项目投资意向书 Letter of Intend
Party A: Changchun Western New Economic Development Zone Committee(hereinafter referred to as “Western New Zone Committee”)
Party B: Grammer Interior(Changchun)Co.,Ltd(hereinafter referred to as “Grammer”)
Grammer is the wholly owned subsidiary of Grammer AG from Germany.As development requires, Grammer planned to invest USD 40,000,000 to transfer and enlarge to new plant, in order to meet busine development requirements.After negotiation, both parties make agreements as below:
1、To meet the needs of Party B who planed to enter Changchun Western New Economic Zone(hereinafter referred to as “Western New Zone”)to commence busine operations, Party A plans to provide XXX㎡ land to Party B to build new plant.According to the needs of Party B, the land is located at south of Toyota, north of XXX, details please check the attached picture.2、甲方出让该土地价格为每平方米xxx元人民币。
2、The land price provided by Party A is XXX per square meter.3、甲方保证所出让土地务必于2011年6月30日前,达到“七通一平”(上水通、下水通、路通、天然气通、电通、热力通、电讯通、土地平整无建筑物),上述配套设施到达用地红线。
3、It is promised by Party A that, “Seven availibites and 1 leveling”should be done before Jun.30th, 2011: available of Water supply, Water drain, Roads, Natural Gas, Electricity, Heatings, Telecom, and land leveling without structure, the facilities hereinbefore should reach the using land red line.4、甲方对于该建设项目免征城市建设配套费,行业审批给予支持、收费给予优惠。
4、Party A shall exempt Party B from charge of construction facilities expense, support on approval by Government, and give preference in respect of charge.5、为补偿乙方因厂房搬迁所产生的额外支出,甲方同意自乙方工厂迁入甲方辖区之日起,免除乙方2年租金,并给予乙方100万人民币搬迁费用补贴。具体实施办法,将在未来的正式入区租赁协议中确定。
5、To compensate the transfer cost of Party B, after Party B's factory is transferd to Western New Zone, Party A agrees to exempt Party B from 2 years rental fees and subsidise RMB 1,000,000 to Party B for the transferring.The details action would be confirmed at the Leasing Agreement when Party B enter to Western New Zone formally.6、甲方负责协调乙方区内建设要件审批、经营、建设所涉及的省、市政府有关部门的业务关系,并协助乙方办理本意向书项下项目所需的全部手续,包括从立项至企业工商登记、税务、迁移等具体业务。
6、Party A shall coordinate the government busine relationship between Party B and the relevant Province and/or City Government departments in construction approval, management and building.Party A shall aist Party B in completing all formalities about the project under this letter of intend, from the project establishment till commerce register, tax, and transfer busine etc..7、当乙方在西新区申请高新技术型企业或先进技术企业认定时,甲方将提供必要的协助。
7、Party A shall provide neceary support to Party B when applying for the determination of High and New Technology Enterprise or Technological Advanced Enterprise at Western New Zone.8、乙方将在经公司董事会正式批准后,将新厂房及经营生产地点设在西新区,并实行属地工商注册,税务登记变更及属地纳税。
8、After obtaining the Board of Directors' formal approval, Party B shall locate Grammer's new plant and operation place at Western New Zone, and register with the industrial and commercial administrative department at Western New Zone, alter tax registration and pay the Tax at Western New Zone.9、因乙方董事会已正式要求乙方以租赁方式委托第三方承建商定向进行新厂房投资建设,或乙方自行投资建厂。因此,如果乙方委托第三方建厂,甲方对乙方的上述土地等优惠政策将直接由第三方承建商享受,以保证乙方从第三方获得最优惠的购买或租赁价格。
9、For the formal requirements from the Board of Directors, Party B may consign a third party to invest and construct the new plant,or may invest and construce the new palnt independently by itself.And in case that Party B choose a third party to construct the plant, Party A agrees that the Third Party shall enjoy the above incentive policies about obtaining land etc.directly, in order to insure that Party B could enjoy the most favorable price of rental or buying from the Third Party.10、乙方正在全方位篩选第三方承建商,经公司董事会考察比较,选定并最终批准后,委托其购地建厂。甲方应协助乙方确定的承建商办理购地建厂手续。
10、Party B is now focus on selecting a third party Constructor.After checking,comparing and deciding by the Board of Directors, Party B would consign the Third Party to build plant.Party A shall support the Third Party confirmed by Party B for procedure of buying land and building.11、本意向协议一式两份,双方各执一份,双方签字后生效。
11、This Letter of Intend is executed in 2 copies, one for each party, and entered into effective after sign by parties.甲方:长春西新经济技术开发区管委会
Party A: Changchun Western New Economic Development Zone Committee
甲方签字(公章):________________________________ Party A Sign(Stamp): ____________________________
乙方:格拉默车辆内饰(长春)有限公司 Party B: Grammer Interior(Changchun)Co.,Ltd
乙方签字(公章):________________________________ Party B Sign(Stamp): ____________________________
2011 年 5月 30 日
May 30th, 2011
*****开发区管理委员会项目投资意向书甲方:****经济开发区管理委员会乙方:*********有限公司****年*月** 日项 目 投 资 意 向 书甲方:****经济开发区管理委员会地址:*****市***......
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