Your letter;Your favour;your esteemed letter;Your esteemed favour;Your valued letter;Your valued favour;Your note;Your communication;Your greatly esteemed letter;Your very friendly note;Your friendly advice;Yours.(2)本信,本函
Our(my)letter;Our(my)respects;Ours(mine);This letter;these lines;The present.(3)前函
The last letter;The last mail;The last post;the last communication;The last respects(自己的信);The last favour(来信)
The next letter;The next mail;The next communication;The letter following;the following.(5)贵函发出日期
Your letter of(the)5th May;Your favour dated(the)5th June;Yours of the 3rd July;Yours under date(of)the 5th July;Your letter bearing date 5th July;Your favour of even date(AE);Your letter of yesterday;Your favour of yesterdays date;Your letter dated yesterday.(6)贵方来电、电传及传真
Your telegram;Your wire;Your cablegram(从国外);Your coded wire(密码电报);Your code meage;Your cipher telegram;Your wirele telegram;Your TELEX;Your Fax.(7)贵方电话
Your telephone meage;Your phone meage;Your telephonic communication;Your telephone call;Your ring.(8)通知
(Noun)Advice;Notice;Information;Notification;Communication;A report;News;Intelligence;Meage.(Verb)(通知,告知)
To communicate(a fact)to;To report(a fact)to...on;To apprise(a person)of;To let(a person)know;To acquaint(a person)with;To intimate(a fact)to;To send word;to send a meage;To mail a notice;to write(a person)information;To give notice(预告);To break a news to(通知坏消息);To announce(宣布).(9)回信(Noun)An answer;A reply;A response.(Verb)To answer;To reply;To give a reply;To give ones answer;To make an answer;To send an answer;To write in reply;To answer ones letter.(特此回信)Reply to;Answering to;In answer to;In reply to;In response to.(等候回信)To await an answer;To wait for an answer.(收到回信)To get an answer;To favour one with an answer;To get a letter answered.(10)收讫,收到
(Noun)Receipt(收到);A receipt(收据);A receiver(领取人,取款人);A recipient(收款人)
(Verb)To receive;To be in receipt of;To be to(at)hand;To come to hand;To be in poesion of;To be favoured with;To get;To have;To have before(a person);To make out a receipt(开出收据);To acknowledge receipt(告知收讫).(11)确认
To confirm;Confirming;Confirmation;In Confirmation of(为确认...,为证实...);A letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)
To have the pleasure to do;To have the pleasure of doing;To have pleasure to do;to have pleasure in(of)doing;To take(a)pleasure in doing(something);To take pleasure in doing(something);To be pleased to(with)(by);to be delighted at(in)(with);To be glad to
(of)(about);To be rejoiced in(at).(13)随函附件 Enclose;Inclose.(14)迅速,立刻
Urgently;Promptly;Immediately;With all speed;At once;With dispatch;With all despatch;With the quickest poible despatch;With the least poible delay;As soon as poible;As quickly as poible;As promptly as poible;At ones earliest convenience;At the earliest poible moment;At an early date;Without delay;Without lo of time;Immediately on receipt of this letter;By expre meenger;By Special meenger;By special delivery;By expre letter.(15)回信
By return;By return of post;By return of mail;By return of air-mail.(16)依照
According to;Agreeably to;Conformably to;pursuant to;In accordance with;In conformity with(to);In obedience to;In deference to;In compliance with;In agreement with;In pursuance of.(17)就...,关于
About;Regarding;Concerning;As to;As regards;With regard to;In regard to;(of);Respecting;Relative to;Anent;In connection with;Referring to;With reference to;In reference to;Re.(18)期满到期及应付之款
To be due;To fall due(become)due(日期将到);Duly(正时,及时);In due Course(依照顺序).(19)(每个,按照,通过)
Per(=by, through)rail.(post,mail,steamer)(通过铁路,邮政,轮船)Per pro.= by proxy(由代理)Per annum(=yearly,每年)Per mensem(=monthly,每月)Per diem [daiem](=daily,每日)
Per man, per capital(=per head,依照人数,每一人)Per piece(每一个,每一件)
To take the liberty of doing something;To take the liberty to do something;To take the liberty in doing something.(21)甚感遗憾,请包涵
To regret;To be sorry;To be chagrined;To be mortified;To be vexed;To regret to say;To be sorry to say;To ones regret;To feel a great regret for;To expre regret;To be regretted;To be a matter for regret;To be regrettable;To be deplorable.(22)(我们)对于...甚感荣幸
To have the honour of doing(being);To have the honour to do(be);To do one(oneself)the honour of doing(being);To esteem(regard)it as a high honour to do(be);To appreciate the honour to do(be);To feel honoured to do(be);To owe one a debt of honour to do(be);To be honoured with doing(being)something;To honour one with doing(being)something.(23)请
Please;Kindly;be good enough;Be kind enough;Have the kindne.(24)感谢,衷心感谢等
To thank;To be(feel)thankful;To be(feel)grateful;To be obliged;To be indebted;To esteem(it)a favour(privilege);To give(tender, return)ones thanks;To expre ones gratitude(appreciation);To tender ones sincere thanks for;To be overwhelmed with gratitude.(25)请照顾等
To command;To order;To serve;To be at ones service;To render service to one;To do one a service;To be of service to one.
Dear Mi Han, We are glad to learn from your letter that you have decided to place a large order for the item of alarm o’clock.As you know, with superior qualit......
1.对于贵公司的衬衣,我们非常感兴趣,若蒙贵公司寄上商品目录,包括销售及付款条件,将不胜感激。We are particularly interested in your shirts and should be glad if you send......
Dear Sirs,We would like to order with your company for 1,200 cartons of Jade Rabbit brand Eential Balm.We want the cartons marked clearly with the name, the wor......
Dear Sirs,We are pleased to have made with you an order for 200 metric tons of Groundnut Oil.Enclosed please find our order sheet and the relative credit will b......
Dear sirs,In reply to your letter of 21st Novermber, We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for bathroom showers.Besides those advertised in the Bui......