你会用英语说《喜羊羊与灰太狼》 你会用英语说《喜羊羊与灰太狼》吗?随着《喜羊羊与灰太狼》大电影第二部《喜 羊羊与灰太狼之虎虎生威》的上映,这部空前火爆的国产动画再度成为众人关注 的焦点。你知道怎么用英文介绍《喜羊羊与灰太狼》么?In the year 3131, the goats live in the Qingqing Gralands happily, while “Grey Wolf” and his wife “Red Wolf” move to Qingqing Gralands to try and capture them.在未来的 3131 年,羊群们快乐地生活在青青草原上,而灰太狼却带着他的老婆 红太狼举家搬迁到此,想要抓了小羊来吃。But goats in this time are intelligent and powered with technology.Every time Grey Wolf appears at the School of Goats, he thinks up a sneaky plan to catch the goats.然而那时的小羊们都相当聪明,懂得用科学技术来武装自己。每次灰太狼来到羊 族学校,他总能想出一些个狡诈的诡计来捉羊。Among the goat students, a smart young boy goat named “Pleasant” always finds a way to ruin “Grey Wolf's” plans and save the goats.在小羊中间,有一只叫做“喜羊羊”的小男羊特别聪明,他每次都能找到方法挫败 灰太狼的阴谋,救羊同胞们于危难之中。With the effort of “Pleasant” and his friends, Grey Wolf never captures any goats.In the end of each episode, “Grey Wolf” always promises to come back.通过喜羊羊和他伙伴们的努力,灰太狼从来都没有成功抓到过一只小羊。每集最 后,灰太狼都心有不甘地大叫还会再回来的。The conflict between Grey Wolf and “Pleasant” never ends.Although he is mean to the goats, he is a nice and timid husband to Red Wolf.Red Wolf is somewhat impatient and enjoys making her husband do all the work.She never tries to catch the goats herself, but always yells at her husband, and hits Gray Wolf with a frying pan in almost everyepisode whenever she's unhappy.She likes fashion and behaves like a modern female adult(though sometime her thoughts are a bit childish).喜羊羊和灰太狼之间的战争永无休止。尽管对待小羊凶恶无比,在家对着老婆红 太狼的时候,灰太狼却是一个唯命是从、逆来顺受的妻管严。红太狼事事差遣灰 太狼,绝对是个悍妇。她从来不出手抓小羊,却总是对老公大吼大叫、发号施令,稍有不顺心就拿平底锅伺候灰太狼。她像现代成年女性一样喜爱时尚,却也经常 孩子气。“Pleasant” and his friends are portrayed as playful primary school kids, each of whom has his/her own unique feature.喜羊羊和他的伙伴们则被塑造成一群调皮的小学生,每个人羊都有自己鲜明的个 性。“Beauty” is a pretty girl goat who is always worrying about her looks and esteem.“Fit” is a boy goat who likes to work out;he is in love with “Beauty”.“Lazy” is a cute boy goat who likes to relax.There are ma
ny other child goats, as well as their teacher-an old goat named “Slow”, who is a scientist and develops machines to protect their school.He is slower than a snail and uses a walking stick.美羊羊是个喜欢打扮的小女羊;沸羊羊超爱健身,暗恋美羊羊;懒羊羊是个超人 气的可爱小男羊,特爱睡觉。除了别的小羊之外,还有他们的老师——一头名叫慢羊羊的老绵羊。除了教课之外,慢羊羊还是个爱搞研发的科学家,总能开发出 装备来保护他们的学校。他行动起来比蜗牛还慢,总是拄着拐杖走路。