2018.1 日报热词 12.30--1.5 1.比特币矿场 bitcoin miner 虚拟货币 virtual currency 加密货币 cryptocurrency 金融风险 financial risk 金融科技 fintech 代币发行融资 Initial Coin Offerings, ICO 抑制投机行为 curb speculative behavior 2.年度账单 annual spending report 隐私条款 privacy policy 数据外泄 data breach 法律协议 legal agreement 信用评级服务 credit rating service 3.宰客 overcharge/fleece customers 强迫购物 forced shopping 低价旅游产品 budget travel product 零团费出游 free-of-charge tours 价格欺诈 price fraud 旅游不文明行为 inappropriate tourism behavior 4.佛系青年Buddha-like youth 精疲力尽 burnt-out 中年发福 middle-aged obesity 过早谢顶 prematurely balding 超然的姿态 detached posturing 5.灯泡糖 lightbulb-shaped candy 砂糖 granulated sugar 麦芽糖 malt sugar 网络红人 online celebrity 肥皂剧 soap opera 1.3--1.12 1.国家最高科学技术奖 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award 科技创新 technical innovation 科技革命 technological revolution 科技前沿 frontier trend in science and technology 尖端科学 advanced science 2.流感 flu
禽流感 avian influenza 健康恐慌 health scare 疫苗 vaccination 抗病毒治疗 antiviral treatment 个人防护措施 personal protective measure 3.中等收入群体 middle-income group 中产阶级 middle cla 大众富裕阶层 ma affluent cla/stratum 生活水平 quality of life 流动资产 liquid aet 4.智慧物流市场 intelligent logistics market 物流行业 logistics industry 物联网 internet of things 云计算 cloud computing 互联网+ internet plus 电子商务 e-commerce 5.直播答题应用 quiz application 用户体验 user experience 网络直播 live video streaming 网红经济 internet celebrity economy 直播经济 live stream economy 1.13-1.19 1.居住用地 residential land 商用土地 commercial land 廉租房 low-rent housing 经济适用房 affordable housing 高库存 high inventory 空置率 vacancy rate 去库存 cut overcapacity 2.债务分配 division of debt
共同财产 joint estate, common wealth, mutual property 婚前财产 pre-marital property 婚前协议 prenuptial agreement 财产分割 division of property 离婚诉讼 divorce proceeding 离婚协议书 divorce settlement 伪造债务 forged debt 3.在线开放课程 open online course 网络教育 webucation 在线辅导 online tutoring “双一流” “Double First-Cla” initiative 211工程 Project 211 4.猫经济 cat economy 单身经济 single economy 分享经济 sharing economy 空巢青年 empty-nest youth 剩女 leftover women 5.非厄尔尼诺年 non-El Nino year 全球变暖 global warming 极端天气 extreme weather 气候灾难 climate disaster 碳排放 carbon emiion 节能环保 energy conservation and environmental protection 可再生能源 renewable energy 1.20--1.26 1.世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum 2.克隆猴 clone macaque 非生殖细胞 non-reproductive cell 动物实验 animal test 胚胎分割 embryo splitting 非人灵长类 nonhuman primate 灵长类全脑图谱 neural mapping of primate brains 基因编辑 genetic reprogramming 3.长江经济带 Yangtze River Economic Belt 一带一路 Belt and Road 京津冀一体化 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration 区域经济一体化 regional economic integration 绿色发展 green development 新兴产业集群 new clusters of emerging industries 4.爱莎门 Elsagate 儿童色情 child pornography 迪士尼动画电影 Disney animation movie 适合儿童观看的视频 child-friendly video 屏蔽有害视频 block disturbing videos 5.旅行青蛙 Travel Frog 满足感 sense of satisfaction 游戏货币 in-game currency 释放压力 relieve stre 角色扮演游戏 role-playing game 1.27--2.2 1.“黄金时代”增强版 an enhanced version of the “Golden Era” bilateral ties 黄金时代 Golden Era 顺应时代潮流 conform to the trend of the times 和合共生 realize harmony and coexistance 尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切 respect and consider each other's core interests and major concerns 2.冰上丝绸之路 Polar Silk Road 北极事务 Arctic affairs 全球变暖 global warming 人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind 互联互通 connectivity 3.个人信用记录 personal credit records 职业道德 profeional ethics 加强教师队伍建设 improve the ranks of teachers 农村教师 rural teacher 一专多能教师 versatile teacher 义务教育均衡发展 balanced development of compulsory education 学前教育 preschool education 职业教育 vocational education 4.超级蓝血月 Super Blue Blood Moon 满月 full moon 月球近地点 the lunar perigee 椭圆轨道 elliptical orbit 日偏食 partial solar eclipse 流星雨 meteor shower 5.带字卫衣 meage sweater 新春快乐 Happy Spring Festival 恭喜发财 Wish you prosperity 万事如意 Everything goes well 常见的祝福语 often-used greetings 我这么做都是为你好 What I do is for your own good 6.象牙贸易禁令 ban on ivory trade 7.填海 land reclamation 8.白色经济 white economy 9.雪乡宰客 overcharging customers 宰客 overcharging/fleecing customers 10.年度账单 annual spending report 11.佛系青年 Buddha-like youth 佛系心态 Buddha-like mindset 消极懒散(peimism and indolence)职业道德(work ethic)下滑 上进心缺失(lack of self-motivation)行为举止冷漠(apathetic demeanor)自嘲 self-mockery 12.流感爆发 flu outbreak
季节性流感病毒 seasonal influenza virus 急性病毒感染an acute viral infection 抗病毒治疗antiviral treatment 日常的个人防护措施personal protective measures 13.国际消费类电子产品博览会 Consumer Electronics Show 国际消费类电子产品博览会 Consumer Electronics Show,CES 美国消费技术协会 Consumer Technology Aociation,CTA 14.国家精品在线开放课程 national-level MOOCs
Maive Open Online Courses,MOOC 大规模在线开放课程(“慕课”)线下精品课程 offline quality courses 15 共同债务 joint debt国内生产总值 Gro Domestic Product,GDP 居民人均可支配收入Per capital disposable income 17 中国的北极政策 China's Arctic Policy 18 微博热搜榜 most searched hashtags 热门话题榜 hottest topics 19 无人机管理 regulations on UAVs
政府工作报告热词——能源、环境篇[ 2008-03-10 10:47 ] 能源消耗 energy consumption 清洁、可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources 化学需氧量 chemical oxygen......
2014年 1月热词“地方政府债务”逾10万亿2014-01-02 08:51地方政府债务(local government debt)包括地方政府负有偿还责任的债务(local governments' direct debt/debt that......