1.The veel head-on and # miles ahead of me。
我相距 # 海里的对遇船
2.The veel croing ahead of my port(starboard)bow.从我左(右)舷穿越船头的船。
3.The veel in latitude.#degrees#minutes n
longitude.#degrees#minutes e,course#degrees.speed# knots.在北纬 ## 东经 ## 处,船向 ### 度,航速 ## 节的船。
4.Incoming(inward)/outgoing(outward)veel.进口 / 出口船 5.The veel intending to overtake/cro/turn.打算追越 / 横交 / 掉头的船。
6.What is your intention? 你的意图是什么?
7.I intend(want)to##.我打算 ### 8.I intend to alter course,new course###degree.我准备转向,新航向 ## 度。
9.Alter course to
port(starboard)/reduce speed/keep course and
speed/stop engine.向左(右)转向 / 减速 / 保向和保速 / 停车 10.Advice you mark(steer)course ###degrees.建议你走航向 ### 度。
11.Please keep well clear of me/give me a wide berth.请宽让我12.Keep out of the way of me /give way to me.给我让路
13.Do not pa ahead/astern of me.不要过我船头 / 船尾。
14.I will overtake on your port(starboard)side.我将从你的左(右)舷追越。
15.You should navigate with caution.你应小心航行。
16.I am manoeuvring with difficulty,keep clear of me.我船操纵困难,请让开我。How do we advaid The black container ship croing ahead of my port bow,this is#calling.The veel inward(incoming)outward(outgoing)veel#calling Distance# miles Speed # knots
Which ship is calling me? 哪条船在我
Do you read me? Nothing more,out.无事再会
is I can not read you
Change to channel#/swith to channel# 转到 # 频道
Say again/repeat it
I can not follow you 我没有听清你的话
Speak slowly please 请讲慢一点
I understood/that is correct 我明白了 / 完全正确
You are dragging and drifting to me ,it is
dangerous,please pay attention.你船正在走锚向我漂流,非常危险,请你注意 You meage received,I have got my
main engine ready,and commenced heaving up anchor,the veel is under command.你的信息我已收到,我已备妥主机并正在绞锚,船已被控制住了。
You are getting closer to me
You action is obstructing me
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