1.我国全面治理'餐桌污染' dining table pollution
China will continue to strengthen food safety supervision to solve “dining table pollution”.我国将继续加强对食品安全的监管力度,以解决“餐桌污染”问题。[相关词汇] 食品安全丑闻 food safety scandal 转基因食品 genetically modified(GM)food 食品添加剂 food additive 瘦肉精 lean meat powder/clenbuterol 塑化剂 plasticizer 2.首个'大雾红色预警'发布 red alert for fog
China's national observatory on Tuesday iued a red alert for fog in a number of northern and eastern regions, the first ever red alert for fog iued by the observatory since 2014.中央气象台3日发布华北华东多地大雾红色预警,这是2014年以来中央气象台首次发布大雾红色预警。[相关词汇] 预警级别 alert level 呼吸道疾病 respiratory disease 空气净化器 air purifier 空中交通瘫痪 paralysis of air traffic 封闭高速公路 shut down highways 3.个人'购汇'申报新规出台 purchase foreign currency
Chinese individuals intending to purchase foreign currency now have to file more detailed information in their applications.如今我国打算购买外汇的个人需在申请书中提交更详细的信息。[相关词汇] 付汇 foreign exchange payment 逃汇 evasion of foreign exchange control 汇率中间价 central parity rate 换汇潮 currency exchange boom 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve 资本流入/外流 capital inflow/outflow 4.'健走'成国人最青睐运动 fast walking
A recent survey by social networking app QQ has unveiled that fast walking topped all exercise activities in China in 2016 due to its acceibility and low cost.2 社交网络应用QQ近日发布的调查报告显示,健走因低门槛、低成本成为2016年国内最受青睐的运动。[相关词汇] 慢跑 jogging 马拉松 marathon 长跑 long-distance running 广场舞 square dancing 徒步 hiking 登山 mountaineering 5.Master曝'人工智能'身份 artificial intelligence(AI)
The mysterious “Master” that has scored 60 victories against elite Go players online, including China's top player Ke Jie, is the latest version of artificial intelligence(AI)program AlphaGo, its development team confirmed late Wednesday.AlphaGo开发团队4日晚证实,近日在网上以60胜战绩横扫中国顶尖围棋手柯杰等围棋高手的神秘棋手Master是最新版的人工智能程序AlphaGo。[相关词汇] 象棋 che 麻将 mahjong 控制系统 control system 仿真系统 simulation system 3 大数据 big data 机械手臂 robot arm 人脸识别 facial recognition 6.'个税改革方案'年内出炉
reform plan for individual income tax
Financial experts have said the reform plan for individual income tax is expected to be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congre for review in April this year.金融专家称,个税改革方案预计将于今年4月提请全国人大常委会审议。[相关词汇] 综合计征 comprehensive tax levying 免税 tax exemption 关税 tariff 消费税 consumption tax 进口环节增值税 import value-added tax 收入分配 income distribution 贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor 7.'捐献器官'空运办法发布 donated organs
请看例句:Donated organs will have priority when it comes to boarding airplanes at all civil airports in China, according to a regulation aimed at better utilizing donated organs.根据一项旨在更充分地利用捐献器官的规定,捐献器官将在国内所有民用机场享有优先登机权。[相关词汇] 器官捐献 organ donation 器官捐献者 organ donor 器官接受者 organ recipient 排异反应 rejection 免疫抑制治疗 immunosuppreive therapy 基因移植 gene transplant 8.北京拟建'环保警察'队伍 environmental police force
Beijing will strengthen environmental protection in 2017 by organizing an environmental police force to step up supervision and accountability in its 16 districts, Cai Qi, the city's acting mayor, said.北京市代市长蔡奇近日表示,2017年北京市将组建环保警察队伍加强对环境的保护,在该市16个城区强化监督和问责。[相关词汇] 空气污染 air pollution 雾霾净化塔 smog free tower 空气净化器 air-purifying machine 5 通风廊道 ventilation corridor 绿色能源 green energy 节能环保 energy saving and environmental protection 9.微信'小程序'已正式上线 mini apps
Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched “mini apps” on Monday, which let users interact with app-like services within its instant meaging app WeChat, without having to download and install them.国内互联网巨头腾讯控股有限公司于9日发布“小程序”,该产品使用户无需下载和安装应用,即可在腾讯即时通信应用微信中与类似应用的服务进行互动。[相关词汇] 流氓软件 hooligan software 过滤软件 filtering software 攒机 DIY computer 人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI 应用程序供应商 app vendor 使用频率 utilization frequency 10.2026'世界杯扩军'至48队 World Cup expansion
请看例句:The biggest expansion in the history of the World Cup is set to be implemented in 2026.2026年,世界杯将迎来史上最大规模扩军。[相关词汇] 欧冠 UEFA Champions League 中超 Chinese Super League 东道主 host 足球流氓 football hooligan 任意球 free kick 射门 shot 控球率 poeion percentage 11.奥巴马作离任'告别演讲' farewell addre
US President Barack Obama delivered his farewell addre in his adopted hometown of Chicago on Tuesday night.10日晚,美国总统奥巴马在自己的第二故乡芝加哥发表告别演讲。[相关词汇] 奥巴马医改 Obamacare 离任总统 outgoing president 在任总统 incumbent president 政治生涯 political career 就职演讲 inaugural addre 7 美古关系正常化 the normalization of US-Cuba relations 党派分歧 partisan divisions 12.主席'世界经济论坛'演讲 World Economic Forum, WEF
President Xi Jinping on Tuesday delivered a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.17日,国家主席习近平在瑞士达沃斯出席世界经济论坛2017年年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲。[相关词汇] 命运共同体 community of shared destiny 联动发展 inter-connected development 可持续发展 sustainable development 全球治理 global governance 双刃剑 double-edged sword 中方代表团 Chinese delegation 国事访问 state visit 13.土地污染施'终身责任制' lifelong accountability system
China will carry out a lifelong accountability system for polluters to arrest worsening soil pollution.为遏制土壤污染进一步恶化,我国将对污染者实行终身责任制。[相关词汇] 餐桌污染 dining table pollution, food contamination 空气污染 air pollution 电子垃圾 electronic waste,e-waste 循环利用 recycling 废物处理 waste disposal 生态破坏 ecological destruction 14.多地火车站可'刷脸进站' “face swiping” check-in
Some Chinese railway stations are offering “face swiping” check-in services to cope with the Spring Festival travel rush, which began on Jan 13.为应对本月13日开启的春运,国内一些火车站纷纷提供“刷脸”进站服务。[相关词汇] 临客列车 temporary train 高铁 high-speed train 动车 bullet train 直达列车 nonstop train 正点率 on-schedule rate 补票 replacement ticket 倒票 ticket scalping 囤票 hoard tickets 9 黄牛 scalper 15.14类人建'个人信用记录' personal credit record
The establishment of personal credit records will boom in China in 2017, with people from 14 kinds of important occupations being targeted, said Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commiion.国家发改委副主任连维良近日表示,2017年我国将掀起个人信用记录建设高潮,14类重点职业人员将成为建设的目标人群。[相关词汇] 社会信用体系 social credit system 诚信 honesty 失信行为 dishonest conduct 失信黑名单制度 blacklisting system for dishonesty 市场性惩戒 market-oriented punishment 实名制 real-name system 16.众多年轻人沦为'恐年族' people suffering from Spring Festival phobia
Many young people suffer from Spring Festival phobia because of the extravagance and waste and preure that have come to characterize the festival.铺张浪费和压力已经成了春节的特征,不少年轻人因此沦为“恐年族”。[相关词汇] 节日恐惧症 holiday phobia 春联 spring couplets 年画 new year paintings 节日送礼 holiday gift giving 年货经济 Spring Festival shopping-generated economy 假日购物季 holiday shopping season 17.特朗普'就职典礼'将举行 inauguration
Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday will begin at 11:30 am EST with the official swearing-in ceremony.唐纳德·特朗普的就职典礼将于美国东部时间20日上午11时30分随着官方宣誓就职仪式的举行拉开帷幕。[相关词汇] 就职宣誓 oath of office 主持宣誓仪式 administer the oath 总统就职委员会 the Presidential Inaugural Committee 就职活动 inaugural events 竞选口号 campaign slogan 告别仪式 departure ceremony 18.长假'出境游'人次创新高outbound trip
A record 6.15m outbound trips were made by Chinese mainland tourists during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, according to the China National Tourism Administration.That is an increase of 7% compared with last year's Spring Festival.About 374,000 trips were organized by travel agencies.国家旅游局称,七天春节假期,中国大陆游客出境游人次达到创纪录的615万,较去年春节期间增加7%。其中跟团旅游人数约为37.4万人。[相关词汇] 放宽签证要求 easing of visa requirements 廉价跟团游 low-cost package tour 长线目的地 long-haul destination 体验生物多样性 experience the biodiversity 放松享受 relaxation and enjoyment 19.春节'空城'指数东莞居首 ghost town
China's major manufacturing hub Dongguan was rated China's top ghost town during the Spring Festival.我国主要的制造业中心东莞被评为春节期间国内第一大空城。[相关词汇] 阖家团圆 family reunion 12 春运 Spring Festival travel rush 返程高峰 return peak 人口流动 population mobility 劳动密集型产业 labor-concentrated/-intensive industry 20.国内'单日票房纪录'刷新 single-day box office record
China's box office raked in RMB795m on Saturday, Lunar New Year's Day, setting a record for a single day.大年初一(1月28日),全国票房收入达7.95亿元,创下单日票房纪录。[相关词汇] 票房冠军 highest-groing film/movie 好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster 观影人数 the number of viewers 打折票 discount ticket 票房欺诈 box office fraud 幽灵场 phantom/ghost screenings 21.支付宝'即时退税'扩版图 real-time tax refund
Chinese shoppers can now enjoy a real-time tax refund service via their mobile phones at three airports: Milan Malpensa, Munich and Helsinki, saving them weeks of waiting time if 13 receiving refund by card.在米兰马尔彭萨机场、慕尼黑机场和赫尔辛基机场这三个机场,我国消费者现在可在手机上享受即时退税服务,为他们节省退税到卡所需的数周等待时间。[相关词汇] 免税店 duty-free shop 海外购物 overseas shopping 移动支付 mobile payment 金融科技 fintech 22.英政府发布'脱欧白皮书' Brexit white paper
The British government published a Brexit white paper setting out its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union on Thursday.英国政府2日发布脱欧白皮书,阐述了英国脱离欧盟的方案规划。[相关词汇] 平稳有序脱欧 a smooth, orderly Brexit 科技创新宝地 best place for science and innovation 向国际人才开放 open to international talent 保障工人权益 protect workers' rights 23.绍兴腐乳
Shaoxing fermented bean curd
请看例句:With soybeans the main material, the traditional craft of Shaoxing fermented bean curd has a set of complicated procedures and strict requirements on temperature and humidity in production.绍兴腐乳以黄豆为主要原料,其传统制作工艺包含一套复杂工序,生产过程对温度和湿度有严格要求。[相关词汇] 老干妈辣椒酱 Lao Gan Ma chili sauce 豆豉 fermented soya beans 豆浆 soybean milk 豆腐 bean curd, tofu 黄酒 yellow rice wine 食品安全 food safety 泡菜 pickles 15
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2016年热词流行语大全,你听过几个?感叹网民的创造力的同时,你是否跟上了节奏,下面我们来看看刚过去的2016年的网络语、流行热词,你知道的有几个?1、吃瓜群众 2016年,有人将“不发言......