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Underground Mining

Most present-day mining in Europe occurs under 2000 to 4000 ft of overburden, as more easily mined coal deposits have been depleted.At this depth most mines are developed as shaft mines.All personnel, material, and coal have to be hoisted trough these shaft.Considering the two factors of hoisting capacity and required length of shaft, a considerable investment is neceary to reach the coal-bearing strata.The requires huge investments.Openings at this depth have to be equipped with costly supports, and periodic reworking and repair is neceary.Mines not only extend horizontally but also vertically through the development of new levels.The life of the mines is thus extend considerably, and surface installations can be amortize over a longer period.The more limited reserves have forced companies into mining le favorable deposits, and European government require that all poible deposits be mined to conserve the nation’s energy resources.These factor and the large percentage of inclined seams and faults make mining very difficult and costly.The population density and the heavy surface buildup cause additional expense in the form of payments for subsidence damage to surface structures.Therefore, backfilling is frequently practiced to reduce subsidence.The close spacing of faults often severely limits the size of a mining section, forcing frequent moves and exceive development work.The thickne of the overburden results in very high ground preure.This would require extremely large pillars if the room and pillar method was applied.Additionally, support is required for any opening, adding prohibitive costs to a multiple-entry room and pillar operation.As a result, single-entry longwall operations requiring the minimum number of entries and allowing maximum recovery of resources is the mining method almost exclusively practiced.Shaft mines dominate the European coal mining industry.Shafts 20 to 30 ft in diameter, with circular cro section, lined with masonry, concrete, or steel are the dominant means of gaining acce to the coal-bearing strata.They are often extended beyond the last mining level to provide for future expansion.As in the Unite States, shafts are developed by drilling, blasting, and excavating or by large-diameter shaft-boring equipment.Shaft boring is more frequently used, particularly on the smaller and shorter subshaft, which connect the different levels but do not extend to the surface.Haulage in the shaft is usually accomplished by hoisting of the filled mine cars on multistage cages or by skips.Pumping of coal slurry is also done in special cases.The complex system of forces and the resulting rock mechanical problems developed by mining activities at different levels result in significant differences between European and US underground development.The rock mechanical interaction of the extraction operations at the various levels require that all deposits be mined as completely as poible.Pillars left after mining create zones of extreme and often unmanageable ground control problem, as well as a high probability of roof bounce.Since the number of entries is kept to a minimum because of cost, no bleeder systems are provided.If retreat mining is practiced, only two entries are advanced in to a new mining area.Panels are laid out as large as poible.The large-panel layout is used as another means of reducing the number of entries.Minded–out panels are sealed off to prevent spontaneous combustion through the removal of oxygen.The main levels, with extensive entry systems, are used for coal, supply, and personnel haulage and for ventilation.They are often spaced with little regard to the position of the coal seams, because the deposits are reached selectively through other means.In the past, 165-or330-ft intervals were selected while increasing ground preures and development and maintenance increase substantially, requiring large volumes of air for cooling.As a result, entry cro sections at these levels have to be increase.Fig.9.1 German multilevel, multiseam shaft-type coal mine.Underground facilities:

(1)main shaft with skip hoisting;(2)exhaust ventilation shaft with multistage cage;(3)third-level station;(4)blind shaft with cylindrical storage bin;(5)blind shaft with car-hoisting facilities;(6)main entry;(7)main entry;(8)section or panel entry;(9)road heading machine(10)longwall section with plow;(11)longwall section with shearer;(12)longwall section in a steeply pitching seam mined manually with air picks;(13)longwall section in steeply pitching seam with plow;(14)minded-out gob area;(15)ventilation lock;(16)belt conveyor as main haulage;(17)main car haulage;(18)storage bin and skip-loading facilities;(19)supply haulage with a mono-rail;(20)supply haulage with mine cars;(21)monorail system as personnel carrier;(22)worker-trip cars;(23)pump station.Surface facilities:(a)hoisting tower with overhead hoist;(b)shaft building;(c)head frame;(d)main exhaust fan and diffuser;(e)coal preparation plant with loading facilities;(f)coking coal silo;(g)container vehicle for filling of coke ovens;(h)coke oven battery;(i)coke watering car;(k)coke quenching tower;(l)gas tank;(m)water-treatment plant;(n)refuse pile;(o)power plant;(p)cooling tower;(q)water tower;(r)supply storage area;(s)sawmill;(t)training and teaching center.地下采煤












图9.1 德国多水平、多工作面立井井筒式矿井





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