目: 电子测量技术发展与仪器
姓 名:
学 院: 信息科学技术学院
专 业: 班 级: 学 号:
2013年 6月16日
由于电子测量技术的许多无可比拟的优点,许多非电量的测量也可以通过传感器转换成电信号,再利用电子技术进行测量。例如,高温炉中的温度、深海的压力等许多人们不能亲身到的地方或无法直接测量的量,都可以通过这种方式进行测量。与其它的测量相比,电子测 量具有以下几个明显的特点:(1)测量频率范围宽,电子测量能工作在这样宽的频率范围,这就使它的应用范围很广。(2)量程很广,由于所测量的大小相差极大,要求测量仪器的量程也极宽,同一台电子仪器,经常能做到量程宽达很多数量级。
(3)以通用计算机为核心,以国际上标准化的仪器接口总线为基础,由可程控的通用电子仪器构成的现代自动测试系统。所谓自动测试系统,就是在计算机的控制和管理下,很少需 要人工参与,由各种测量仪器对电量、非电量进行自动测量、数据处理,并以显示、打印等适当的方式给出测量结果的系统。自动测试系统的组成包括控制器、程控仪器设备、总线与接口、测试软件、被测对象5部分。
五、结 语
The Development and Future of Electronic Measurement
Technology Abstract—This paper describes the electronic measurement on the importance of the development of modern science and technology;provide an overview of recent electronic measurement of the latest development of the new measurement methods and tools;macro grasp of electronic measurement technology future trends.And DDS technology as an example of modern electronic measurement field the new concept.Keywords-Electronic;Measuring;Intelligent;Virtual;Instrument.Ⅰ.Introduction
With modern science and technology and the development of industrial production, the measurement of a higher requirement.fast, real-time, accurate,automatic measurement has become the mainstream of the development of modern measurement techniques.Can be said that there can be no measurement signal analysis and proceing, acce to information to become a talk, based on the information on the information technology and computer technology has become a source of water.Electrically, with its sub-measurement technology many advantages to become the protagonist of modern measurement technology in information acquisition and industrial control does not play alternative role.20th century, is based on the LSI important period of development, it also brings electronic measuring instrument technology revolution.Since LSI large number of applications, making the modern electronic measuring instruments are smaller, more comprehensive, higher reliability, lower power consumption.Similarly, computer technology and software technology for the electronic measurement eentially leap – virtual intended to produce the instrument, made a great contribution.Ⅱ.Recent development results
A.Rapid development of digital instruments
In recent years, as DSP(digital signal proceing)technology, the rapid development of a variety of outstanding performance DSP integrated chips are emerging, digital instruments to get a new development.For example, digital oscilloscope, digital modulation devices, digital function generator, arbitrary waveform generators, digital frequency counter and many other products.B.Modulation Domain Analyzer succeful research
Modulation Domain testing techniques in the frequency domain and frequency domain has been developed very mature late 20th century the emergence of a new type of measurement Test technologies that known as the “three field” testing technology.Modulation domain test is to measure the input signal varies over time the frequency value, the displayed graphical representation of the signal generated by the modulation domain, the frequency value of the signal versus time.Modulation Domain testing technology is an emerging technology very important and difficult and very large test techniques, depending on the science and technology and electronic equipment rapid development.This method is very suitable for measuring the timing signal, phase or frequency-coded signal is coded signal.Modulation Domain Testing
Technology Surgery appears bound to numerous test problems and make new contributions.Facts have proved that modulation domain analysis techniques, in an increasingly more applications become an indispensable testing technology, especially in the field of military electronic test more of its significance.C.VXI bus technology has made significant progre
VXI bus technology is the twentieth century the emergence of a new bus technology.It first appeared in the United States, used in the United States Air Military electronic measuring instruments.VXI and GPIB bus to the VME bus are combined to form a new standard for modular instrumentation platform that can meet the needs of future instrumentation, electronic measurement instruments and systems to make step into a new period of development.VXI bus is a new industry standard interface bus 121 is a completely open, multi-vendor equipment to adapt products(modules, plug-in)industry standards.The introduction of this standard there are three reasons: First, to adapt to technical requirements of the development, the second is the lack of multi-vendor instrument connectivity, three is the military's needs, and this is the most important aspect.This new bus standard applications in the United States, the Chinese community are very much appreciated, numerous researchers.And after years of exploration, the country has made great progre in the implementation of certain aspects of the specific application, especially in the application of many military radar systems.D.Millimeter wave electronic test equipment to advance
Numerous civilian and military electronic equipment in the millimeter-wave development, particularly in the military field, and its development more rapidly.Advance Taking into account the future of electronic warfare systems signal environment will reach 1-2 million pulses / sec, equipment systems may want to perform several one hundred million represents.So, the current IC proceing power can not meet the requirements of military electronic equipment, which will affect the next generation of electronic warfare systems operational capability, this must be the development of ultra-high-speed integrated circuits(VHSIC).So from a monolithic integrated circuit chip set test into several one hundred thousand to one million acro several, which correspondingly substantial increase in the difficulty of the test.Ⅲ.Electronic Measurement Technology Trends A.Networking and modular
Since the measurement instrument interface standards harmonization and bus technology development, electronic measurement instruments and computer gradually melt as a body.Multiple measuring instruments and mutual sharing of data between the control and the standard interface through the bus station with a computer connected to the network constituted achieved.Same time as the instrument's modular, reduce costs, improve application flexibility, greatly improving cost performance.B.Vrtualization software technology
From the history of the development, electronic measurement instruments has gone from analog instruments, intelligent instruments to the history of virtual instruments, which are based on each leap advances in computer technology as the driving force.With the rapid development of computer technology, computer digitized using static and dynamic analysis of the ideal test has finally become a reality.One of several key technologies, including computer precision, speed;analog to digital conversion accuracy, speed;memory, hard disk storage capacity and speed;
computer and A / D price iues have been resolved.Combined with a variety of functions dedicated software the rapid development of a new technology emerges-virtual instrument(VirtualIstrument, referred to VI).VI technology development and application of the United States from 1986 designed by NI LabVIEW, it is a graphics-based development, debugging and running programs integrated environment to realize the concept of a VI.NI's “Software Instrument”(Softwareisinstrument)completely broke the traditional instruments can only be given by the manufacturer the user can not change the situation.C.Highly intelligent
With cutting-edge technology(such as aerospace, weapons engineering)and high-risk project development needs of electronic measurement technology increasing degree of intelligence.But in recent years the field of embedded computer technology development to enhance the intelligence of electronic measuring instruments provide good conditions.Emerging in recent years, such as embedded chip FPGA, ARM, CPLD, etc., they are a high-reliability, high stability, fast immediately applied to electronic measuring instruments.The microcomputer-based proceing technology microproceor allows the measurement methods of measuring instruments diversification measure real-time and highly intelligent.Ⅳ.DDS technology development history
In the traditional field of electronic measurement and instrumentation, PLL Frequency Synthesizer(PLL)is the most commonly used frequency co into technology.As electronic measurement and instrumentation industry continues to develop, for frequency synthesis techniques are increasingly high requirements.2Oth emerged in the mid-century direct digital frequency synthesis(DDS)is an all-digital frequency synthesis technology, due to its special principle and structure, so that in electronics, communications, acce to a growing range of applications.In the field of electronic measurement and instrumentation, DDS The main applications include: audio testing, product testing, the instantaneous power signal reproduction, shock and vibration test, medical test equipment, conventional waveforms and arbitrary waveform generator, high precision, multi-function modulation etc.Ⅴ.Conclusion
In summary, in the 21st century electronic measuring instruments with chip technology and DSP technology will reach an unprecedented high performance, with computer technology and the further integration of the instrument, the instrument's ease of operation, easy scalability, measurement capability, the number of data proceing and analysis capabilities have been greatly improved.At the same time, software engineering and network technologies are increasingly being applied to various fields, development of simulation technology as well as electronic measurement provides a more powerful and convenient tool.In short, the electronic measurement technology development is a multi-disciplinary, multi-field development co-crystallization, while between them for each other and mutual service of with the development.
福建农林大学计算机与信息学院课程名称:姓 名:系:专 业:年 级:学 号:指导教师:职 称:信息工程类实验报告 电子测量技术电子信息工程系 电子信息工程年月 日实验项目列表福建农林大学......