
其他范文 时间:2020-02-28 08:09:41 收藏本文下载本文
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P75 A1、还有一线希望可以到家,我们快点吧。

There is still a little hope of getting home.Let's hurry up.2、除非乘车,否则今晚到家的希望很小。

There is little hope of getting home tonight unle we take a bus.3、闪闪发光的不一定是金子。

All is not gold that glitters.4、他俩并非都能把这文章翻译成英文。

Both of them can not translate the article into English.5、他把准备回家的钱都花光了。

He has spent all the little money he had left for his journey home.6、这两个孩子哪个也不适合这个职务。

Neither of the two boys is suitable for this post.7、这双鞋坏了,我得买新的。

This pair of shoes is almost worn out.I must buy a new pair.8、他的理论很深,很少有人懂得。

His theory is very deep.Only a few people understand it.9、我今天感到不太舒服,不知道是怎么回事。

I'm not feeling quite myself today.I don't know what's wrong.10、我们必须给每本书写一篇导论。

We must write an introduction for each book.B1、没有不结果实的树。

There is no tree but bears some fruit.2、坏事都可能变成好事。

There is no ill but may turn to one's good.3、过去认为不可能的事已经成为现实。

What was regarded once as impoible has now become a reality.4、人民的军队离不开人民,就像鱼离不开水一样。

The people is to the people's army what water is to fish.5、你们之中哪一位最先到达都可以得到奖品。

Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.6、她已经不是几年前的她了。

She is not what she was a few years ago.7、人人都想去参观故宫博物院。

There is no one but wishes to visit the Palace Museum.8、难道你不知道么我做任何事情都会成功的?

Don't you know that O always succeed in whatever I try?


I have written to whoever invited me.10、任何你想读的书都可以拿去读。

You may take whichever book you want to read.P1091、他们已经十分仔细的计算过完成该项工程所需要的时间和材料。

They have figured out most carefully the time and the materials needed to complete the project.2、著名的反帝反封建的五四运动于一九一九年在北京爆发。

The famous anti-feudal and anti-imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.3、她专心致志的看书,连外面在下雨都不知道。

She was so deep in the book that she didn't know it had been raining outside.4、在任何情况下,我们都不能忘记自己的宗旨。

Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.5、请别为这点小事大惊小怪的。

Please don't make a fu over such a small thing.6、由于能源危机,石油价格上涨了。

The price of oil was pushed up because of the energy crisis.7、他不顾自己有被淹死的危险,奋力抢救那个落水的女孩。

He ran the risk of drowning himself to save the sinking girl.8、我们坚持实验,直到取得成功为止。

We stuck at it until we finally succeeded with the experiment.9、旧事物终将被新事物所代替,这是必然的。

It's in the very nature of things that the old eventually makes place for the new.10、尽管中途遇到许多困难,但他还是鼓足勇气,及时完成了任务。

Despite many difficulties on the way,he took heart and fulfilled the task in time.P1601、委员会预定于下星期四开会来解决那个问题。

The committee decided in advance that a meeting would be held next Thursday to solve that problem.2、如果你明晨五点去看他,他将正在花园里散步。

He will be walking in the garden if you come to see him at five o'clock tomorrow morning.3、下星期你从南京回来时我们已经完成任务了。

We will have finished our task when you return from Nanjing next week.4、他昨天答应过将尽力帮助我们按时完成这项工作。

He promised that he would try to help us to finish this job on time.5、那时候我常常在睡觉前看两个小时的书。

At that time I often did some reading for two hours before going to sleep.6、我们在那里工作时在两国人民中间播下的友谊种子已经开花结果。

The seed of friendship between the peoples of the two nations which we planted while working there has been in bloom and borne fruit.7、明天这个时候我没空,那时候我要听英语广播讲座。

I won't have time tomorrow morning, as I will be listening to the English broadcast at that time.8、昨天晚上这个时候我正在教室做语法练习。

I was doing some grammar exercises this time yesterday evening.9、昨天我等了你一整天,你为什么不来呢?

I was waiting for you the whole day yesterday.Why didn't you come?


Please don't come tomorrow morning because I will be having my claes at that time.P1781、据悉,地震后很多人无家可归。

It was reported that many people became homele after the earthquake.2不言而喻,这是最近谈判的结果。

It is well known to all that this is the outcome of the recent negotiation.3、估计总统即将发表通告。

It is estimated that President is going to make an announcement.4、据人们所知,现今世界上存活的大熊猫大约只有一千只。

It is known that only 1,000 pandas exist on our globe at present.5、他们在长期的反侵略斗争中团结起来了。

They got united during the long period of anti-aggreion.6、由于节日交通阻塞我们被耽误了。

We got delayed due to the festival traffic jam.7、什么把教堂毁坏了?教堂是被一颗炸弹炸毁的。

How did the church get damaged?It got damaged by a bomb.8、申请人此刻也许正在接受面试。

The applicant may be getting interviewed now.9、选词必须受到特别重视。

Diction must be paid special attention to.10、约翰·史密斯是公司派到加州去过一年的。

John Smith has been sent to California by the company for one year.




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