3,关机门广播:(广播同时SS巡视客舱:请将手机关闭,Please close your mobilephone)女士们,先生们,早上好!机门已经关闭,为了避免干扰驾驶舱内的飞行仪器,请您将手提电话和电子物品全部关闭,事关大家的安全。
L&G , the door of our aircraft is closed, all personal electronic devices such as mobile telephones must be switched completely off.Thank you!
5,广播欢迎词:(乘务员向旅客鞠躬致意,并做安全检查:请系好安全带,Please fasten seatblet,说出来)
L&G: welcome you aboardflightto.The distance betweentoisKM.I’m purser on today flight.We will taking off immediately, please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened.Hope you enjoy this flight.(广播完毕后,PS巡视客舱,询问关闭电源拉好帘子)
7,机长广播起飞,PS:女士们先生们我们的飞机很快就要起飞,请再次确认安全带是否系好,L&G,our plane will take off shortly, please make sure that your seatbelt is securely fastened.8,(飞机平飞后――系好安全带灯灭,发报纸。此时发生火灾,SS灭火,并向PS报告火源位置)
女士们、先生们: 我是乘务长,现在代表机长广播,请保持安静并做下面准备。L&G:This is your chief purser speaking, further to the captain’s announcement.please keep calm and carry out the following preparation.11,广播介绍出口。(SS划分区域)
女士们、先生们: 请注意,在飞机的左右侧设有紧急出口,请按乘务员所指的方向脱出,在所指定的门不能脱出时,请尽快转移到其他出口。
L&G: Attention please: there are emergence exits on each side of the aircraft,please locate your exit by following the cabin attendant’s direction.If that exit cannot be used, please quickly move to another one.12,收取尖锐物品。(SS要用中英文说,请摘下领带,脱下高跟鞋,将眼镜放在行李袋内,remove you highheal shoes…)
Please remove your high-heeled shoes, collars and sharp objects.Keep dentures and glaes in your baggage.13,表演防冲击姿势。(水上有救生衣)
Ladies and gentlemen: Place your seat in fully upright position and fasten the seat belt tightly.We’ll show you how to brace for impact.(SS喊:follow me!)
First, keep the upper part of your body upright and strained;grasp the arms of your seat with your tow hands firmly;step on th floor with your feet firmly.第二种:两臂伸直交叉,紧抓前面座椅靠背,头俯下,双脚用力蹬地。
Second, stretch both arms and cro them on the back of the seat in front of you, step on the floor with your feet firmly.女士们,先生们:现在由客舱乘务员向您介绍救生衣的使用方法,L&G , we’ll now explain the use of the lift vest。(SS对旅客呼喊:取出救生衣)
救生衣储藏在您座椅下面的口袋里Your life vest is located under your seat.使用时,经头部穿好。To put the vest on , slip it over your head.将带子扣好、系紧。Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内不要充气,充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。
To inflate,pull the tabs down firmly , but don’t inflate while in the cabin.If your vest needs further inflation, blow into the tubes on either side of your vest.当机长发出命令时,您要做好防冲击姿势,当飞机未完全按停稳时,请您仍保持防冲击的姿势,当飞机停稳后,请按乘务员指挥进行紧急撤离。(请注意,机组穿红色救生衣)(此时SS到客舱让旅客试作安全姿势)
You will brace for impact when the “fasten seat belt” or “no smoking” signs flash, or when the captain orders.Please remain in brace-for-impact position until the aircraft stop,and only then proceed to the emergency exits as directed by the Flight Attendants.(please note that the crew will wear red life vests.)
15,机长宣布还有500英尺时,乘务员喊“系好安全带,不要动,fasten your seat belt”2遍。
1,解开自身安全带的同时,高喊“解开安全带、open seatbelts.”
3,指挥旅客跳滑。高喊:“一个接一个,跳滑,救生衣充气,jump, one by one!inflate lift vest”4,乘务长最后检查客舱,高喊“有没有人?回答我,anybody here?”,带好舱单离开飞机。
3,关机门广播:(广播同时SS巡视客舱:请将手机关闭,Please close your mobilephone)女士们,先生们,早上好,机门已经关闭,为了避免干扰驾驶舱内的飞行仪器,请您将手提电话和电子物品全部关闭,事关大家的安全。
L&G , the door of our aircraft is closed, all personal electronic devices such as mobile telephones must be switched completely off.Thank you!
L&G , we’ll now explain the use of the liftvest , oxyen mask, seat belt and location of the exit.救生衣储藏在您坐椅下面的口袋里Your lifevest is located under your seat.使用时,经头部穿好。To put the vest on , slip it over your head.将带子扣好系紧。Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内不要充气,充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。
To inflate pull the tabs down firmly , but don’t inflate while in the cabin.If your vest needs further inflation, blow into the tubes on either side of your vest.氧气面罩储藏在您坐椅上方,发生紧急情况时,面罩会自动脱落。氧气面罩脱落后,要立即将烟熄灭,然后用力向下拉面罩。请您将面罩罩在口鼻处,把袋子套在头上进行正常呼吸。Your oxygen mask is in a compartment above your head , and will drop automatically if oxygen is needed.When it does so , extinguish cigarettes and pull the mask firmly toward you to start the flow of oxygen.Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head.Within a few seconds , the oxygen flow will begin.在您坐椅上备有两条可以对扣起来的安全带,当飞机在滑行、起飞、颠簸和着陆时,请您系好安全带。解开时,先将锁口打来,拉出连接片。
In the interest of your safety , there are tow belts on the sides of your seat that can be buckled together around your waist.Please keep them fastened while the aircraft is
taxiing , taking off , in turbulence and landing.to release , lift up on the plate of the buckle.本架飞机共有6个紧急出口,分别位于飞机前部、后部和中部,在客舱通道上以及出口处还有紧急照明指示灯,在紧急脱离时请按指示路线撤离,在您座位背后的口袋里备有说明书,请尽早阅读。
There are six emergency exits on this aircraft.they are located in the front the rear and the middle sections.please follow the emergency lights witch are on the floor and the exits to evacuate when emergency evacuation.For further information you will find safety instruction card in the seat pocket in front of you.6,广播欢迎词:
女士们,先生们:欢迎您乘坐 航飞机前往,到的飞行距离是公里,飞时间小时分钟。我是本次航班乘务长,我们乘务组非常高兴与您同行,我们将随时为您提供热情周到的服务。现在我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,请您坐好,系好安全带,祝您旅途愉快!
L&G: welcome you aboardflightto.The distance betweentoisKM.I’m purser on today flight.We will taking off immediately, please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened.Hope you enjoy this flight.(广播完毕后,PS巡视客舱,关闭电源,拉好帘子))
8,机长广播起飞,PS:女士们先生们我们的飞机很快就要起飞,请再次确认安全带是否系好,L&G,our plane will take off shortly, please make sure that your seatbelt is securely fastened.9,突然失火。PS:报告机长,飞机左侧失火,SS:大家不要动,系好安全带,低头弯腰,紧迫用力。(大声喊,各两遍)
10, 应急灯亮表明飞机已经停稳。
11, 解开自身安全带的同时,高喊“解开安全带、open seatbelts.”
12, 观察门外状况,确认分离器预位,开门,拉人工充气手柄,封门2秒。
13, 指挥旅客跳滑。高喊:“一个接一个,跳滑,jump, one by one!”
14, 乘务长最后检查客舱,高喊“有没有人?回答我,anybody here?”,带好舱单离开飞机
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