1约克(York)旅游指南 it’s get a good comment,about 97 % of the people feel it is a good place for us to travel约克(York)是英国的北部首府,由罗马人兴建,至今已有两千多年的历史。York is the prefecture where the provincial capital is located,found by Roma with a 2,000 history.这里因为历史悠久,老房子众多,所以关于鬼的传说也不少.because of the long history and the large amount of old houses here,there are caused lots of the legends about ghost约克有这样一项有趣的游戏:每天晚上天黑时,游客到集合处等候那位一身黑衣的寻鬼人出现,然后在他的带领下,寻访古城里那些传说中鬼魅出没的地方,并讲几个吓人的鬼故事。There is an interesting game about the legend:when it comes to dark every day,the tourisists get together to wait for the man in black who seek for the ghost,then under his leadership,he would like to tell many stories in the places where the ghost stay 这里有很多杰出的建筑,英国最大的哥德式大教堂约克大教堂(York Minster)用了250年才完工,是约克的地标。Many well-known buildings stand here,such as the York Minster,this building took about 250 years to finished which is the landmarks in York游客还可到约克著名的中世纪防御工事——罗马城墙一睹千年堡垒的遗迹。As tourists,we also can have a visit to the famous medieval fortifications—Roman Wall,to enjoy the scenery of the millenniun fort relics in order to get here,you can take flight ,by train or bus to arrive here 2巴斯(Bath)it’s get a good comment,about 100%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel.巴斯(Bath),位于英格兰西南部,邻近威尔士welsh,集英格兰的古典美与威尔士的淳朴自然于一身,被誉为英国最干净的城市。Bath locates the Northweast of England,nears Welsh and get the claical beauty of England and the plain nature of welsh together to be the tidest city in England巴斯风光秀丽,历史悠久,有许多被列为世界遗产的名胜古迹和自然风景。巴斯就是这样一个永远让人觉得轻松惬意的城市。Bath contains a pleasure scenery and a long history,especially the amounts of place of interest and the natural scenery which are listed to be the world heritages..in order to get here,you can by train ,by bus to reach there 3伦敦(London)旅游指南it’s get a good comment,about 90%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel“当你对伦敦厌倦之际,就是对人生也已经厌倦了。”when you feel tired of London,it means that you are tired of your life.18世纪英国文坛大师,因独自编纂《英语辞典》而名扬天下的萨廖埃尔·约翰逊曾经这样感慨过。不管怎样,伦敦从古代罗马帝国以来一直保持着自己的悠久传统,是被称为“日不落”大帝国的首都。Since the Roman Empire,London
always keep the traditional cuture,and to be named of the capital “the sun never set ”.4爱丁堡Edinburgh 爱丁堡是南部低地的中心,也是苏格兰的首府,充满了苏格兰独特的魅力。Ediburgh is in the middle of the southland,and it’s also the prefecture where the provincial capital is located with full of the unique charm of England.此外,爱丁堡不仅是政治中心,而且也是文化中心。爱丁堡的娱乐活动以国际艺术节最为有名Besides ,Ediburgh is not only to be the economic center but also to be the cultural center.especially the entertaiment activities in Ediburgh..著名的爱丁堡国际艺术节常吸引来自世界各地的一流文艺团体在此演出。爱丁堡艺术节在每年8月举行,持续3周时间。When The famous international art festivals are held here,it will attract many teams which are the most excellent around the world to join in.and this festival begins in August every year,and last about three weeks.歌剧、古典音乐、爵士乐,还有芭蕾、舞蹈、马戏等等各种艺术形式济济一堂。艺术节还举行燃放焰火活动。在普林西斯大街公园,人们搭起舞台,由乐队演奏交响乐。Opera,claical music,jazz music,includes ballet,dance,circus and other art shows are gather in one place.5 Cambridge 剑桥(Cambridge,音译“康桥”),以其卓越的自然科学成就闻名于世,与近邻牛津一样,是世界上最好的大学城之一。Cambridge, With the outstanding natural scientific achievements, is worldwildly famous.剑桥的名称取自当地的一条环城河流——剑河(River Cam,音译作“康河”、“卡姆河”),cambridge is named after a locate circle river in the city which called River Cam.(剑河是一条南北走向,曲折蜿蜒的小河,剑河两岸垂柳倒挂,芳草凄凄,河上架设着许多设计精巧、造型美观的桥梁,其中以数学桥、格蕾桥和叹息桥最为著名,剑桥之名便由此而来,剑桥的原意就是指“剑河上的桥”。)时至今日,剑桥已经拥有31个各类学院、科系,学校近800年的历史哺育了牛顿、达尔文等一批引领时代的科学巨匠,哲学家培根、经济学家凯恩斯等贡献突出的文史学者,弥尔顿、拜伦等开创纪元的艺术大师,七位英国首相以及70多位诺贝尔奖获得者,奠定了世界近现代学术文明中心的伟大地位。Today, there are 31 different colleges and departments in Cambridge univercity with about 800 years of historiy.the famous univercity has already to be regarded as one of the most important leading position of science in the world.you can choose to flight,by train or by bus to arrive this destination
泉州旅游景点简介 (含门票价格) 2007-08-10 17:44 在找资料的时候看到的,蛮有用的1.清源山 清源山是国家级重点风景名胜区,由清源山、灵山、九日山三大景区组成,总面积62平方公......