Reading Material 9
Heat Treatment of Steel
Types of Heat Treating OperationsFive operations are detailed in this leon as the basis of heat treatment.Explanations of these
Operations follow.Stre RelievingWhen a metal Is heated,expansion occurs which is more or le proportional to the temperature rise.Upon cooling a metal,the reverse reaction takes place.That is, a contraction is observed.When a steel bar or plate is heated at one point more than at another,as in welding or during forging,Internal strees are set up.During heating, expansion of the heated area cannot take place unhindered,and it tends to deform.On cooling,contraction is prevented from taking place by the unyielding cold metal surrounding the heated area.The forces attempting to contract the metal are not relieved,and when the metal is cold again,the forces remain as internal strees.strees also result from volume changes, which accompany metal transformations and precipitation.Internal or residual strees are bad because they may cause warping of steel parts when they are machined.To
0relieve these strees,steel is heated to around 595C,auming that the entire
part is heated uniformly, then cooled slowly back to room temperature.This procedure is called stre relief annealing, or merely stre relieving.Because of characteristics inherent in cast steel, the normalizing treatment is more frequently applied to ingots prior to working,and to steel castings and forgings prior to hardening.NormalizingThe proce of normalizing consists of heating to a temperature above the third transformation temperature and allowing the part to cool in still air.The actual temperature required for this depends on the composition of the steel,0but is usually around 870C.Actually, the term normalize does not describe the
purpose.The proce might be more accurately described as a homogenizing or grain-refining treatment.Within any piece of steel, the composition is usually not uniform throughout.That is, one area may have more carbon than the area adjacent to it.These compositional differences affect the way in which the steel will respond to heat treatment.If it is heated to a high temperature, the carbon can readily diffuse throughout, and the result is a reasonably uniform composition from one area to the next.The steel is then more homogeneous and will respond to the heat treatment in a more uniform way.During cold deformation, steel has a tendency to harden in deformed areas, making it more difficult to bend and liable to breakage.Alternate deforming and annealing operations are performed on most manufactured steel products.Full annealingFull annealing, where steel is heated 50 to 100C above the third transformation temperature for hypoeutectoid steels, and above the lowest transformation temperature for hypereutectoid steels, and slow cooled, makes the steel much easier to cut, as well as bend.In full annealing, cooling must take place very slowly so that a coarse pearlite is formed.Slow cooling is not eential for
proce annealing, since any cooling rate from temperatures below the lowest transformation temperature will result in the same microstructure and hardne.Proce annealingProce annealing consists of heating steel to a temperature just below the lowest transformation temperature for a short time.This makes the steel easier to form.This heat treatment is commonly applied in the sheet and wire industries, and the temperatures generally used are from 550 to 650C.Annealing The two--stage heat treating proce of quenching and tempering is designed to produce high strength steel capable of resisting shock and deformation without breaking.On the other hand, the annealing proce is intended to make steel easier to deform or machine.1n manufacturing steel products, machining and severe bending operations are often employed.Even tempered steel may not cut or bend very easi1y and annealing is often neceary.The effect of tempering may be il1ustrated as follows.If the head of a hammer were quenched to a fully martensitic structure, it probably would crack after the first few blows.Tempering during manufacture of the hammer imparts shock resistance with only a slight decrease in hardne.Tempering is accomplished by heating a quenched part to some point below the transformation temperature, and holding it at this temperature for an hour or more, depending on its size.Most steels are tempered between 205°C and 595°C.As higher temperatures are employed, toughne or shock resistance of the steel is increased, but the hardne and strength decrease.TemperingDuctility is the ability of a metal to change shape before it breaks.Fleshly quenched martensite is hard but not ductile;in fact, it is very brittle.Tempering is needed to impart ductility to the martensite, usually at a small sacrifice in strength.In addition, tempering greatly increases the resistance of martensite to shock loading.Heat TreatmentThe hardest condition for any given steel is obtained by quenching to a fully martensitic structure.Since hardne is directly related to strength, a steel composed of 100% martensite is at its strongest poible condition.However, strength is not the only property that must be considered in the application of steel parts.Ductility may be equally important.Change or modify the magnetic properties of steel.Improve the electrical properties;
Improve the machinability;
Increase the toughne;that is, to produce a steel having both a high tensile strength and good ductility, enabling it to withstand high impact;
Increase the hardne so as to increase resistance to wear or to enable the steel to withstand more service conditions;
Decrease the hardne and increase the ductility;
Secure the proper grain structure;
Refine the grain structure of hot worked steels which may have developed coarse grain size;
Remove strees induced by cold working or to remove strees set up by nonuniform cooling of hot metal objects;
Reasons for Heat TreatingHeat treatment of steel is usually intended to accomplish any one of the following objectives:
Stre relievingStre relieving is the heating of steel to a temperature below the transformation temperature, as in tempering, but is done primarily to relieve internal stre and thus prevent distortion or cracking during machining.This is sometimes called proce annealing.Tempering Tempering consists of reheating a quenched steel to a suitable temperature below the transformation temperature for an appropriate time and cooling back to room temperature.How this proce makes steel tough will be discued later.Hardening Hardening is carried out by quenching a steel, that is, cooling it rapidly from a temperature above the transformation temperature.Steel is quenched in water or brine for the most rapid cooling, in oil for some alloy steels, and in air for certain higher alloy steels.After steel is quenched, it is usually very hard and brittle;it may even crack if dropped.To make the steel more ductile, it must be tempered.NormalizingNormalizing is identical with annealing, except that the steel is air cooled;this is much faster than cooling in a furnace.Steel is normalized to refine grain size, make its structure more uniform, or to improve machinability.Full annealingFull annealing is the proce of softening steel by a heating and cooling cycle, so that it may be bent or cut easily.In annealing, steel is heated above a transformation temperature and cooled very slowly after it has reached a suitable temperature.The distinguishing characteristics of full annealing are:(a)temperature above the critical temperature and(b)very slow cooling, usually in the furnace.阅读材料9
各种不同的热处理操作 本单元介绍了五种热处理的基本方法。这些方法介绍如下。
退火过程退火过程就是加热钢到稍低于最低转变温度的一个温度后保持一会儿。这使钢更容易成形。这种热处理通常应用于薄板和电线工业,它的温度一般在550度到650 度之间。
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