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1998年夏季中国长江中下游地区发生了历史上罕见的特大洪涝灾害,江西灾情严重。中国政府制定了治理水患、灾后重建的“32字” ?指导方针,并从国债资金中安排了101亿元用于平垸行洪、退田还湖、移民建镇工程。国家分四期下达江西省移民建镇任务22.1万户、90.82万人;国家补助资金35.32亿元。其中,第一期共平、退圩堤 234座,移民 11.5万户、46.75万人;补助资金17.3亿元。通过三年多的努力,共搬迁旧村镇1259个,建成新集镇37个、中心村150个、基层村856个,近47万人告别了世世代代的水患之苦,为滨湖地区居住环境改善、生态环境保护、社会经济发展和实施可持续发展战略等方面树立了新的典范。


1998年 6月至9月,洪水肆虐


1998年10月 23日,全面动员部署







申报陈述 ,洪灾不断,血吸虫病盛行,湖区人民生存环境恶劣。万人无家可归,灾后重建的任务十分繁重。1998年的洪水更是造成大片49.4 %。为确保任务的完成,省政府确定了1593、目标和策略的形成3.objectives and the form of the strategies


According to the disposition of the central government, the government of Jiangxi province set the working objectives that initiating the programme in the middle of October ,laying the groundwork before the end of the year(before the Spring Festival of 1999),finishing the task in two years and making efforts to complete and perfect the implement.4、资源动员4.Mobilize the resources


The Jiangxi Government held numbers of meetings for mobilization and disposition.At the same time, the government seconded millions of officials from the provincial level as well as the city and town level to the graroots areas to enforce the work of rebuild after the disaster and publicized the “Three propagandas” which are the propaganda of the central government’s sincere care toward the Jiangxi people in order to enhance the cohesion among the people, the propaganda of the 32-word guiding policy in order to strengthen the power of persuasion and the propaganda of the preferential policy about the resettlement and the town-building program in order to attract more investment.On the base of the distribution of national subside of 15,000RMB per household, the government at all levels organized and lead the proce ,formulated the preferential policies to ensure that the building fund from many channels would be invested in the program of resettlement and town-building.5、项目过程5.The proce of the program

实施项目过程中遇到并解决的问题:The problems encountered and solved during the proce


(1)The problem of identifying the objects of the resettlement

According to the plan iued by the central government, the government decided that the residents who live under the water line compared with the water level at the dam should be the objectives of resettlement and the cleared the principles of the household division of the resettlement.The related town governments should be sure that the migrates are settled in the right household and we must second the officials from the province, city and town level to check the results of the implement of the program so as to ensure that no mistakes would be made on the list of the migrates.(2)移民建镇点的选择问题。要求所有移民建镇点必须选择在相对湖口水位(吴淞高程)23米以上的高地建房,选址布点既要与加快农村小城镇建设相结合,尽可能相对集中,多建集镇、中心村,少建基层村;又要有利于移民群众的生产生活,水源要可靠,交通、供电、通讯方便,并且节约用地,不占或少占耕地。

(2)The problem of the selection of the location of the relocation spot

We require that the relocation spot must be build at places which is 23m higher than the relative water level and the spots should contribute to the speed up of the town building in the rural areas and should be as concentrated as poible, we should also build more town s rather than the graroots town.At the same time, the spots should have convenient accees to water, transportation, electricity and communication and benefits the residents’ production and living without taking extra arable land.(3)规划设计的组织问题。为组织编制好灾后重建村镇规划,在建设部的支持下,邀请了清华大学、中国城规院等省内外30多家规划设计单位的812名技术人员深入灾区;江西省建设厅还组织百余名专家设计了21种户型的灾后重建村镇住宅通用图集,印刷2700册无偿分发到各移民建镇点,供移民户选用。

(3)the organization problem of the layout design

In order to organize the town layout plan after the disaster, with the support of the Building Ministry, we invite 812 experts, who come from Tsinghua University, China’s urban layout design Institution and other more than 30 organizations from both the inside and outside of the province, to go deeper into the rural areas.The Jiangxi Building Bureau also organized hundreds of experts to design 21 kinds of the layout plan and had them all printed for 2,700 copies and sent them to the resettlement spot for free, waiting to be chosen by the migrants.(4)移民建房的实施问题。在选址布点及规划确定后,迅速组织征地,开展“三通一平”;尽快将宅基地落实到户,将补助资金发放同建房进度、质量挂钩,千方百计调动移民建房积极性;为确保工程质量,从省、市、县抽调近千名质监员常驻各移民建镇点监督检查。

(4)the implement problem of the migrant’s house-building

After the we decided the spot of the resettlement and the layout design, we began to acquire the land and launched the policies of “three link and one flat”.We distributed the homestead to the household as soon as poible and we distributed the subsidy according to the speed of the house-building and the quality of the house so that the migrants can be more active.TO ensure the quality of the projects, we will seconded nearly 1,000 supervisors at province, city and town level to the resettlement spots to check the quality.(5)基础设施的建设问题。各移民建镇点的市政公用基础设施由县、乡政府组织建设,着重解决水、电、路,同时配套建设学校、医院、敬老院等设施,搞好绿化美化。省、市计划、财政、水利、建设等部门从资金、技术、政策上对移民建镇点的基础设施建设给予了大力扶持。

(5)the building problem of the infrastructure

The building of municipal public basic infrastructure in the resettlement spots were organized by the government at town and country level.And the work should emphasize on solving the water, electricity and road problem as well as the schools, hospitals and nursing houses and pay attention to the green coverage and the beauty work.The layout design, financial, water conservation, building and other bureaus at both province and city level provided capital, technical and political supports to the infrastructure building in the resettlement spots.(6)拆旧还基问题。地方政府与移民签订拆除旧房协议,在新房建好后,采取“宣传动员引导拆,基层干部带头拆,补助资金挂钩拆,诉讼法律强制拆”等强有力措施,坚决拆除原有旧房。对已整体搬迁的村庄内的旧宅基地,动员组织移民复垦或还河还湖。

(6)the problem of returning the homestead and breaking down the old house

The local government signed the agreements with the migrants on the iue of breaking down the old houses, after building up the new houses, the effective measures should be taken “publicize and motivate the breaking-down projects, the officials at the gra-root level should initiate the action, the distribution of the subsidy should be in consistent with the break-down situation, and force the break-down by judicial proceed” and we should be firm when tackling the iues of breaking down the old houses.(7)移民建镇资金的筹措和管理问题。移民建镇资金通过“国家补助一点,财政扶持一点,社会捐赠一点,农户自筹一点,亲戚支援一点,银行借贷一点,税费减免一点,以地生财一点”等多渠道筹措。省里制定移民建镇资金分配使用管理办法,并定期组织监察、审计、财政等部门对移民建镇资金进行专项检查,严厉查处违法违纪行为。

(7)the financing and management problem of the capital used in the migrating proce

The capital used in the migrating proce should be pooled in various channels “for examples: the national subsidy, financial support, the social aistance, self-deposition, help from relatives, bank loans, tax relief and lease the land ect.” The province government should formulate the regulation of the distributional management of the subsidy and supervise the using condition of the subsidy by organizing the officials from the supervisory, audit, financial and other bureaus, and punish all illegal deeds servely.(8)移民搬迁后的生计问题。妥善安置移民外迁,有的动员进入小城镇,从事二、三产业;有的由安置地分给人均1亩以上的i责任田和山地,继续从事农业生产;有的改变耕作制度,发展避洪农业,从事种植业、养殖业、水产业等。

(8)the livelihood of the migrants after the migration

Addreing the migrants iues properly, encourage some of them to go to the town and undertake the secondary or tertiary industry, and those who gets more than one mou responsibility land should keep on farming, and some may change the farming method and developing the anti-flood farming, like cultivating, aquaculture.汉译英 66、取得的成果










汉译英 78、获得的经验experience archieved


The emphasis laid by the government and the sound organization

Government attach much importance to the migrant and resettlement work, and it iued the“the decision on the restructure and anti-flood measures” and established theorganization committee of the migrants, mobilized the powers from all works of life in the society and gave firm support to the migrant work.Those local governments which were aignedthe migrant work also established the leader and implement institutions and perfect their management principles and resolve the problems f the executive funding and places which aure the effective implement of the work of the migrant and resettlement.(2)坚持“三统一分两严格”的原则。即:“统一组织规划设计,统一组织施工队伍,统一组织建筑材料;分户建设和结算;严格质量监督,严格资金管理。”其核心是分户建设和结算,不搞统包统建。有效地防止了在移民建镇过程中承发包、质量、资金管理等方面的腐败行为,调动了广大移民群众的积极性。

Persist in the principle of “three uniform, one division and two strictne” which means that the we have the unified organization and layout for the plan, the unified implement teams for the work and we have the unified structural materials.the construction and the settlement account were planed according to each household.be serious about the quality supervision and funding management.The core of the principle is that the construction and the settlement accounts were proceeded according to the household and not the maive construction together.And this helped to avoid the occurrence of corruption in the aspects of contractors, quality and funding management in the proce of the migrant and resettlement, and in turn, it mobilized the incentives of the ma.(3)政策优惠,让利移民。江西省政府确定了移民建镇的八条优惠政策,包括减免农业税、耕地占用税、房产税、土地使用税、林地补偿费、市政公用设施配套费、矿产资源补偿费、电力增容贴费等,平均每户减免的费用在3000元以上。各地也纷纷结合实际,出台优惠政策,切实减轻移民建房负担。

Favorable principles and benefit the migrants

Jiangxi Province had set 8 favorable principles for the migrant and the resettlement work,including the reduce and the relieve of the agricultural tax, farmland occupation tax, housing tax , farmland use tax,forest compensation, municipal public infrastructure fee, mineral resources compensation and power capacity fee and so on, that means each household can save more than 3,000 yuan expense.The local government also iued the favorable policies according to their own situation to relieve the housing burden of the migrants.(4)以点带面,依法行政。全省选定了12个集镇、19个中心村作为移民建镇示范点进行培育,在政策上适当倾斜,资金上予以扶持,技术上优先指导,验收上从严要求,起到了良好的示范作用。为加强管理,省政府发布了《江西省平垸行洪退田还湖移民建镇若干规定》,使全省移民建镇工作有法可依,有章可循,走向了规范化、法制化轨道。

Mobilize the overall work by implementing the separate parts and administrating according to the law

Jiangxi Province selected 12 townships and 19 center villages and cultivated them as the models of the migrants and resettlement plan.They had received favorable policies, finial support and technical guidance and sever supervision which helped them to aume the role of models.In order to strengthen the administration, the government iued the “several principles on the project of returning the farmland to the lake” so the work and be done according to the principles and become more regulatory and legitimate.9、传播



Jiangxi's first batch of the work had learn from the succeful experience of An'hui

Province.We refer a lot in many aspects and we also made some innovations and creativity and strove for making Jiangxi's own characteristics.All these measures had solved the living problems of the local migrants which were acknowledged and collated by the related departments.参考资料


1、《小桥、流水、人家》孙金虎、何承春著,人类居住杂志2000年6月第2期第25-26页 2、《中国四川省绵阳市在工业化进程中的居住环境改善行动》邹明荣、董国昌著,人类居住杂志2000年9月第3期第25-28页



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