Last month, President Xi Jingping and President Trump had a very important telephone conversation where they reaffirmed the important of following the one-China principle and pledged to push China-US relations to greater heights from a new staring point 上个月,习近平主席同特朗普总统进行了一次重要的通话,两国元首确认了坚持“一个中国”原则的重要性,强调要推动中美关系在新的起点上取得更大发展。
Looking ahead, it’s very important that we rise above two things.展望未来,我们还应该致力于两个“超越”
First, we need to rise above the difference of our social systems.China and the United States have chosen different systems and development paths.The Chinese people have great confidence in our social system and development path, we welcome efforts to build a better United States.首先是超越社会制度的不同,中美各自选择了不同的制度和发展道路。中国对我们自己的社会制度和发展道路充满自信,当然,我们也乐见美国能够把自己的国家建设得更好。
Second, we need to rise above the zero-sum mentality.China and the United States have a growing set of common interests.The areas where we need to work together on far outweigh what divided us.In many ways, our interests are increasingly intertwined.第二就是要超越零和博弈这种传统的思维,中美两国拥有着越来越广泛的共同利益,我们之间合作的需要远远大于分歧,在很多方面中美双方已经是利益交融。
We should pull our efforts to enlarge our shared interests rather than building one’s succe at the expense of the other, because it’s just not poible.我们应该做的是齐心协力,不断做大共同的蛋糕,而不是也不可能把一方的成功建立在另一方的受损之上。
日本记者提到如何改善中日关系的问题,王毅部长指出,解药在于日本治好自己的“心病” This year marks the 45th anniversary of normalized relations between China and Japan, but it also marks the 80th anniversary of the so-called “Marco Polo Bridge Incident”.These two anniversary dates represent two totally different paths, the one leading to peace and friendship and the other to war and confrontation.今年确实是中日邦交正常化45周年,但同时也是“卢沟桥事变”80周年。这两个纪念日代表了两条截然不同的道路,一条是和平与友好,一条是战争和对抗。
Several decades on, however, some people in Japan are still torn between the two paths and try to reverse the course of history.We hope all peace-loving people in Japan will make sure their country will head in the right direction in this important anniversary year.几十年后的今天,我们看到日本国内仍然有些人还在这两条道路之间摇摆不定,甚至企图开历史的倒车。我们希望一切爱好和平的日本人民能够在这个重要的年头,把握好国家的前行的方向。
Of course, we want to improve relations with Japan for the benefit of our two peoples.But first of all, Japan has to adopt the right frame of mind, be sensible and come to terms with the fact of China’s development and revitalization.我们当然愿意同日本改善关系,造福两国人民,但是日本需要先治好自己的“心病”,要理性看待和接受中国不断发展振兴的事实。
当前中韩关系复杂敏感,王毅外长重申,部署“萨德”有违为邻之道,敦促韩国悬崖勒马 China has expreed its strong oppositionto it all along.The monitoring and early warning radius of THAAD reaches far beyond the Korean Peninsula, andit’scommon knowledge that THAAD undermines China’s strategic security.Clearly, deployingTHAAD is the wrong choice.It’s not how neighbors should behave to each other, and it may very well make the ROK le secure.我们一开始就坚决反对。因为“萨德”反导系统的监测预警的范围远远超出了半岛,它危害中国战略安全的企图已经是路人皆知。所以引进“萨德”显然是一个错误的选择,不仅有违为邻之道,而且很可能使韩国陷入更加不安全的境地。
We strongly advise some elements in the ROK(Republic of Korea)not to pursue this course of action, otherwise they will not only end up hurting themselves as well as others.China urges the ROK to cease and desist, halt the THAAD development and not to go further down the wrong path.我们奉劝韩国国内某些势力不要再一意孤行了,否则结果只能是损人又害己。中方敦促韩国悬崖勒马、中止部署,不要在错误的道路上越走越远。
谈中美俄三国关系:不应该是你上我下的跷跷板 对于中美俄三国关系,王毅外长打了个形象的比喻
As for the China-US-Ruia relationship in the new area, it should not be “a seesaw game”.The three countries should work with rather than against each other.We should pursue win-win rather than zero-sum outcomes.我们认为新时期的中美我关系不应该是你上我下的跷跷板,三方应该一起做加法,而不是减法,应该一起谋共赢,而不是零和。
The two sides are like two accelerating trains coming towards each other with neither side willing to give way.The question is, are the two sides really ready for the head-on collision?Given the situation, our priority now is to flash the red light and apply brakes on both trains.就像两组不断加速的列车,互不相让,难道双方都做好了迎头相撞的准备吗?当务之急要做的就是亮起红灯、同时刹车。
China proce that, as a first step, the DPRK(Democratic People's Republic of Korea)suspend its miile and nuclear activities in exchange for halt of the large-scale US-ROK exercises.This suspension-for-suspensioncan help us break out of the security dilemma and bring the parties back to the negotiating table.中方的建议是,作为第一步,朝鲜暂停核导活动,美韩也暂停大规模军演,通过“双暂停”摆脱目前的安全困境,并且使各方重新回到谈判桌前。
At the moment of life and death, our people pin their hopes on the embay, and it’s what helps them persevere.Our people have great trust in Chinese diplomats and this is an enormous responsibility for us.We must never betray their trust and we must spare no effort to meet our responsibility.我们的同胞在生死关头第一时间想到的是使馆,并把使馆的救援作为坚持下去的勇气,这对于外交人员来说是一份宝贵的信任,更是一份厚重的责任。面对这份信任和责任,我们义不容辞,必当全力以赴。
Whatever there is difficulty or danger for Chinese people overseas, there would appear Chinese diplomats and the Five-Starred Red Flag of China.哪里有困难和危险,哪里就会出现中国外交官的身影,哪里就会有五星红旗的飘扬。
Over the past year, tides have risen and fallen and the South China Sea has returned to calm.I would go further than saying the temperature has lowered “somewhat” and say that it has lowered “significantly”.This is the result of the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, and it’s welcome news for the region and the world.过去一年,南海潮起潮落,最终趋于平衡,不是有所降温,而是明显降温。这是中国和东盟国家共同努力的结果,是地区之幸,也是世界之福。
At this moment, if someone should try to make waves and stir trouble, then he will have no support but meet the common opposition of the entire region, China will never allow the hard-won stability to be disrupted again.所以在这个时候,如果还有人想兴风作浪、再生事端,不仅不得人心,也必将遭到地区国家的共同抵制。我们绝不会允许来之不易的稳定局面再次受到干扰和破换。
While some people in the world believed in Alfred Mahan’s theory of controlling the seas, the Chinese prefer the approach taken by Zheng He and value maritime cooperation.In the 21st century, we would like to see more maritime cooperation and greater trust between the parties.Even between China and the United States, if we change our mindset, then the vast oceans may well become a broad stage for cooperation.中国人的海洋观推崇郑和,看重的是海洋合作,而有些人信奉的是马汉,热衷控制海权。在21世纪的今天,我们希望海上的合作更多一些,各方的信任更增几分。即使是中美之间,只要转变观念,浩瀚的海洋也完全可以成为两国合作的广阔天地。
There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China.This is a fact recognized by the world and an important principle enshrined in a series of international documents including UN resolutions.There is no basis in international law for the Taiwan region to establish or maintain so-called “diplomatic relations” with any country.Since such relationships have no legitimacy, surely they have no future!The Taiwan authorities should recognize this major trend.No one and no force can block the eventual and complete reunification of China.台湾地区与任何国家建立或者保持所谓的“外交关系”。都缺乏国际法依据。都没有正当性,也必然是没有前途的。台湾当局应该认清这一大势,任何人、任何势力都不可能阻挡中国最终实现国家的完全统一。
First, China believes in the equality of all countries, large and small.We don’t believe some countries should “lead” other countries.首先,中国一贯主张大小国家一律平等,我们不认为应当把国家分为领导和被领导。
Second, the UN, as the world’s most authoritative and credible inter-governmental organization, should play an effective role in coordinating international affairs according to the purposes and principles of its Charter.联合国是当今世界最有权威性和公信力的政府间国际间组织,我们主张应当让联合国根据宪章的宗旨和原则来切实发挥好处理国际事务的功能。
Third, rather than talking about “leadership”, we should really be talking about “responsibility”.Large countries have more resources and capability, so they should shoulder more responsibilities and make a greater contribution.第三,与其说领导,不如讲责任。相对而言,大国拥有更多资源,也有更大能力,理所当然承担更多的责任,做出更大的贡献。
The BRICS countries are representative of the emerging economies.Over the years, the fortunes of the BRICS may have risen or fallen and BRICS each face their own set of challenges.金砖各国都是当今世界有代表性的新兴市场经济体。这些年来我们看到,金砖机制的成长有起有伏,金砖各国面临的挑战也各有不同。
However, as President Xi Jingping has put it, the BRICS are like five fingers, each with its own strength;when the BRICS come together, we form a fist that can punch.As long as we stay united, the BRICS will not lose its luster, rather, it will shine more brightly than ever.但是正如习近平主席所讲的,金砖国家就像五根手指,伸开来各有所长,但是攥起来就是一个拳头。只要五国团结一心,金砖不仅不会褪色,还会更加闪亮。
【转】国务院总理李克强2013年答记者问全文03-17 10:25 【李克强简历】李克强,男,汉族,1955年7月生,安徽定远人,1974年3月参加工作,1976年5月加入中国共产党,北京大学法律系和经济......
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记者问答细则 一.询问对象1.获奖得主,冠亚季√2.校领导√ 3.同学√ 4.家长√ 5.班主任√ 6.志愿者√ 7.播音员二.问题 给冠亚季军:询问之前,请先有礼貌的询问:“同学您好,能打扰你......