeiYang through a small example of franchise mode analysis, for our country the development of Chinese catering industry to provide “reasonable selection of development strategies to achieve product differentiation and developing mature, well-known brand,set up to improve the supply system, set up a strict management system”, etc.Some of the inspiration and reference, so that Chinese catering industry in China in order to adapt to future market environment, the new international situation, our country to further the revitalization of Chinese catering industry, and promote Chinese catering industry in our country healthy development.Keywords:Franchising;Chinese catering industry; XiaoFeiYang
特许经营原理与务实 目录特许经营概述 1.基本含义 2.历史发展背景3 特许经营特点及其建立的基础 特许经营中的肯德基,麦当劳科学评价第三章 运用SWOT 模型分析中国快餐业发展的......
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