
其他范文 时间:2020-02-28 05:42:15 收藏本文下载本文
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Reading: Text 4

1.Match the words with their definitions.1c2e3a4i5g6b7d8f9j10h

2.Complete the following expreions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if neceary.analogy2compatible3 Distribute4 implement5activated6 static7 aggregated8 clone9 innovative10replacement11 crashedcompromised13 mine14 substantial15aet16 centralize17 facilities 18 loose19 monitor20integrate21derived22 update23downloadupgrade25licensed26differential27 install 28 minimum29 in-house30crucial

3.Read the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may referto the expreions and the sentence patterns listed above.remains wide open(有很大的前景)

is derived from the way in which(来自这样一个方法)

becomes crucial(非常重要)

will be substantially reduced(会大大降低)

4.Translate the following sentences from Text 4 into Chinese.1这个术语来自于因特网往往呈现为网络图的方法。



Reading: Text 8Match the words with their definitions.d2 f3 a4 b5 g6 h7 c8 i9 j10 eComplete the following expreions or sentences by using the target words listed below with thehelp of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if neceary.aspects2 replicate3 simultaneously4 expectancy5 Journalmechanic7 practically8 automatically9 precise10 specificerratically12 exclusive13 conventional14 elements15 semiconductor16 molecular17 vast18 appearance19 potential20 property 21 manipulate22 fabricate23 foresee24 substance25 individual 26 reverse27 theoreticalRead the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You mayrefer to the

expreions and the sentences patterns listed above.has played an ever-important role in(起着非常重要的作用)

is impacting the medical industry(对医学界正在产生很大影响)

smaller than a pill(比药丸还小)

This could vastly reduce the pain(这可极大的减轻疼痛)

It is not until we experience such benefits(知道我们体验到这种好处)Translate the following sentences from Text 8 into Chinese.一纳米是一米的十亿分之一,比可见光的波长还要短,其宽度是人类头发的十万分之一。2诺贝尔奖获得者霍斯特· 施特默说纳米尺度比原子尺度更有趣,因为纳米尺度是我们可






Reading: Text 10Match the words with their definitions.d2 c3 j4 a5 i6 f7 h8 e9 g10 bComplete the following expreions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the

help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if neceary.undergo2 maive3 unprecedented4 runaway5 consensushinder7 output8 concentration span9 bleak10 make a dentconstantly12 outcome13 play down14 variation15 absolutelydenigrate17 me with18 herald19 overwhelming20 savageresolve22 gigantic23 output24 dramatically25 sex-selectiveRead the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may refer to the

expreions and the sentences patterns listed above.The dispute lies in whether or not(争论的焦点在于是否)

the overwhelming consensus is(压倒性的一致看法是)

there is absolutely no question(这绝对是没有问题的)

may arise from(或许是来自于)

has never been anything other than a polluting effect on our environment(除了给我们环境带来

破坏作用,没有带来其他任何东西)Translate the following sentences from Text 10 into Chinese.1这一争论的焦点在于:我们正在经历的变暖仅仅反映了最近全球气温变化趋势的自然转

变,还是工业革命开始以来人类活动造成污染影响的结果。一种反对人为变暖的观点是,这世界曾在 1946到1975年间经历过一次明显的降温,证



它远未实现其到2008 年12月全球温室气体排放减少 5.2%(低于1990年水平)的目标。5 如果真的要在日益攀升的大气温室气体浓度中按要求减少 60%的温室气体排放,前景的确堪忧。

Reading: Text 11Match the words with their definitions.i2 f3 g4 c5 h6 a7 b8 e9 d10 jComplete the following expreions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the

help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if neceary.breach2 shallow3 implement4 survivor(s)5 hypothetical6 initiate7 potential8 despite9 neutralize10 contact11 transport12 volume13 penetrate14 confirm15 strategy16 estimate17 noticeable18 generation19 avert20 medical21 disperse22 integrity23 compensateRead the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by

translating the Chinese in brackets.You may refer to the expreions and the sentence patterns

listed above.is aociated with nuclear energy(和原子能有联系)

depends somewhat on(某种程度上取决于)

take care of(来对付)

radiation leakage takes place(辐射泄漏发生)

arises from long-time exposure of radiation(由于长时间暴露在辐射下)Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.辐射自然存在于我们的环境当中,一般人每秒钟都遭受着自然中15000个粒子的辐射,而

一次普通的医疗X 光检查则带有1000亿个粒子的辐射。这些与人体接触的物质主要有:发电厂常规运行时的少量释放物、核电站事故和放射性材


一步实施这项技术,那么由核工业造成的每一种疾病中都将有80例遗传疾病得到防止。高剂量的辐射会摧毁身体机能并在 60天内导致死亡,但这种“明显的”死亡仅限2%的核反应堆熔毁事故中,在0.2%的熔毁事故中会超过 100天,而在1/100,000的熔毁事故中


Reading: Text 15Match the words with their definitions.b2 i3 e4 f5 c6 h7 g8 a9 j10 dComplete the following expreions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if neceary.genetically2 outweigh3 infrastructure4 statistics5 resolve6 financial7 rigorous8 spark9 collaboration10 desperate11 alter12 cultivable13 temper14 lobby15 leading-edge16 array17 deficient18 restricted19 unfounded20 converted21 devastating22 staple23 transformRead the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may refer to the expreions and the sentence patterns listed above.already very much a part of our lives(已成为我们生活的一部分)

have a strong incentive to(迫切地想要)

it can raise overall crop productivity(能提高稻谷产量)

But for all that promise(尽管这么多保证)

should be subjected to rigorous testing(应该进行严格的测试)Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,这个理念似乎有悖自然。在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。

3生物技术专家已经培育出了一种转基因水稻,这种水稻含有在身体内可转化为维生素 A 的 β-胡萝卜素和更多的铁元素,目前他们正在研究培育其他一些营养成分增多的农作物。4 转基因的抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像抗干旱种子在可耕地面积因缺水而受到限制 的地区起到的作用一样。尤其在运输基础设施落后的国家,地理条件对食物供给的限制和遗传学为食物供给带来的 希望一样大。

学术英语 课文翻译

U8A 1在过去的30年里,作为一个专业的大提琴演奏家,我花了相当于整整20年时间在路上执行和学习音乐传统和文化。我的旅行使我相信在我们的全球化的世界中,文化传统来自于一个身......


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