太阳照常升起 读书报告_西游记读书报告3000字

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太阳照常升起 读书报告由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“西游记读书报告3000字”。

Today, I will introduce the book of Ernest Miller Hemingway—THE SUN ALSO RISES.Hemingway was an American author and journalist.He is a representative writer of “the Lost Generation” in America.His novels are famous for the concise writing style.Hemingway won the Noble Prize in Literature in 1954 by virtue of The Old Man and the Sea.He published 7 novels, 6 short story collections and 2 non-fiction works.Many of these are considered claics of American literature.This novel is a story about that Barnes and his friends lived in Paris after the World War.They usually went to bars, went fishing, took a trip of Spain to watch bull fights and so on.Barnes is an American veteran of World War I who suffered physical injuries that have made him physiologically impotent.After World War, Barnes lived in Paris and fell in love with Brett.But Barnes was unable to pursue a sexual relationship with Brett.They felt upset and confused about it.In order to content their mental stimulation, they went to Spain and participated in activities of bull fights.Romero who was the star bullfighter of the fiesta was introduced to Jake and his friends, and at that time he fell in love with Brett.They split up when they recognize her inability to commit to a sustained relationship.In the end, Brett chose Barnes to live with him forever.The whole story is just like a endle circle: it starts from where it ends and starts again.Jack Barnes and his fellows, we say “The Lost Generation”, eat, drink, fool around and repeat themselves day by day.




评《太阳照常升起》中国电影里,我最爱的一部就是姜文导演的《太阳照常升起》。我爱它的解密快感。 这部影片拍摄于2007年,由英皇电影和太合联合出品。影片耗资一千万美金,历时......







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