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Improvement Proposal Implementation Procedure


Procedure to guide the implementation of improvement proposals 改善提案推行程序


In order to achieve company’s target much better, to make full use of the ability of all employees, aist to establish and improve the company lean production system and productivity continually.To strengthen the communication with graroots employees, increase employees’ satisfaction and reduce the lo of them, achieve sustainable development.为了更好地完成公司的目标,充分发挥广大员工的才智,协助公司精益生产系统的建立与完善并持续提高公司的生产率.加强与公司基层员工的沟通,提高员工的满意度,减少员工的流失,实现公司可持续发展.2.SCOPE(范围): 3.Definition(定义)

3.1 Improvement proposal 改善提案

Improvement proposal in this document refers to any proposal from workers at all functional departments(excluding Technicians, Engineers)and able to improve the areas as the description of item#3.3.1, as well as it can be implemented quickly or poibly implemented in the future, or developed as CIP/Kaizen project led by responsible Engineer or above.本程序所指的改善提案是指公司的一线员工(不包括技术员、工程师)就条款3.3.1所列出的方面提出的,并且可以快速实施或在将来实施,或可以发展由工程师以上所领导CIP或Kaizen项目进行改善实施的建议.3.1.1 Any idea which is beneficial to improve safety, cost, productivity, quality, delivery, inventory as following list, are taken as improvement proposal :

任何有利于改善如下列出在工作安全、生产物料成本、产品品质、物流、库存建议,都视为改善提案:            Reduce operation time and improve productivity减少作业时间、提高生产率.Improve the product quality 提升产品品质.Production safety and health生产安全、卫生.Reduce Lead time.减少前置时间.Reduce energy and material waste降低能源及减少物料浪费 Improve products tooling, fixture产品工装、夹具的改善 Ergonomics improvement 人机工程学的改善 Improve on product design 产品设计的改善

Produce methods or test methods improve 生产方法或测试方法的改善

Maintenance and improve of production machines, fixtures生产机器、夹具的维护及改善 Improve 5S and material flow 5S及物流改善 

Management improvement管理改善

3.2 Non improvement proposal 非改善提案

Any idea or suggestion which related to the following listed items are not taken as improvement proposals, and not applied to the rewarding actions in this document.任何包含以下方面的建议或想法都将不予接受为改善提案,也不适用于本文件规定的奖励措施. Abuse colleagues and superior辱骂、攻击同事或上级  Existing standard proce 已有标准流程

 Belongs to the work responsibility range, or repeat属于工作职责范围或重复  Has nothing to do with the company and work与公司和工作无关的建议  Is not related to the improvement of the defined area.建议与所指改善区域无关

3.3 Aeing decision 评估建议

Based on current resource limitation and neceity, any improvement is categorized as, adopted with implementation, adopted without implementation, and not adopted 根据目前的资源限制及行动的必要性,任何改善提案经评估后分为采纳实施、采纳不实施、不采纳.3.3.1 Adopted with implementation 采纳实施

Means that the adopted proposal can be implemented right away based on current situation & needs 指根据当前的形势及需求,该改善建议可以实施.3.3.2 Adopted without implementation 采纳不实施

Means that the adopted proposal can’t be implemented right away,but could be implemented in the future based on the opinion of Improvement Proposal Committee and current resource limitation 指根据改善委员会的评估及当前的资源限制,该改善建议不能马上实施但在将来可能实施.3.3.3 Not adopted 不采纳

Refers to the proposal can’t be implemented either at present or in the future after being evaluated by Improvement Proposal Committee 指该改善提案经过改善提案委员会评估后在目前或将来都不能实施.4.RESPONSIBILITY(职责):

4.1 All functional departments 各职能部门:

4.1.1 Be responsible for spreading out continuous improvement culture and enhancing operators’ improvement consciousne, encouraging them to take part in improvement activities positively.负责宣扬持续改善文化,提升员工提案改善的意识,鼓励员工积极参与各种改善活动.4.1.2 4.1.3

4.2 CIP department持续改善部 Be responsible for arranging related resources to follow up the adopted improvement proposals.负责安排指定相应的资源实施可行化的建议.Be responsible for recording and distributing awards to those whose proposals are adopted.负责记录及发放员工的改善建议奖.4.2.1 Be responsible for coordinating all the improvement activities in the factory, and spreading continuous improvement culture.负责统筹全厂的合理化建议活动,配合宣扬持续改善文化.4.2.2 Formulate rationalization proposal proce and reward system, held the meeting to review, update the existing procees regularly.制定合理化建议流程及奖励制度,定期召开会议检讨、更新现有流程.4.2.3 4.2.4 Be responsible for the collection, claification and summary analysis rationalization proposal of company.负责对公司合理化建议收集、分类、总结分析.According to the review for the proposal to follow up the implementation effect and cope with feedback of each proposal.根据对建议的评审情况,跟进实施效果及妥善处理对每条建议的反馈

4.2.5 Be responsible for apply reward monthly and distribution it, arrange related activities and trainings of continuous improvement.负责每月的奖励申请及发放,安排持续改善的相关活动及培训.4.3 Improvement Proposal Committee 改善提案委员会(Organization)4.3.1 4.3.2 According to the production status, prepare monthly target.根据生产状况,制定合理化建议的月度指标.Be responsible for reviewing the collected improvement proposals per month, and follow up the effect of implementation.负责每月评审收集到的合理化建议,跟进可实施建议的效果.4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 Aist to propagate continuous improvement culture actively, and collect improvement proposals regularly.积极协助配合对持续改善文化的宣传,定期收集合理化建议.Be responsible for the feedback and encouragement to proposers.负责对合理化建议提出者的反馈及鼓励.Be responsible for arranging related activities and trainings of continuous improvement.负责安排持续改善的相关活动及培训.5.Proposals Collecting Proce: 提案收集流程:

5.1.1 Based on the target of 10% per month(means every ten people should have one improvement proposal), each department defines monthly individual target in one year to supervisors and line leaders according to production status and the number of people under his or her management.以每月10%的指标(一人一年一条),即每十人有一条改善建议,各部门根据生产情况,以及主管、拉长管理的人数制定出全年主管、拉长每月改善建议条数指标.5.1.2 Improvement Proposal Committee call on all employees to put forward improvement proposal positively, and iue unified improvement proposal form and guide them to fill in it.持续改善推进委员会号召员工积极提出合理化建议,并发放统一的建议表格给一线员工并指导她们填写.5.1.3 Line leaders collect & preview the improvement proposals from those operators who are under his or her management respectively,and hand in to his or her manager.产线拉长各自收集及审核所管理员工的改善提案, 并交给上级主管经理.5.1.4 Functional managers review & check the improvement proposals from his or her own department, and send to CIP department after doing summary.各部门经理审核总结所收到的改善提案,并及时送交给CIP部门.5.1.5 CIP department is responsible for further check and clarification, and input them into computer system.CIP部门负责进一步审核、分类,并输入电脑系统.5.1.6 According to the collected improvement proposals, CIP department regularly has all the members of the committee to review and comment for each proposal, making jointly decision whether it is adopted or not, and implement or not for those adopted proposals.Or inform the committee members through electronic system to review and make decision quickly and timely.根据收集的改善建议,CIP 部门定期召集所有委员会成员共同评审,并对每份建议作出评价,采纳并实施、采纳不实施、不采纳.或是通过电子系统通知所有委员会成员快速、及时地评审决定.5.1.7 For the adopted proposals, related functional departments should aign corresponding Engineers to further check and follow up.对于采纳的建议,由所负责的职能部门指定相应的工程师调查、跟进.5.1.8 CIP department monitors and follows up implementation of the adopted improvement proposals, confirms the effectivene and records it in system.CIP部门督促、跟进改善建议的实施,效果确认,并记录在电脑系统中.5.1.9 According to the award rules, CIP department monthly applies for prize from financial department and hand them in to functional department managers respectively.根据合理化建议的奖励办法,CIP 部门每月向财务申请奖励奖金,并交给各部门职能经理.5.1.10 Functional department managers should hand out the prize to proposers at T2 meeting after receiving the prize.各职能部门经理收到奖金后应安排在T2会议上发放给合理化建议者.5.1.11 CIP department posts the awarded name list on all publicity boards, and summarize all the activities/status and report to Company Steering Group on the monthly basis.CIP 部门在公司各宣传栏张贴建议奖励名单,并归纳,总结汇报每月的合理化建议活动运行状况给公司持续改善推进委员会.5.2 The improvement proposal collecting flowchart is as below: 提案改善收集流程图如下:

员工改善提案提案改善委员会不采纳拉长审核不采纳不采纳采纳并实施采纳不实施部门经理审核任务指派不采纳调查实施CIP 部门审核No效果确认Yes标准化 6.Award 奖励

Only proposals which are gone through Improvement Proposal Committee review & evaluation are eligible to this awarding rules 只有经过改善委员会审核、评估过的改善提案才适合本奖励措施.6.1 For the adopted proposals whether they can be implemented or not, the proposers will get cash reward of 20 rmb.对于采纳实施和采纳不实施的建议,提案人都将获得20元人民币

6.2 For the proposals which are not adopted by Improvement Proposal Committee, one piece of proposal will be taken as 1 point, any proposer who accumulates 5 points will get 20rmb reward also.对于不采纳的建议,每条建议积分为1分,累计满5分,可获得20元人民币奖励.6.3 For line leader who achieve his or her personal target defined by his or her supervisor, can get 100RMB reward in the month.对于采纳建议数完成当月指标的拉长,当月可得价值100元人民币的奖励.6.4 Based on the number of adopted improvement proposals, Improvement Proposal Committee will quarterly select three persons as proposer stars and award them with 500RMB、300RMB&200RMB respectively, and select three production lines as production line stars with awarding 1000RMB、800RMB&500RMB respectively.每季度以被采纳的建议条数为基础评比提案明星个人三人及提案明星生产线三条.明星个人分别可得500元、300元、200元,明星生产线分别可得1000元、800元、500元.6.5 According to the number of improvement proposals and contributions to company induced by the proposals, each year Improvement Proposal Committee selects three excellent proposers and reward them diplomas & cash prize of 1000RMB、800RMB、500RMB respectively.每年根据建议条数以及所提建议实施效果对公司的贡献程度,评比出三名优秀者,分别奖励奖状及人民币现金:1000元、800元、500元.奖励对象Awarding Objective

明星个人 Proposer

明星生产线 Production line

卓越贡献者 Excellent proposer

奖励金额Cash Prize(RMB)

500 300 200 1000 800 500 1000 800 500

奖励频率 Awarding




The number of improvement proposals


The number of improvement proposals & the rate of target completion

Contribution induced by the improvement proposal


6.6 The effectivene & contribution shall be verified by CIP department based on different index, such as efficiency, productivity, product/proce quality etc.持续改善小组根据不同的指标,比如,效率,生产率,产品/制程的质量等进行有效性的确认.




]《走进YAMAHA》:改善提案 胡耀琼中华读书网2003-04-08在国内,我们既为企业的管理低效无奈,也为许多现象而忧患,常感叹有许多事没人做,有许多人没事做。在雅马哈期间,我时常为它精......


改善提案摘要: 改善提案的基本思想和目的:1.开发个人能力建立每个人经常发现问题的意识,经常进行改善,提高提案者的能力2.创造易于劳动的场所,不断发现问题,不断进行改善,使劳动场......






