新概念英语第三册第25课:The Cutty Sark_新概念英语第三册25课

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Lesson 59   Collecting收藏

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


What in particular does a person gain when he or she becomes a serious collector?

People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so. Indeed they can have a delightful surprise when they find something useful which they did not know they owned. Those who never have to move house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter. They leave unwanted objects in drawers, cupboards and attics for years, in the belief that they may one day need just those very things. As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment. Things owned for a long time are full associations with the past, perhaps with relatives who are dead, and so they gradually acquire a value beyond their true worth.

Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste. Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites. Collecting small items can easily become a mania. I know someone who always cuts sketches out from newspapers of model clothes that she would like to buy if she had the money. As she is not rich, the chances that she will ever be able to afford such purchases are remote; but she is never sufficiently strong-minded to be able to stop the practice. It is a harmless bait, but it litters up her desk to such an extent that every time she opens it, loose bits of paper fall out in every direction.

Collecting as a serous hobby is quite different and has many advantages. It provides relaxation for leisure hours, as just looking at one's treasures is always a joy. One does not have to go outside for amusement, since the collection is housed at home. Whatever it consists of, stamps, records, first editions of books china, glass, antique furniture, pictures, model cars, stuffed birds, toy animals, there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition, to verifying facts in reference books. This hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject, but also in general matters which have some bearing on it. There are also other benefits. One wants to meet like-minded collectors, to get advice, to compare notes, to exchange articles, to show off the latest find. So one's circle of friends grows. Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. Over the years, one may well become a authority on one's hobby and will very probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audiences. In this way self-confidence grows, first from mastering a subject, then from being able to take about it. Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.


人们喜欢收藏东西,有时并没有意识到自己在这样做。确实,一旦无意之中从自己的收藏品中找到某件有用的东西时,可以给人一种惊喜的感觉。那些从来不必搬家 的人们成了一种无所无容的收藏家。他们专门收藏那些只能被称作杂货的东西。他们在抽屉里,碗柜中、阁楼上堆放着一些不用的东西,一放就是好几年,相信总有一天需要的正好是那些东西。人们年老之后也喜欢收藏东西,不过是出于两个不同的原因:一是体力,精力均告不佳,这二者是清除无用的东西必不可少的因素;另一原因是感情因素。东西搁得时间久了,便会充满着与过去岁月的联系,比方说与死去的亲戚有关。因此这些东西慢慢获得了一种超出它本身的价值。


作为一种严肃的业余爱好的收藏活动完全是另外一回事,它具有许多益处。它可以使人在闲暇中得到休息,因为欣赏自己收藏的珍品总会充满了乐趣。人们不必走到户外去寻求娱乐,因为收藏品都是存放在家中。不管收藏品是什么,邮票、唱片、头版书籍、瓷器、玻璃杯、老式家具、绘画、模型汽车、鸟类标本,还是玩具动 物,从为新增添的收藏品寻找摆放位置到核对参考书中的事实,总归有事可做。这种爱好不仅能使人从选择的专题中受到教育,而且也能从与之有关的一般事物中获 得长进。除此之外,还有其他的益处。收藏者要会见情趣相投的收藏者,以获取教益,交流经验、交换收藏品,炫耀自己的最新收藏。朋友的圈子就这样不断扩大。 用不了多久,有这种爱好的人便开始旅行,也许是去另一个城市参加会议,也可能是出国寻找一件珍品,因为收藏家是不分国籍的。一人积了多年经验会成为自己这 种爱好的权威,很可能应邀在小型集会上作非正式的讲话。如果讲得好,可能向更多人发表演说。这样,你自信心不断增强,先是因为掌握一门学问,接下来是因为能够就此发表见解。收藏活动通过富有建设性地利用业余时间使人感到心满意足,不再有无聊之日。

New words and expressions 生词和短语


v.   积聚


adj. 不加选择的


n.   一堆杂物


n.   细线


n.   必需品


n.   癖好


n.   草图,图样


adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的


adj. 意志坚强的


n.   休息,娱乐


v.   查证,核实


n.    关系,联系


adj. 志趣相投的


n.   标本


adv. 有益的,积极的


adj. 心满意足的


n.    烦恼,无聊

Notes on the text课文注释

1  in the belief that,这个介词短语在句子中作谓语动词leave的状语。

2  those very things,就是那些东西,very在这里起强调作用,可译作“正是那个(些)”,“正是所要的”

3  for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, ... and sentiment,在这个句子中,lack of...和sentiment是两个并列的成分,作reasons的同位语,而both of which…是physical and mental energy的非限定性定语从句。

4  beyond their true worth,超过它们的实际价值。

5  to such an extent that,达到了这样的程度,that后面的从句作extent的同位语。

6  as just looking at one's treasures is always a joy,因为欣赏自己收藏的珍品总会充满了乐趣,as是连词,引导原因状语从句。

7  have some bearing on it,与它有关。

Lesson 59   课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer

篇2:新概念英语第三册第22课:By heart

Lesson 22   By heart熟记台词

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


Which actor read the letter in the end, the aristocrat or the gaoler?

Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end, In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. Yet this is not always the case.

A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. Even though the noble was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it should be written out in full.

One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his bands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me'. And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied: 'The light is indeed dim, sire, I must get my glasses.' With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter with he proceeded to read to the prisoner.




一天晚上,狱卒决定与他的同事开一个玩笑,看看他反复演出这么多场之后,是否已将信的内容记熟了。大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗 的牢房里。这时狱卒上场,手里拿着那封珍贵的信。狱卒走进牢房,将信交给贵族。但这回狱卒给贵族的信没有像往常那样把全文写全,而是一张白纸。狱卒热切地 观察着,急于想了解他的同事是否记熟了台词。贵族盯着纸看了几秒钟,然后,眼珠一转,说道:“光线太暗,请给我读一下这封信。”说完,他一下子把信递给狱 卒。狱卒发现自己连一个字也记不住,于是便说:“陛下,这儿光线的确太暗了,我得去眼镜拿来。”他一边说着,一边匆匆下台。贵族感到非常好笑的是:一会儿 工夫,狱卒重新登台,拿来一副眼镜以及平时使用的那封信,然后为那囚犯念了起来。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

run (ran, run)

v.   (戏剧,电影等)连演,连映


n.   (剧本中的)台词


n.   剧中的角色,台词


v.   支吾,结巴说

cast (cast, cast)

v.   连派……扮演角色


n.   角色


n.   贵族


v.   关押


n.   巴士底狱


n.   监狱长,看守


n.   同事


n.   (舞台上的)幕布


v.   使显露


n.   单人监房,监号











Notes on the text课文注释

1  on end,连续不断的。

2  in many ways,在许多方面。

3  go on repeating,继续重复。go on加上现在分词是“继续干”的意思。

4  Yet this is not always the case.然而情况并非总是如此。

5  in the role of...,充当...角色。

6  Bastille,巴士底狱。


7  insisted that it should be written out in full, insist后面所接的宾语从句,常用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,而should又经常可以省略。

8  play a joke on...,拿……开玩笑。

9  sire是古代仆人对国王的一种尊称,现在仅用于故事和剧本。

10  Much to the aristocrat's amusement,使贵族感到非常可笑的是...。

much为副词,此处修饰其后的介词短语to the aristocrat's amusement。 much to+sb.'s sth.是一个常见的状语短语,有“给某人带来很大的…”的意思。

Lesson 22   课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer

篇3:新概念英语第三册第29课:Funny or not?

Lesson 29   funny or not?是否可笑?

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


What is the basis of 'sick' humour?

Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on were we have been brought up. The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics. A Frenchman, for instance, might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.

Most funny stories are based on comic situations. In spite of national differences, certain funny situations have a universal appeal. No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin's early films. However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from the U.S., has recently come into fashion. It is called 'sick humour'. Comedians base their jokes on tragic situation like violent death or serious accidents. Many people find this sort of joke distasteful The following example of 'sick humour' will enable you to judge for yourself.

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas. From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital. Though the doctors did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. On Christmas Day, the man still had his right leg in plaster. He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing. The following day, however, the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good. The good. The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Years' Eve he was able to hobble along to a party. To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him. In the process, he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.



大部分令人发笑的故事都是根据喜剧情节编写的。尽管民族不同,有些滑稽的情节却能产生普遍的效果。比如说,不管你生活在哪里,你看查理.卓别林的早期电影 很难不发笑。然而,近来一种新式幽默流行了起来,这种幽默主要来自美国。它被叫作“病态幽默”。喜剧演员根据悲剧情节诸如暴死,重大事故等来编造笑话。许 多人认为这种笑话是低级庸俗的。下面是个“病态幽默”的实例,你可据此自己作出判断。

圣诞节前几周,某人摔断了右腿被送进医院。从他进医院那一刻时,他就缠住医生,让医生告诉他什么时候能回家。他十分害怕在医院过圣诞。尽管医生竭力医治, 但病人恢复缓慢。圣诞节那天,他的右腿还上着石膏,他在床上郁郁不乐地躺了一天,想着他错过的种.种欢乐。然而,第二天,医生安慰他说,出院欢度新年的可能 性还是很大的,那人听后振作了精神。果然,除夕时他可以一瘸一拐地去参加晚会了。为了补偿住院这一段不愉快的经历,那人喝得稍许多了一点。在晚会上他尽情 娱乐,一再告诉大家他是多么讨厌医院。晚会结束时,他嘴里还在嘟哝着医院的事,突然踩到一块冰上滑倒了,摔断了左腿。

New words and expressions 生词和短语


adv. 在很大程度上


adj. 喜剧的,可笑的


adj. 普通的


n.   滑稽演员,喜剧演员


adj. 讨厌的


v.   一再要求,纠缠


v.   惧怕


n.   康复


n.   熟石膏


v.   安慰,慰问


v.   瘸着腿走


v.   补偿


v.   喃喃而语

Notes on the text课文注释

1  whether we find a joke funny or not,这是一个名词性的从句,在句子中作主语。

2  be bound up with,与...联系在一起。

3  you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin's early films.比如说,你看T查理·卓别林的早期电影很难不发笑。


4  stem  from,起源于。

5  come into fashion,开始流行。时兴起来。

6  judge for yourself,你自己来判断。

7  take heart,振作精神。

8  the man drank a little more than was good for him.这个人稍微多喝了一点酒。

此句than后面省略了主语what, be good for sb.是“对某人有益”的意思。

Lesson 29   课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer

篇4:新概念英语第三册第5课:The facts

Lesson 5   The facts 确切数字

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


What was the consequence of the editor's insistence on facts and statistics?

Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their reader with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refuse to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace'. The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that the he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace.


报刊杂志的编辑常常为了向读者提供成立一些关紧要的事实和统计数字而走向极端。去年,一位记者受一家有名的杂志的委托写一篇关于非洲某个新成立共和国总统 府的文章。稿子寄来后,编辑看第一句话就拒绝予以发表。文章的开头是这样的:“几百级台阶通向环绕总统的高墙。”编辑立即给那位记者发去传真,要求他核实 一下台阶的确切数字和围墙的高度。

记者立即出发去核实这些重要的事实,但过了好长时间不见他把数字寄来,在此期间,编辑等得不耐烦了,因为杂志马上要复印。他给记者先后发去两份传真,但对 方毫无反应。于是他又发了一份传真,通知那位记者说,若再不迅速答复,将被解雇。但记者还是没有回复。编辑无奈,勉强按原样发稿了。一周之后,编辑终于接 到记者的传真。那个可怜的记者不仅被捕了,而且还被送进了监狱。不过,他终于获准发回了一份传真。在传真中他告诉编辑,就在他数通向15英尺高的总统府围 墙的1,084级台阶时,被抓了起来。

New words and expressions 生词和短语


n.   编辑


n.   极端


n.   统计数字


n.   新闻记者


n.   总统


n.   王宫;宏伟的住宅


v.   出版


n.   传真


adj. 不耐烦的


v.   解雇


adv. 起初,原先,从前

Notes on the text课文注释

1  go to extremes,走极端。

2  provide ...with…作“向...提供…”解。

3  to write an article on,写一篇有关……的报道。

4  lead to…作“通往…”、‘导致...”解释。

5  go to press,付印。

6  Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well.这是not only ...but...as well 引导的并列句子,如果将not only置于句首,后面主谓语应采取倒装结构。

Lesson 5   课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer

篇5:新概念英语第三册第52课:Mud is mud

Lesson 52   Mud is mud实事求是

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.


Why did Harry decide to give up his little game?

My cousin, Harry, keeps a large curiously-shaped bottle on permanent display in his study. Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green, an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick, grayish substance. If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud. If you expressed doubt or surprise, he would immediately invite you to smell it and then to rub some into your skin. This brief experiment would dispel any further doubts you might have. The bottle really does contain perfumed mud. How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating. Furthermore, the acquisition of this bottle cured him of a bad habit he had been developing for years.

Harry used to consider it a great joke to go into expensive cosmetic shops and make outrageous requests for goods that do not exist. He would invent fanciful names on the spot. On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called 'Scented Shadow' or for 'insoluble bath cubes'. If a shop assistant told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out. He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did. How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me.

Harry does not need to be prompted to explain how he bought his precious bottle of mud. One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for 'Myrolite', the shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable. When the woman shook her head in bewilderment, Harry went on to explain that 'myrolite' was a hard, amber-like substance which could be used to remove freckles. This explanation evidently conveyed something to the woman who searched shelf after shelf. She produced all sorts of weird concoctions, but none of them met with Harry's requirements. When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the assistant promised to order some for him. Intoxicated by his success, Harry then asked for perfumed mud. He expected the assistant to look at him in blank astonishment. However, it was his turn to be surprised, for the woman's eyes immediately lit up and she fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect. For once, Harry had to admit defeat. He picked up what seemed to be the smallest bottle and discreetly asked the price. He was glad to get away with a mere twenty pounds and he beat a hasty retreat, clutching the precious bottle under his arm. From then on, Harry decided that this little game he had invented might prove to be expensive. The curious bottle, which now adorns the bookcase in his study, was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics.


我的堂兄哈里在他的书房里一直摆着一只形状古怪的大瓶子。尽管那只瓶子呈淡绿色,但细心的客人很快就会发现瓶里装的是一种看上去黏稠,颜色发灰的东西。要 是你问哈里瓶里装着什么,他会告诉你是香水泥。如果你表示怀疑或惊奇,他会立即请你闻一闻,然后取出一些抹在你的皮肤上。这一简单的试验会消除你可能存有 的一切疑虑。瓶里装的的确是香水泥。哈里如何得到这种稀奇古怪的东西的,这里有个有趣的故事,而且他挺爱把它讲给别人听。此外,得到这瓶香水泥还治好了他 多年的一个坏习惯。

哈里曾认为走进一家名贵化妆品商店,荒.唐地提出要买一种根本不存在的商品是件开心的事儿。他会当场编造出一些稀奇古怪的货名。他走进商店后,会提出要一种 名叫“香影”的新型香水或什么“不溶浴皂”。要是女售货员告诉他从未听说过这些东西,他会装出十分遗憾和不安的样子。他爱听售货员说他想像出来的那种东西 暂时脱销,于是他就煞有介事地许诺改天再来光顾。当然,他再也不会来了。我实在想像不出哈里在这些表演中是怎样装出一本正经的样子的。

毋须暗示哈里就会向你讲起他买下那瓶珍贵香水泥的经过。一天,他去伦敦一家高级商店要买一种叫“密诺莱特”的东西,店员露出诧异的神色。哈里又慢慢地,一 字一顿说了一遍这个词,那个女售货员还是迷惑不解地摇了摇头。哈里便进一步解释“密诺莱特”是一种质地坚硬、状似琥珀的东西,可以用来除去雀斑。他的解释 显然对女售货员有些启示。她一个货架接着一个货架地寻找,拿出各种各样稀奇古怪的化妆品,但没有一样能够符合哈里的要求。哈里装出不高兴的样子时,女售货 员答应为他定货。哈里为他的骗术而感到洋洋得意,又提出要买香水泥。他原想女售货员会惊奇地望着他,不知所措,没料到这回该轮到他自己吃惊了。因为那女售 货员听完哈里的话后,马上眼睛一亮,拿出几瓶东西放在柜台上让哈里挑选。哈里只好认输。他挑出一个看上去最小的瓶子,谨慎地问了价。他庆幸自己只破费了 20英镑便得以脱身。他把那宝贵的瓶子放在腋下夹着,溜之大吉。从那以后,他认识到自己发明的小小恶作剧是要付出很大的代价的。在他书房的书柜里摆着那瓶 形状古怪的香水泥就是他第一次也是最后一次购买的稀有化妆品。

New words and expressions 生词和短语


adj. 永久的


v.   给……染色


adj. 淡色的


n.   色度


adj. 观察力敏锐的


v.   驱散,消除


adj. 稀奇古怪的


n.   获得


n.   化妆品


adj. 无理的,令人不能容忍的


adj. 想像出来的


adj. 不可溶解的


v.   敦促,激励


adj. 专售高档商品的


n.   音节


n.   迷惑,糊涂


n.   雀斑


adv. 显然的,明显地


adj. 奇异的,古怪的


n.   调制品


v.   陶醉,得意忘形


adj. 无表情的,茫然的


adv. 谨慎地


v.   抓住


v.   装饰,打扮

Notes on the text课文注释

1  a delicate shade of green淡绿色。

2  If you were to ask,这里用was/were加动词不定式来表示过去预计发生并且发生了的事情。

3  come into the possession of,占有,得到。

4  cure someone of ...,治好某人的…。

5  on the spot,当场。

6  put out,烦恼,不安,不高兴。

7  out of stock,脱销。

8  keep a straight face,板着面孔,一本正经。

Lesson 52   课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer


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