Improved Genetic Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis
Abstract: Although genetic algorithm has become very famous with its global searching, parallel computing, better robustne, and not needing differential information during evolution.However, it also has some demerits, such as slow convergence speed.In this paper, based on several general theorems, an improved genetic algorithm using variant chromosome length and probability of croover and mutation is proposed, and its main idea is as follows : at the beginning of evolution, our solution with shorter length chromosome and higher probability of croover and mutation;and at the vicinity of global optimum, with longer length chromosome and lower probability of croover and mutation.Finally, testing with some critical functions shows that our solution can improve the convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly , its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.Genetic algorithm is an adaptive searching technique based on a selection and reproduction mechanism found in the natural evolution proce, and it was pioneered by Holland in the 1970s.It has become very famous with its global searching, parallel computing, better robustne, and not needing differential information during evolution.However, it also has some demerits, such as poor local searching, premature converging, as well as slow convergence speed.In recent years, these problems have been studied.In this paper, an improved genetic algorithm with variant chromosome length and variant probability is proposed.Testing with some critical functions shows that it can improve the convergence speed significantly, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.In section 1, our new approach is proposed.Through optimization examples, in section 2, the efficiency of our algorithm is compared with the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.And section 3 gives out the conclusions.Finally, some proofs of relative theorems are collected and presented in appendix.Description of the algorithm 1.1 Some theorems Before proposing our approach, we give out some general theorems(see
appendix)as follows: Let us aume there is just one variable(multivariable can be divided into many sections, one section for one variable)x ∈ [ a, b ] , x ∈ R, and chromosome length with binary encoding is 1.Theorem 1
Minimal resolution of chromosome is s = ba 2l1Theorem 2
Weight value of the ith bit of chromosome is
wi = bai1(i = 1,2,…l)2l1Theorem 3
Mathematical expectation Ec(x)of chromosome searching step with one-point croover is Ec(x)= baPc 2lwhere Pc is the probability of croover.Theorem 4
Mathematical expectation Em(x)of chromosome searching step with bit mutation is Em(x)=(b-a)Pm
1.2 Mechanism of algorithm
During evolutionary proce, we presume that value domains of variable are fixed, and the probability of croover is a constant, so from Theorem 1 and 3, we know that the longer chromosome length is, the smaller searching step of chromosome, and the higher resolution;and vice versa.Meanwhile, croover probability is in direct proportion to searching step.From Theorem 4, changing the length of chromosome does not affect searching step of mutation, while mutation probability is also in direct proportion to searching step.At the beginning of evolution, shorter length chromosome(can be too shorter, otherwise it is harmful to population diversity)and higher probability of croover and mutation increases searching step, which can carry out greater domain searching, and avoid falling into local optimum.While at the vicinity of global optimum, longer length chromosome and lower probability of croover and mutation will decrease searching step, and longer length chromosome also improves resolution of mutation, which avoid wandering near the global optimum, and speeds up algorithm
converging.Finally, it should be pointed out that chromosome length changing keeps individual fitne unchanged, hence it does not affect select ion(with roulette wheel selection).1.3 Description of the algorithm
Owing to basic genetic algorithm not converging on the global optimum, while the genetic algorithm which reserves the best individual at current generation can, our approach adopts this policy.During evolutionary proce, we track cumulative average of individual average fitne up to current generation.It is written as 1X(t)= GGft1avg(t)where G is the current evolutionary generation, fitne.favg is individual average When the cumulative average fitne increases to k times(k> 1, k ∈ R)of initial individual average fitne, we change chromosome length to m times(m is a positive integer)of itself , and reduce probability of croover and mutation, which can improve individual resolution and reduce searching step, and speed up algorithm converging.The procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Initialize population, and calculate individual average fitne and set change parameter flag.Flag equal to 1.favg0, Step 2 Based on reserving the best individual of current generation, carry out selection, regeneration, croover and mutation, and calculate cumulative average of individual average fitne up to current generation
favgStep 3 If
favg0≥k and Flag equals 1, increase chromosome length to m times of itself, and reduce probability of croover and mutation, and set Flag equal to 0;otherwise continue evolving.Step 4 If end condition is satisfied, stop;otherwise go to Step 2.2 Test and analysis
We adopt the following two critical functions to test our approach, and compare it with the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual: f1(x,y)0.5sin2x2y20.5[10.01xy222]
x,y∈ [5,5]
[1,1] f2(x,y)4(x22y20.3cos(3πx)0.4cos(4πy))
x,y∈2.1 Analysis of convergence During function testing, we carry out the following policies: roulette wheel select ion, one point croover, bit mutation, and the size of population is 60, l is chromosome length, Pc and Pm are the probability of croover and mutation respectively.And we randomly select four genetic algorithms reserving best individual with various fixed chromosome length and probability of croover and mutation to compare with our approach.Tab.1 gives the average converging generation in 100 tests.In our approach, we adopt initial parameter l0= 10, Pc0= 0.3, Pm0= 0.1 and k= 1.2, when changing parameter condition is satisfied, we adjust parameters to l= 30, Pc= 0.1, Pm= 0.01.From Tab.1, we know that our approach improves convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly and it accords with above analysis.2.2 Analysis of online and offline performance
Quantitative evaluation methods of genetic algorithm are proposed by Dejong, including online and offline performance.The former tests dynamic performance;and the latter evaluates convergence performance.To better analyze online and offline performance of testing function, w e multiply fitne of each individual by 10, and we give a curve of 4 000 and 1 000 generations for f1 and f2, respectively.(a)online
Fig.1 Online and offline performance of f1
Fig.2 Online and offline performance of f2
From Fig.1 and Fig.2, we know that online performance of our approach is just little worse than that of the fourth case, but it is much better than that of the second, third and fifth case, whose online performances are nearly the same.At the same time, offline performance of our approach is better than that of other four cases.Conclusion In this paper, based on some general theorems, an improved genetic algorithm using variant chromosome length and probability of croover and mutation is proposed.Testing with some critical functions shows that it can improve convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.Appendix With the supposed conditions of section 1, we know that the validation of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are obvious.Theorem 3 Mathematical expectation Ec(x)of chromosome searching step with one point croover is baPc2lEc(x)=
where Pc is the probability of croover.Proof
As shown in Fig.A1, we aume that croover happens on the kth locus, i.e.parent’s locus from k to l do not change, and genes on the locus from 1 to k are exchanged.1During croover, change probability of genes on the locus from 1 to k is 2
(“1” to “0” or “0” to “1”).So, after croover, mathematical expectation of chromosome searching step on locus from 1 to k is
22121j12j12Furthermore, probability of taking place croover on each locus of k1chromosome is equal, namely l Pc.Therefore, after croover, mathematical expectation of chromosome searching step is 1Ec(x)PcEck(x)
k1lSubstituting Eq.(A1)into Eq.(A2), we obtain l1PbaP(ba)11ba1Pcl(2k1)cl[(2i1)l]c(1l)2212l212l21k1llba0, so Ec(x)Pc where l is large, l2l21Ec(x)l1
Fig.A1 One point croover
Theorem 4 Mathematical expectation Em(x)of chromosome searching step with bit mutation Em(x)(ba)Pm, where Pm is the probability of mutation.Proof Mutation probability of genes on each locus of chromosome is equal, say Pm, therefore, mathematical expectation of mutation searching step is Em(x)=åPm·wi=åPm·i=1i=1llb-ai-1b-a·2=P··(2i-1)=(b-a)·Pm mli2-12-1
遗传算法是一种以自然界进化中的选择和繁殖机制为基础的自适应的搜索技术,它是由Holland 1975年首先提出的。它以其全局搜索、并行计算、更好的健壮性以及在进化过程中不需要求导而著称。然而它也有一些缺点,如本地搜索不佳,过早收敛,以及收敛速度慢。近些年,这个问题被广泛地进行了研究。
1.1 一些定理
在提出我们的算法之前,先给出一个一般性的定理(见附件),如下:我们假设有一个变量(多变量可以拆分成多个部分,每一部分是一个变量)x ∈ [ a, b ] , x ∈ R,二进制的染色体编码是1.定理1 染色体的最小分辨率是
s =
ba l21定理2 染色体的第i位的权重值是
bai1(i = 1,2,…l)2l1定理3 单点交叉的染色体搜索步骤的数学期望Ec(x)是
wi =
Ec(x)= baPc 2l其中Pc是交叉概率
定理4 位变异的染色体搜索步骤的数学期望Em(x)是
其中Pm是变异概率 算法机制
在进化过程中,我们假设变量的值域是固定的,交叉的概率是一个常数,所以从定理1 和定理3我们知道,较长的染色体长度有着较少的染色体搜索步骤和较高的分辨率;反之亦然。同时,交叉概率与搜索步骤成正比。由定理4,改变染色体的长度不影响变异的搜索步骤,而变异概率与搜索步骤也是成正比的。
1GX(t)= favg(t)Gt1其中G是当前进化的一代,favg是个体的平均适应度。
当累计平均适用性增加到最初个体平均适应度的k(k> 1, k ∈ R)倍,我们将染色体长度变为其自身的m(m 是一个正整数)倍,然后减小交叉和变异的概率,可以提高个体分辨率、减少搜索步骤以及提高算法收敛速度。算法的执行步骤如下:
favgk 且flag = 1,把染色体的长度增加至自身的m倍,减少交叉和变异概率,并设置flag等于0;否则继续进化。
f1(x,y)0.5sin2x2y20.5[10.01xy222] [5,5]
x,y∈ [1,1] f2(x,y)4(x22y20.3cos(3πx)0.4cos(4πy))
在我们的方法中,我们采取的初始参数是l0 = 10,Pc0 = 0.3,Pm0 = 0.1和k = 1.2,当满足改变参数的条件时,我们调整参数l = 30,Pc = 0.1,Pm = 0.01。
1.1 在线和离线性能的分析
Dejong提出了遗传算法的定量评价方法,包括在线和离线性能评价。前者测试动态性能,而后者评估收敛性能。为了更好地分析测试功能的在线和离线性能,我们把个体的适应性乘以10,并f1和f2分别给出了4 000和1 000代的曲线:
图1 f1的在线与离线性能
定理3 单点交叉的染色体搜索步骤的数学期望Ec(x)是
Ec(x)= 其中Pc是交叉概率
baPc 2l证明:
把Eq.(A1)替换为Eq.(A2),我们得到 l1PbaP(ba)11ba1Pcl(2k1)cl[(2i1)l]c(1l)l22l2l212121k1lba0,所以Ec(x)Pc 其中l是非常大的,l2l21Ec(x)l1图1 单点交叉
定理4 位变异的染色体搜索步骤的数学期望是
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