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Our society is awash in “machine intelligence” of various kinds.Over the last century, we have witneed more and more of the “drudgery” of daily living being replaced by devices such as washing machines.One remaining area of both drudgery and danger, however, is the daily act ofdriving automobiles 1.2 million people were killed in traffic crashes in 2002, which was 2.1% of all globaldeaths and the 11th ranked cause of death.If this trend continues, an estimated 8.5 million people will be dying every year in road crashes by 2020.In fact, the U.S.Department of Transportation has estimated the overall societal cost of road crashes annually in the United States at greater than $230 billion.When hundreds or thousands of vehicles are sharing the same roads at the same time, leading to the all too familiar experience of congested traffic.Traffic congestion undermines our quality of life in the same way air pollution undermines public health.Around 1990, road transportation profeionals began to apply them to traffic and road management.Thus was born the intelligent transportation system(ITS).Starting in the late 1990s, ITS systems were developed and deployed.In developed countries, travelers today have acce to signifi-cant amounts of information about travel conditions, whether they are driving their own vehicle or riding on public transit systems.As the world energy crisis, and the war and the energy consumption of oil--and are full of energy, in one day, someday it will disappear without a trace.Oil is not in resources.So in oil consumption must be clean before finding a replacement.With the development of science and technology the progre of the society, people invented the electric car.Electric cars will become the most ideal of transportation.In the development of world each aspect is fruitful, especially with the automobile electronic technology and computer and rapid development of the information age.The electronic control technology in the car on a wide range of 1


applications, the application of the electronic device, cars, and electronic technology not only to improve and enhance the quality and the traditional automobile electrical performance, but also improve the automobile fuel economy, performance, reliability and emiions purification.Widely used in automobile electronic products not only reduces the cost and reduce the complexity of the maintenance.From the fuel injection engine ignition devices, air control and emiion control and fault diagnosis to the body auxiliary devices are generally used in electronic control technology, auto development mainly electromechanical integration.Widely used in automotive electronic control ignition system mainly electronic control fuel injection system, electronic control ignition system, electronic control automatic transmiion, electronic control(ABS/ASR)control system, electronic control suspension system, electronic control power steering system, vehicle dynamic control system, the airbag systems, active belt system, electronic control system and the automatic air-conditioning and GPS navigation system etc.With the system response, the use function of quick car, high reliability, guarantees of engine power and reduce fuel consumption and emiion regulations meet standards.The car is eential to modern traffic tools.And electric cars bring us infinite joy will give us the physical and mental relaxation.Take for example, automatic transmiion in road, can not on the clutch, can achieve automatic shift and engine flameout, not so effective improve the driving convenience lighten the fatigue strength.Automatic transmiion consists mainly of hydraulic torque converter, gear transmiion, pump, hydraulic control system, electronic control system and oil cooling system, etc.The electronic control of suspension is mainly used to cushion the impact of the body and the road to reduce vibration that car getting smooth-going and stability.When the vehicle in the car when the road uneven road can according to automatically adjust the height.When the car ratio of height, low set to gas or oil cylinder filling or oil.If is opposite, gas or diarrhea.To ensure and improve the level of driving cars driving stability.Variable force power steering system can significantly change the driver for the work efficiency and the state, so widely used


in electric cars.VDC to vehicle performance has important function it can according to the need of active braking to change the wheels of the car, car motions of state and optimum control performance, and increased automobile adhesion, controlling and stability.Besides these, appear beyond 4WS 4WD electric cars can greatly improve the performance of the value and ascending simultaneously.ABS braking distance is reduced and can keep turning skills effectively improve the stability of the directions simultaneously reduce tyre wear.The airbag appear in large programs protected the driver and paenger's safety, and greatly reduce automobile in collision of drivers and paengers in the buffer, to protect the safety of life.Intelligent electronic technology in the bus to promote safe driving and that the other functions.The realization of automatic driving through various sensors.Except some smart cars equipped with multiple outside sensors can fully perception of information and traffic facilities and to judge whether the vehicles and drivers in danger, has the independent pathfinding, navigation, avoid bump, no parking fees etc.Function.Effectively improve the safe transport of manipulation, reduce the pilot fatigue, improve paenger comfort.Of course battery electric vehicle is the key, the electric car battery mainly has: the use of lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium battery, the battery, sodium sulfide sodium sulfide lithium battery, the battery, the battery, the flywheel zinc-air fuel cell and solar battery, the battery.In many kind of cells, the fuel cell is by far the most want to solve the problem of energy shortage car.Fuel cells have high pollution characteristics, different from other battery, the battery, need not only external constantly supply of fuel and electricity can continuously steadily.Fuel cell vehicles(FCEV)can be matched with the car engine performance and fuel economy and emiion in the aspects of superior internal-combustion vehicles.Along with the computer and electronic product constantly upgrading electric car, open cla in mature technology and perfected, that drive more safe, convenient and flexible, comfortable.Electric cars with traditional to compete in the market, the car will was electric cars and intelligent car replaced.This is the question that day


after timing will come.ABS, GPS, and various new 4WD 4WS, electronic products and the modern era, excellent performance auto tacit understanding is tie-in, bring us unparalleled precision driving comfort and safety of driving.The hardware and software of the intelligent vehicle are designed based on AVR.This system could set the route in advance.The vehicle could communicate with the PC vianRF401 and could run safely with the help of ultra sound detection and infrared measuring circuit.Neural network self-study is used to improve the intelligence of the vehicle.The performance of servo systems will determine the property of the robot.Based on AVRseries MCU,the velocity servo system for driving motor is created in this paper,including a discrete PIregulator which will work out a PWM control signal with applying the skill of integral separation.The velocities of motors will be controlled real-time with the speed sampling frequency set for 2KHz by using the AVR-GCC compiler software development.Compared to the servo system development based on the 51 Series MCU,the system here has these advantages of simpler peripheral circuit and faster data proceing.The experiments demonstrate that,the mobile robot runs stably and smoothly by the control of AVR units,and that the design proposal especially benefits the development of intelligent mobile robots,also can be widely used in the development of other smart devices and product lines.A new design of contest robot control system based on AVR Atmega8 was put forward.According to the character of contest robot , the main control unit , motor drive unit , sense detection unit and LCD display unit were introduced.Furthermore the servo driver system based on MCBL3006S , the line t racker sensor system and the obstacle avoidance sensor system were presented in detail.Finally the performance shows






open,simple,easy programming,intelligent and efficiency.Avoidance rules of intelligent vehicle obstacle are intro ducted.Through the collection of infrared sensor formation,the rules use diode D1 to launch and diode D2 to receive infrared signals.Infrared transmitter signal without a dedicated circuit


comes directly from the MCU clock frequency, which not only simplifier the circuit and debugging, but also make the circuit stability and anti-jamming capability greatly enhanced.After the experimental verification,the system runs reliably meet the design requirements.A smart car control system of the path information identified based on CCD camera was introduced.The hardware structure and scheme were designed.The control strategy of s teering mechanism was presented.The smart car not only can identify the road precisely, but also have ant-interference performance, and small steady state error.This article designed smart car system,includes the aspects of the sensor information acquisition and proceing, motor drive, control algorithm and control strategy etc.Using laser sensor to collect the road information which can feedback to the micro-controller control system,then making analytical proceing combined with the software.With velocity feedback and PID control algorithms to control steering engine and the speed of smart car.Verified by actual operation, this method makes smart car travel stably and reliably,and its average speed to reach 2.6m /s, and get a satisfied results.By the aid of the profeional know ledge of control, patter n recognition, sensor technology, aut omotive electronics, electricity, computer, machinery and so on, an intelligent vehicle system is designed with PID control algorithm,CCD detection system and HC9SDG128 MCU.Code Warrior IDE integrated development programming environment is taken as a basic softy are platform that can automatically deal with the traffic and image pro ceing, and then adjust the moving direction along the scheduled or bit by t he aid of a CCD camera.The system has many advantages, such as high reliability , high stability, good speed ability and scalability.Based on the research background of the Free-Scale smart car competition,a smart track following car is designed.In the car, the photo electricity sensor is used to check the path and obtain the information of racing road, and calculate the error


between the car and the black line.The fuzzy control is used to control the velocity of the car.The experiments show that the smart car based on the fuzzy control has high accuracy on the judgment of the path, stability and velocity control.外文翻译













以AVR 单片机为核心, 提出了一种智能探测小车的软硬件设计方案。系统可以预先设定小车的行走路线, 能够实现小车与计算机之间的无线通讯, 通过超声测物和红外测障电路使小车安全行走。另外, 系统通过JTAG 接口在线调试程序。软件设计中采用神经网络自学习, 大大增强了小车的智能化.执行元件的伺服系统性能将决定机器人的性能。基于AVR 系列单片机,并应用积分分离技术,设计离散PI 调节器,输出PWM 控制信号,建立驱动电机的速度伺服控制系统。使用AVR - GCC 编译软件开发伺服系统软件,设定速度采样频率为2KHz,实现对电机速度的实时控制。与基于51 系列单片机开发的伺服系统相比,本系统所需的外围电路更简单,数据处理速度更快。实现了机器人响应快速,移动平稳。该伺服系统的开发尤其适用于智能移动机器人,还可以广泛应用于其它智能设备和生产线。

提出了一种基于AVR 单片机Atmega8 为核心控制器的比赛机器人控制系统,通过比赛机器人的特征分析,阐述了构成控制系统所需的主控单元、电机驱动单元、传感检测单元及LCD 显示单元,其中详细分析了以MCBL3006S 为核心的伺服电机驱动单元,以及关系比赛机器人基本功能实现的循线传感系统及避障传感系统,并给出部分程序。最后通过实践表明,该控制系统开放性好、结构简单、编程容易、智能并高效。

智能车的避障规则,通过对红外传感器的信息进行采集,使用二极管D1 发射红外线,二极管D2 接收红外信号。红外线发射部分不设专门的信号发生电路,直接从单片机实现时钟频率,既简化了线路和调试工作,又能使电路的稳定性和抗干扰能力大大加强。经实验验证,该系统运行可靠,达到了设计要求。

介绍一种基于CCD 摄像头的路径识别的智能车控制系统, 设计了硬件结构与方案, 提出了转向机构的控制策略, 该智能车能准确实现自主寻迹, 具备抗干扰性极强, 稳态误差小等特点。


智能车系统,包括传感器信息采集与处理、电机驱动、控制算法及控制策略等方面。采用激光传感器采集道路信息并反馈给单片机控制系统,通过软件进行相关分析处理,通过速度反馈和PID 算法控制舵机转向和智能车速度。通过实际运行验证,本方法使智能车运行稳定、可靠,其平均速度达到2.6m/s,得到比较理想的效果。

为了综合利用控制、模式识别、传感器技术、汽车电子、电气、计算机、机械等专业领域知识, 设计实现了一个基于PID 控制算法, CCD 检测系统, 并采用H C9SDG128 单片机作为主控芯片的智能车系统。该系统使用Codewar rio r IDE 集成开发环境作为程序设计的基本软件平台, 能利用摄像头自动识别路况, 进行图像处理, 进而调整方向沿预定轨道前行, 具有很强的可靠性、稳定性、快速性、扩展性。



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