Books are my sweethearts in youth, my bosom friends in middle age and my soul mates in twilight years.Because of them, I never feel lonely, nor worry about ficklene of human nature or the world.They have made me a rich man in spiritual world.I can not live without them even a single day.When I feel tiredne after work, or when I filled with indignation and anguish, I want to get close to them, because they are a good way to relax.武汉的苏阿姨和一二十位退休老人每天晚上都会在一个小型户外广场跳舞,伴舞的音乐由一个砖头大小的便携播放器提供。几个月后,附近高档小区中心嘉园的居民开始抱怨噪音。但抱怨没能阻止这群跳舞的人,于是居民们开始破口大骂。Aunt Su and about ten to twenty retirees in Wuhan dance in a small outdoor square every night and the music is supplied by a brick-sized portable player.After a few months, residents in High-end residential begin to complain about the noise.However, the grumble can’t prevent them from dancing, residents begin to shout abuse.
HOMEWORKWhen the bell rings around 1:40 p.m. thousands of students spill into streets. Notebooks and textbooks remain stored in lockers for the next day. Becaus......
功课(Homework)As can be clearly seen from the cartoon,the mahjong pieces occupy most part of the desk,while a book,an exercise book and a pencil box lie at the cor......
Q.Yesterday, overreacting to an itty-bitty taste of arsenic, Mikehis evil twin brother of murder.(to accuse)A.accused.The clue here is yesterday, which tells yo......